Friday 14 March 125 20:30:58
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Sure to arrive here it is not a walk, the spot it is famous for via of a record of speed tried in the FuerteVentura neighbor and of some contests not sò well which world-wide championship of WindSurf. It is not a place from beginners , stò speaking about the bay of Las Cucharas, a baietta indeed tightened with on the left and to right of the scogli, as soon as you exit one not bad current intenzionata to carry to you in the near island of FuerteVentura.

Not there are rimessaggi directly on the sea, we have entrusted ourselves to Mike that being Italian in truth is Michele, he with to Paola also we have found residence the Nazareth to us where we have lodged and trasbordato to us from and towards the Airport.

More than of the customers they they are interested to create of the groups of friends therefore often organize of bonfires in beach or of the cenette in typical premises of the zone, they are young and han he wants to amuse itself, evidently from all that earn to us also but absolutely without style falls.

The equipment put to disposition is all recent one and of optimal quality, professional, it is impossible here to carry the own table to decent prices therefore they gives the possibility to you to rent the table of your interest for all the period in which you will be or the charterings and then to the end of period making the account is looked at which promotion you can join.

If memory badly in the 2003 chartering were not of 23 euro to the comprehensive day of all the equipment and the dumb one that comes here always used and however while the lifejackets in how much are absolutely absent like say Mike, "..ognuno it has its destiny...".

I forgot, comes itself here only in order to make WindSurf, the beach does not give some satisfaction to a young person, of a field of Beach Volley of nothing and above all nothing girls, one immense accozzaglia of families with children and mothers racchie and around to the 50 years, one absolute sadness, son ugly also the waiter.