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Monoliticizzazione of the dividing couplers and 1) Necessity to realize dividing and couplers with elements to parameters concentrate to you: In the dividing ones they often use a lot of lthe /4, for inferior frequencies to 20GHz the that it means a long line approximately 1mm that it is too much for a realization on monolitico therefore can be replaced lthe /4 with a semidistributed circuit or with a circuit completely to parameters concentrates to you. 2) semidistributed Structure in order to replace lthe /4: It is constituted from the series of three nets, first and
third are abilities placed in parallel while the second one is a
feature of line with characteristic stiffness Z and length q, the incognito are therefore C, Z, q and can be obtained equaling
the matrix of Uguagliando the coefficients To the equation is
obtained 3) Net to parameters concentrates to you in order to replace lthe /4: The net is equal to the previous one only that stavolta
the intermediate feature of line comes realized by means of an
inductance, the elements To and B of its matrix of transmission can be
gains by means of the relations with the elements of the matrix
admittance to you, in particular
4) Net to parameters concentrates to you in order to replace 3l/4: In this case the net is constituted from two ability
series between which it is frapposta an inductance parallel, the
parameters To and B of its matrix of transmission can be gained by
means of the relations with the elements of the Z matrix, in
particular |