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Liquid state

1) Which are the 2 models for the liquids and which it is most realistic:

The more realistic model is the model b of following:

to) it is constituted from regions many formers in whose interstices are free molecules

b) an only region Exists which but turns out ordered in inferior way respect to a crystalline reticulum.


2) Differences between gas and liquids:

The differences between liquids and gases are all due to one smaller kinetic energy of constituent particles, they are:

to) the liquids they have one greater density.

b) the spread of a liquid in an other liquid is the much slowest one regarding the spread of a gas in an other gas.

c) the liquids are less compressible and they are dilated less of gases.

d) the liquids possess one own surface delimiting.


3) From what the fact that derives the liquids have one delimiting surface:

It derives from the fact that the surface limit between liquid and external gas, is characterized from a loss of balance of forces in how much the inner forces of attraction is not present on the edge, therefore a molecule in surface is not in equilibrium but is attracted with great force towards the inside of the liquid.


4) Why the evaporation of a liquid involves its cooling:

Why to evaporate they are the molecules to greater speed, therefore to greater energy, and siccome we know that the energy is tied to the temperature, if these go away, the liquid consequently is cooled off.


5) Thing happens to a liquid in a closed container that it comes heated:

The molecules that are separated for evaporation, remain in the pressed ones of the free surface, increasing the temperature, in such a way increase the probability that they come to contact with the free surface of the liquid, returning to the liquid state. To a sure point the system is become stabilized and the n° of molecules that they give liquid becomes vapor in a data time interval is equal to the n° of molecules that give vapor return to the liquid state, the pressure to which that it happens is said vapor tension.


6) Which it is the meant one of the vapor tension:

It is a measure of the attitude of a liquid to evaporate and therefore he is also a macrocospic pointer of the type of ties that they hold joined particles of the liquid. the vapor tension moreover is closely connected to the temperature from


7) What is the boiling point:

It is the point in which as a result of a heating, the liquid creates of the vapor bubbles to its inside, this is possible only if the internal pressure to the bubble is equal to the external pressure to the same bubble which in its turn it is given from the sum of the hydrostatic pressure and the external pressure. Moreover the vapor bubbles being less dense have tendency to go back in surface. The temperature of the passage of state from liquid to vapor is constant.


8) What is the viscosity of a liquid:

It is the resistance that is opposed to the movement of a part of the liquid respect to an other part of the same liquid.