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When it is spoken about Mexico anyone has been loves to pronounce the phrase "Mexico and clouds" that of for if it does not want to say nothing but when then six you understand them that in effects a large one is cavolata, but which clouds, those of Mexico are identical to those Italians, if c’is something in Mexico that in Italy c’is not is the sea, magnificent, calls it the sea of the 7 colors and stavolta she is the truth, spectacular, single to see that sea is been worth the 11 hours of travel in airplane.

The beautifulr memory is without doubt the gita one in boat to Contoy, a cinquantina of persons on a boat directed to this reserves natural, the gone travel of is inframmezzato from a Pò of snorkelling on the coralline barrier that, like the barrier of Domingo Saint, does not exist or at least it is not beautiful as that one of Goats (... where in truth there is is not the coralline barrier, but I take this prosastica licence). To signal the guide whom to before he has reassured us on the dangerousness of I found them and then the sign of the cross has been made before throwing itself in water. On the island of Contoy the sea is indeed exceptional, catches up the levels of as I imagine the sea of the paradise, a pleasure to be them even if the sun beats and aloft they serve the lunch. The return is huge, begins to serve a mix of tequila and limonata through a plastic bottle with a small forellino in the stopper, after little we are cooked and it is begun to dance, it is beautifulst, we are all allegros and happy and they is danced towards the sunset.

The gita one to Chichen Itza is a duty for who has made many km in order to catch up Mexico, but like all the duties the fà ones but then does not let within a lot if the memory you of a so steep perron not to feel the need to support to a rope, will be ignoring but in bottom son it only knows and at least to me son resolutions not to transmit to the impression of the magnificenza caught up from the civilization Aztec (... ignoring it is until in bottom, to Chicken Itza was the Mayan civilization). Analogous speech is worth for situated the archaeological one of Tulum that is found on the sea and where many han neglected the ruins in favor of a more comfortable dive in water.

That other to say if not that the chosen village, the "Caribbean Village" were pretty but senz' other inferior to the "Bavaro" of Domingo Saint, than the animation it was insufficient, to the point does not make to have a dance not even Latin American us, than the discotheque of the village it was always empty and that in bottom the Playa neighbor of the Carmen did not offer a lot like nocturnal life then.

But c’is a reason in order to return in Mexico, from the beach of the village looked at a shadow in distance, a isolotto, was Cozumel, isoletta of which avevan spoken a much good to us but paradoxicalally... it was too much near... and siccome nature of the man is strange has not gone (... the ideal would have been to arrive to us with a water motion), bhe to how much avevan said to us then and from recent confirmations it seems that indeed exceptional a coralline barrier was just lì, to two braced from we.