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Sharm El Sheikh

E' the vacation of the 3x2, I explain myself, we had to leave in 3 but then Maurizio jumps for via of the attack to Taba happened 3 days before the departure and then we find again a triple one for 2 persons, fortunately, in fact the third bed to the Valtur Sinai Grand Resort is to one public square and with a mattress of granito, optimal in order to rest the suitcases. In the flight Egypt Air the place of "desapparecido" touches to a type a lot losco, Moor, makes Arab, solo, too much busy with its zainetto, fear and suspicion in we but then the aerial part and little second ones after the takeoff begin a strange noise from the left motor, are strong, intense and it does not point out to stop, the type losco is taken care and then I tranquilize myself, in the course of the 4 hours of flight the noise stops and discovers that "presumed kamikaze" Andrea calls itself and has a store of apparel to Tivoli.

To the aereoporto they embark to us on of the pulman and the feeling is that there are indeed too many braces, feeling that we try endured after also to supper, disappointed and afraid we play ourselves endured jolly, the discotheque "the Galeone", from catalogue opened until to the 5 of the mattino... is too much calm in turn, while we catch up it we have in mind the certainty of that will be, is midnight and the track is desert, panic, desperation, begins the acclarato phase of sconforto, we find 2 deckchair, and we begin the rosary for ours "organizzateur", per fortune the Roman not son all equal ones, arrives Arianna with its Tuscany friend, eran on our same flight, we make 2 to chiacchiere and we go to sleep a Pò less sad.

The first impact with the sea is good, the colors not son those of Mexico but much the indeed cordial fish son, ce are some tantissimi to little meters from the beach and are a pleasure to make snorkelling, care also the tests of the course of sub, bite, son 330 euro extra perhaps but the fear to be bored esageratamente is larger, exaggerates, lesson in sea from the 10 to the 11:30, theoretical lesson from the 12 to the 13:30, lesson in swimming pool from the 15 to the 16:30, not is the time in order not to take a sun Pò, but it goes well therefore also why we save ourselves from the many organized excursions give which tornan all disappointed, only bite to the motorata one in the desert to the sunset, evocative sure for the Biblical panoramas but for the rest enough similar to a turn in motion in the city traffic.

To sun purpose, it is October and in spite of inner the standard time al village, alle 18 is already buio, is cosi that all for the 20 when it opens the buffet are superready, brushes all and alle 21:30 when we arrive we find smells it of that there was.

Valtur, Valtur, hour I would have wants to take you for an ear, but you it seems normal school that satisfied 800 euro and arriving to the 21:40 to the restaurant says to me that it cannot be eaten, and ends to elemosinare 6 sandwiches and a saucer of cheese to the waiters, Valtur Valtur, as the our Maximum friend says, "Vattafadandelchiul".

The course of Sub ends in growing of beauty, sympathy and engagement, is also the written examination to exceed but it is an occasion in order to be all together and to study, 2 immersion are madeto sea 18metri, siam patent to you, then the successive day we go off that one that dicon to be the beautifulr immersion of the world "Shark & Jolanda" to Ras Mohamed, is beautiful, one vertical wall, many bubbles ovunque segnalan the presence of one myriad of sub in free fall towards the depths, magnificent encounter, an immense fish, a property left at death one of the Richard Ginori, wonderful colors and shapes of life and then... I and Enrico (... renames Cip and Ciop here to you) is exhibited in an extract of the acronym of the village, the Tamarro step, the instructor stà still to laughs.

, also stavolta as usual mancan history of loves to tell, but the impression is that beautiful one in a place has been a vacation much where he seems natural to sing and to dance the song of Pupo "... on, of we, not even a cloud, on, of we the sky is a fable... "and is strongly the feeling that Sharm has fregato to me, has wants to return, also in order to only understand who to us me has fregato the shoes.