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Synthesis of passive nets

1) Stiffness driving-point of one net and functions of energy:

The equations of Kirchoff to the nodes can be written in matriciale shape where i(t) it is the carrier of the currents and To it is the incidence matrix which transposed relaziona also the carrier v(t) of the tensions to coppers with the carrier vn(t) of the tensions to the nodes. through these relations it is reached the expression of the power where b the circuit is the number of constituent coppers, the transformed one of Laplace is from which that in the case of a net LC rewrites being T0(s) e V0(s) functions of energy that they are always real and not negative.


2) Property of functions LC driving-point:

The zeroes are found on the axis jw in fact placing trova that is imaginary in how much the functions of energy 0T 0 andV are real and positive. Reasoning on the function admittance an analogous result for its zeroes is found and therefore poles and zeroes of immettenze LC driving-point find on the imaginary axis, they moreover are simple and they are alternated in fact imposing sinusoidale stationary state s = 0 obtains that is the stiffness it becomes pure imaginary and it is said reattanza and its derivative is e therefore X(w) is monotonous increasing that it is possible single if poles and zeroes are simple and they are alternated. It is had moreover that the behavior in the origin or to infinite is that one of a pole or a zero that implies that numerating and denominator must differ for 1 degree. Based on the previous reasonings can be written where the c must real and be positi to you.


3) Synthesis of functions LC driving-point:

to)       Methods of Foster

If we must synthetize one function stiffness enough to put in series one inductance of value, a condenser of value and some parallels of inductances of value and condensers of value with .

If we must instead synthetize one function admittance enough to put in parallel one value inductance , a condenser of value K¥ and some series of inductances of value and condensers of value .

The methods of Foster are canonical realizations in how much use the minimal possible number of elements.


b)       Shapes of Cauer

They are two methods bases to you on I use of the continuous fractions and on the fact that rimuovendo from a LC-realizable function a pole in the origin or a pole to the infinite still obtains one LC-realizable function


b1) removal of the poles to the infinite

If ZLC(s) has a pole to the infinite the realizing circuit has an inductance in series of value, rimuovendo this pole remains a function ZLC with a pole in the origin which 1 = 1/ Z LC having correspondsa Y a pole to the infinite that can be removed and to which a condenser in parallel with value corresponds , is continued cos¬ until has not been realized all the function Z3(s).


b2) removal of the poles in the origin

If ZLC(s) has a pole in the origin the realizing circuit has a condenser in value series 1/a, it is removed and it is continued R-come.sopra.


4) Poles of transfer functions:

For a net LC the poles of the transfer function are simple and they are found on the axis jw, for nets RC and RL they are simple and they find on not simple the real axis negative while for nets RLC they are ovunque and also. All the poles of the functions driving-point are not present in the transfer functions, those not present are said private poles while all the poles on the axis jw of the transfer function must be present in the functions driving-point in how much must verify the condition on residual the where kij it is the residual one of zij(s) in pole s = jwi .

The poles not pertaining to the axis jw can also not be present in the functions driving-point.

5) Condition of Fialkow:

Every scale net of admittances pu² to be reduced to a net p constituted from not negative admittances by means of transformations t " p, has , , , if of it it deduces the condition of second Fialkow which the coefficients of the numerator of â?"y12(s) must not be denied to you and more small regarding you respect 22 coefficients to you ofy11 (s) andy(s), follows some that us they cannot be zeroes on the axle shaft positive.

6) adimensional Functions of transfer:

where P(s) contains the private poles of the function driving-point and 11N(s) its zeroes while 21N(s) contains the zeroes of the transfer function. The coefficients of the numerator and those of the denominator are then subject to the condition of Fialkow. Analogous considerations are applied then to the .


7) Conditions on the real part of the parameters of one passive net:

such conditions derive from the fact that a value negative of these you leave real would imply energy supplied from the net to the generator that passive net is not possible for one.


8) Zeroes of the scale nets:

We consider a scale net constituted from a stiffness shunt Z1 , a stiffness series Z2 and a passive net zij', the transfer function is from which evince that the zeroes of transmission of a scale net are produced from the zeroes of the stiffnesses shunt and from the poles of the stiffnesses series and they are found therefore in the left semiplan and on the axis jw .


9) Synthesis of transfer functions using scale nets without losses:

The polinomi of Hurwitz they have all the positive coefficients you and not null and the zeroes are all in the left semiplan, one they important property is that the relationship of the equal part with the uneven part or viceversa is realizable as one immettenza LC driving-point. Considering a net LC sluice on a resistore the poles can be ovunque in the left semiplan therefore the denominator of the transfer function are a polynomial of Hurwitz while the zeroes are on the axis jw, have of it derive that if N(s) is equal then ed and y22(s) is LC-realizable as pure if N(s) is uneven it has e y the 22 If(s) to realize possesses of the private poles regarding ythe 21(s) then these will go removed adding to the circuit the element adapted to represent them.


10) Synthesis of functions of transfer with zero shifting:

In the case that the zeroes of the transfer function are posizionati ovunque in symmetrical braces on the axis jw , the technique of the movement of the zeroes is used that consists in diminishing the power of the pole to the infinite sottraendogli a 22 amount so as to to make thaty21 (s) andy(s) have the same zeroes . This technique comes used in order to realize the elliptic Chebyshev-Inverso approximations and which demand zeroes on the axis jw . In the practical one a term Y 0 = Ksmustbe embezzled to ythe 22 (s) where .

11) scale Nets without losses doubly loaded:

This configuration beyond comprising the cargo 2R and the resistance innerR 1 to the generator has also optimal property of sensibility. Siccome the inner net is LC then Pin(jw) = Pout(jw), follows some

where is the function transducer and is the characteristic function. By means of continuation analytics is obtained that it can also be expressed in one of the two following shapes:

, .


12) Scalatura of the function trasduttore:

It has the scope to increase to the sensibility and the gain multiplying the function transducer for one opportune constant.