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Solid state 1) Which are the characteristics of the solid state: The solid state is characterized from the maximum degree of order, the property to that connecting are the rigidity and the insufficient compressibiità that relegate to the solid defined shape and volume. Moreover the solid one represents a space isotropo in how much is not property that are tied to the direction.
2) Which are the 2 main criteria of classification of the solid ones: to) Based on the symmetry of their structure. b) Based on the type of ties che they hold joined particles of the solid one. Classification of the solid ones based on the symmetry of the structure 3) What is a crystalline building: Periodic repetition for translation of elementary cells is the entirety constituted from one. The type of the elementary cell must be such to guarantee the maximum symmetry and therefore the smaller energy.
4) Which are the criteria of symmetry of one elementary cell: to) Center of symmetry it is a such point that to every particle corresponds one equal and symmetrical regarding this point b) Slowly of symmetry it is a plan that divides the cell in two equal and specular parts. c) Spin axis of order n is an axis rotando around to which the departure configuration is repeated n times. d) Axis of rotoinversione of order n is a such axis that ruotando respect to it of (2p / n) and carrying out one symmetry riottiene the departure configuration.
5) What is the reticula of Bravais and to what they serve: Draft of 14 reticula through compenetrazione of which is possible to obtain whichever crystalline reticulum, of they 1 is fundamental, the triclino, imposing particular conditions for its sides and its angles if of it 6 obtain others. For some of these 7 are then possible the configurations to centered reticulum, or centered bases, or reticulum to centered faces, until arriving to a total number of 14 various elementary cells.
6) What is the meaning for polimorfismo: The characteristic of a same compound of being able agrees to assume more crystalline shapes.
7) What is the meaning for allotropy: The property of an element of being able agrees to assume more crystalline shapes, as an example the C diamond or grafite.
8) Like it is made to pass from one of the allotropic or polimorfiche shapes to an other shape: Simply using various temperatures or various pressures and holding account of the transformation speeds. Classification of the solid ones based on the type of ties
9) Which are the main types of solid based on the type of ties: to) Solid molecular. b) Solid covalenti. c) Solid ionic. d) Solid metallic
10) What is and that characteristic they have solid molecular ones: They are of the solid ones you form you from tidy molecules held entirety solo from intermolecolari forces, the characteristics of the solid one are tied to which forces hold with the solid one between following: to) Tie hydrogen. b) tie dipole-dipole. c) Forces of van der Waals. Being the electrons intimately legacies to the single molecule, are of pessimi the conductors electrical workers.
11) What is and that characteristic they have the solid covalenti: They are of the solid ones you form you from held tidy molecules with from strong covalenti and therefore assimilable ties nearly to an only macromolecule, a eclatante example is the diamond whose hardness is due just to these strong three-dimensional covalenti ties that differ from the grafite, plus weak person, where the covalenti ties are only along the plans Solid ionic 12) What is solid the ionic ones: A solid one is constituted from Ionian positi to you that they are alternated regularly in a crystal to Ionian denied to you, the forces that they hold with the crystal are: to) repulsiva force when the Ionian ones are approached too much, due to the nuclei. b) electrostatic attractive Force between Ionian of opposite sign. c) electrostatic repulsiva Force between Ionian of the same sign. d) attractive Forces of van der Waals.
13) What is the n° of coordination: It is the n° of Ionian of opposite sign that encircles the single one ione in the crystal.
14) What is the meaning for ionic beam and like infuence the solid property of the ionic ones: It is the beam of the single incompressible sphere that represents one ione, legacy to the which had minimal distance between two Ionian ones to the balance of the repulsion and attraction forces. How much minor is the ionic beam, much greater one is the forces that they hold joined solid the ionic one increasing therefore the melting point.
15) Which are the main types of solid reticula for the ionic ones and which of it is the reason: They are substantially the 3 following: to) cubical reticulum if the catione and the anion have approximately the same ionic beam. b) cubical reticulum to centered faces if the catione has moderately smaller ionic beam regarding the anion. c) reticulum of the blende if the catione is the much smallest one of the anion. Solid metallic 16) Which model describes solid the metallic ones: The model of Drude and Lorentz according to which a metal is formed from Ionian positi to you that they form a compact crystalline reticulum in whose interstices are of the delocalizzati electrons that act as from adhesive.
17) Which are the solid property of the metallic ones: to) conductivity electrical worker and thermal due to cloud electronic. b) elevated deformability before the breach due to the sliding of the molecular plans. c) opacity to the light in fact the free electrons is in a position to absorbing any wavelength. d) lucentezza due to the cession of all the energy due received from the electron hit from the photon. Vetroso state18) the glasses are solid or liquids: to) they are solid in how much have volume and own shape b) they are liquids in how much constituted from a completely asymmetric reticulum, is that is comparable to a liquid with one high viscosity. The solid aspect of in how much in the time the glass prevails however reorganizes and assumes through the slowest process the shape of a crystal. The complete disorder imposes that the characteristics are equal in every direction with the exception of how much happen for the solid ones. |