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Castel Gandolfo 2004

This time guessed , finally one chosen guessed in my life, those that to more astonishes me is that I have reasoned to us over... in order at least a second. Here the facts, escape early riser and infraweekly magazine, with Sergio I choose to leave from the roccette, seems is much more wind regarding the beach, in effects is therefore, I put the sail in water, the wind moves me a Pò and endured I understand that the roccette they are not only outside, pain, but it is only an assay, finally I succeed to leave, azz, track, azz, track too much, would have to put the feet in the strep but me I do not feel, the table impenna like a destriero, end in water, the tree it decides to save to me, it chooses mine zigomo and it is looked at.

I do not deprive of hope, I leave again perhaps and in distance I notice Sergio, has cut all the lake , I decide to follow it, them is quite more wind, the crossing, he returns and I decide to pull the edge, azz that beautiful squall, I seem to fly, moments of metaphysics, I have the hands on the boom but the table is at least 5 meters, capers, is jumped the thread of the tree foot, more than 500 mt from the river, the Mistral Electron runs via while the rig with the sail that still I must pay sinks, than to make? But sti it hauls of the sail, famme sarvà, swim like depriving of hope towards the table, anomalous waves the spingon far away but I succeed in riacchiapparla, the life is saves, mò we think next to the pocket, I return behind pagaiando and, miraculously meeting the sail, is 20 cm under the water, invisibile from far away, species for confuseed cecato like me, son content, but hour like I return aloft? I rethink to made chiacchiere with Sergio to Frassanito, in water with a calm Pò a lot it is resolved, it said, I see that the dadino of the foot it is still in the guide, I detach the foot from the tree and ce the riavvito one, hour comes the difficult one, to join foot and tree, ce I would not have never made it, fortunately from the null one materializes a beam of light, Tommaso vistomi in difficulty was accorso in my aid, with after approximately 5 minuteren we succeed in riassemblare the all, Walter, tranquilize it here, all ok, maddechè he is he that stà badly, has the cramps and from the river with the windsurf it has come to say it to us, left to die them but hardly I had been saved and me it did not seem beautiful, all entirety scarrocciamo a Pò towards river, Tommaso lets to go to its vocation of bathe and it tries to re-enter with the 84lt of Walter, goes as it goes, but in the meantime the morituro ago stretching on the 120lt and then it succeeds to return alone aloft, picks me a raptus of cold, said enough that in order today abbiam defied mala the fate, landing place also I to the beach and we decide to celebrate with porchetta, vinello and olives.

Frassanito 2004

After long attended we are to according to day of gale to Frassanito, we have the tired arms from the previous day and cosi with Tommaso we choose to mount of the smaller sails, we meet here with a sea of variable not previewed, the result is that to fine he rimonta its sail from 6,2mq and I it 4,9mq of Sergio, in the meantime but son passages approximately 2 hours, go in water and taken from the lightness of 4,9mq me I go some enough far away, here to the usual falls in water and when I try to go back I notice that the handle of the boom has been opened, calm, try richiuder it, maddechè, the beach it is far, perhaps 500mt, sò not to estimate, a WindSurfista it sees to me in difficulty, it asks to me if I have need of aid, I say it of and he if of và, it were only a question rhetorical.

I decide to put the sail on the table and to re-enter a Pò being swum and a Pò pushed out from the waves, I put to us mezzora but son but, in beach landing place just dinanzi to Mauro and Riccardo that with theirs ombrellino to the magnificent usual eran placed to the center of a collection of topless, deserved and enjoyed pause dopodichè I am shared to try to earn the lost meters scarrocciando.

Lanzarote 2003

Here me the son seen indeed ugly, it was the day of the storm, what he strongly marks in clear and clear way the distinction between one and all the others, that day exited in sea only those forts, advised sails eran 4mq but more better 3,5mq however the day before I had decided that I would have affittato stubborn the WindSurf and siccome son to the 10 son already from Mike, he gives a 4,5mq to me and I get angry a Pò why me it seems small, I ignore that that stà happening. Reached in beach that that famous is immense extended of WindSurf and sails, impressive, it is the day that all attended and hour son all here, I have fear to exit from the bay and in fact I will not make it but I try to enter in water, with large hard work, shooting outside the sail and go, an edge is threaded, hour begin the troubles, the edge of I re-enter, I try to go back but the wind tears me the sail, still tries but with the same result, around to me I see the gommoni of rescue that help the Germans of the course, roba from beginners task between me and me, but I had not made the accounts with the waves, push, push very much and where? But on the scogli that they close the bay naturally, the thought hour goes to the equipment, reduced tree, sail of 2003, table 120lt Drops, an express estimate, 2000 euro of damages if I end against the scogli and then is born spontaneous a liberatorio outcry "Help to me!!! Help to me!!! "the gommoni of rescue they ignore to me,

there are fior of girls to save, I must myself be put in tail, by now lacks little to the scogli, perhaps 1 minute and there are over, still "Help to me!!! "finally a French riccioluto impietosisce, approaches itself and she drags to me to edge, mother mine that fear, thanks, thanks, perhaps ringraziato it too much, leaves me too much soon, in proximity of the buoy from which part a long rope that 100mt door aloft, me I grab hold of to us and in hard work contrasting the current I succeed to reach aloft, but after 20 minuteren.

Torbole 2003

With Walter we decided that for before the time we would have taken a table without drift, eccoci ready, we throw ourselves in water but abbiam fear, without drift scarroccia, begins all good, is from Segnana and ce they are not large dangers, I decide to arrive where the others are all that run as it damns to you, must bolinare much, do not succeed to arrive to us, end the sà wind but not as it remains a wave Pò that it pushes to me towards scogli below the ponticello that door aloft of the Garda, fright but I do not make me badly, it is not just succeeded to leave again, and to say that avevan said to me you go to Garda that c’is wind always and however, passan the hours, the wind does not know them and the scogli they are approached,

when all it seems lost I feel between my orecchie a wind breath, later solos I will understand that it was be a matter of the famous "Venticello of the Hope" that give ponticello the door directly to the center of the lake to the speed of 100m/ora put the sail to mò of galeone and I follow it, I put to us tantissimo, exited to the 11:30 I re-enter to the 15 all were taken care and in order to calm itself eran made a beautiful one magnata, to begin from Valentino, the assigned Croatian scafista to the rescues that allertato had answered that it knew to me and I would be returned alone, fortunately had reason.