Friday 14 March 125 20:15:14
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Study Villetta Barrea

Eccomi here in the eremo of Villetta Barrea, draft of a small house where a equipment is lodged in order to measure the level of the water of the below fiumiciattolo. Here of summer I came to study, to prepare the september examinations, and probably it is thanks to this place that son graduated to me in the 5 previewed years, in fact I recovered the disadvantage here on the others my better companions who succeeded to pass to all the examinations before the summer.

The secret of this place is the noise of bottom of the river that helps to concentrate itself, then the forehead tree repairs from the strong summery sun.

Pleasant the visits of the scoiattoli for their breakfast and occasionally also of the wild boars which fortunately passed from the other part of the river.

The place is to approximately 500mt from house and therefore from the center of the country, it is arrived to us naturally in "Vespa" leaving it the edge of the road.

A pleasure the sound of the clacson of the relatives who passing along the road greeted to me temporary distogliendomi.