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Sections of active filters of according to order

1) Function of transfer of one generic net RC connected to an operational amplifier:

it evidences that the zeroes of transmission have had to the distance directed through the passive net while the poles have had to the feedback distance.


2) Generation of zeroes in the transfer function:

They can be created of the zeroes without to disturb the poles simply immettendo marks them of income in every node that previously was connected to mass, is possible also to carry out all that in partial way.


3) complementary Net:

It is the net that is obtained exchanging finishes them of income and also the escape of an operational amplifier with the mass, draft of one having net with the same poles and function of transfer


4) Generation of poles in the transfer function:

Net RC to 3 doors in 2 nets to 2 doors can be broken, whose functions of transfer are but of 4° the order, that from place to 2 complementary nets Negative Enhanced calls Positive Feedbacks (ENF) and Enhanced Feedback (EPF).