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Method of study

To graduate itself employs much time of the young life of one student, is a lot important that the made sacrifices are the possible minors and the yield is maximum, does not have sense memorizzare tantissime things for little months, must be made so that that that it is studied is a patrimony that accompanies us for all our existence.

In order to resolve the left problem son from the presupposed one that the human memory is not a hard disk, ago difficulty to remember every thing faithfully, however can remember many small things to pact not to expect to come down in the particular, here the following observations:

1) a concept is assimilated if six in a position to writing it

2) In the case of a examination gone badly that it must at a distance be riaffrontato of time, of the questionnaires with of the answers they concur of riappropriarsi fastly of the concepts

3) It is important not to sell the books why one of the little information that remain is where to go to search the rest of the contents of which it is needed

In this every optical examination from supported me has been placed side by side from one or more questionnaires.

In topic of method of study an other important consideration always regards the choice between studying alone or in group, the modern companies reward the group activities that, to my opinion, it has sense if us the job is subdivided and everyone is responsible of sottoset a more small, in the case instead of the study that it is not possible in how much is introduced to us alone in front of the examiner, the risk is that us meetings like my Enrico friend who the day before the examination has studied with a boy who of it knew very less than he, is ended with bocciato Enrico and the promoted other, same he to me has to insert these lines that I share in the study method affinchè others they do not complete its same error, squanderer!!!