Rules generate them in order to invest
- To maintain itself daily informed and makes an idea
on the macroeconomic moment of the world-wide economy.
- In ag it is right to only invest the moneies that have
been offered also to lose, is a lot important to make this esteem
before beginning, a winning strategy demands in fact conscience and
- To please itself is always one good thing in the life, not
to scorn a modest gain also, especially in periods of recession.
- Diffigive dell' instinct, the ag is accustomed to make the
contrary about that it is believed and those that it is believed in
kind is determined dall' instinct, is good thing to face the world
della Ag with one strategy and to have the calm and the seriousness in
order to always follow it and however.
- To adhere itself closely to the second rule which the
losses must necessarily be contained within 7.5% dopodichè is
necessary to sell.
- If they are had of the moneies to disposition but not it
catches a glimpse the occasion that is attempted convene to attend, is
not made to take from the haste.
- It is always good rule to buy on the voices and to sell on
the certainties even if these they represent rose-colored news, an
example has been the title it Lazio in the year of the badge,
characterized from one long race culminated in the day of the badge,
from the 9€ then to 0,4€ of the days ours.
- It is important not to have haste, to behave themselves
like peggior the buyer that is not to buy to the price higher present
in the book but to put an immediately advanced price to the offered
minimal price. In the sales instead to choose a little inferior
price to the offered minimal price. The calm is fundamental in
- Usually a brocco it is a brocco and when one notices to us
of being to horse of a brocco it convene to sell and to invest on a
good title it rather than to hope that the brocco it is transformed in
champion and it gives back the inflicted losses.
- To concentrate itself on tito them that in the arc of the
day they exchange at least 250,000€ otherwise is difficult
rivender them especially in the case has decided a large purchase.