Saturday 15 March 125 6:48:59
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The equipment for the WindSurf costs very much and is difficult effectively to understand of what has need less than us it cannot be based on the councils of an expert, for this reason are born 2 schools of thought, before supports that it is better to buy in new block all, the second one instead inclines for the purchase of the used one.

I always am from the part of the lovers of the used one, the principle idea I am that when a purchase is carried out it must be able to be in a position to being able to replace on the market the same good to the same price to which has been acquired, that naturally I am not possible if address to us to the new one where to the action of the escape from the store the goods loses at least 20% of its value.

However to address to used in a apparently simple field (... table and a sail) as that one of the WindSurf hides of the insidie that very soon emerge and is easiest to incappare in "sun" even if it is not capacities like me.

In the arc of 12 years me virtue to have some taken various of these fregature even if completely is not convinced any, the test I only can have it in the moment in which I try rivendere and I only succeed us to a price much more low regarding the purchase price, for the moment but I have not sold null and then the doubt remains.

Here in temporal order my phenomenal purchases: