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Methods for the direct realization 1) Equations that describe the transmission parameters:
2) GIC:
Draft of a circuit that concurs to realize by means of various active members RC types of members is passed to you, some of which originates them. The circuit is the seguente: Taking advantage of the fact that the potential difference
them to the clips of income of the operational one it is 0 and that
from the same ones it does not absorb current, the matrix of
transmission is obtained
3) GIN and its stiffness of income: (Generalized Impedance Network) It is obtained finishing the GIC with a stiffness
Z5(s), obtains a stiffness of
4) Realization of inductances by means of GIN: A GIN is used in which all the stiffnesses are of the
resistances except Z4 that is an
ability, follow some that the income stiffness is of inductive
type 5) FDNR: It is an element that introduces an admittance of 6) Leapfrog:
Therefore beginning from a simply or doubly loaded net RLC obtained through the tables the various blocks are characterized and it comes true them by means of integrators is simple that with summary losses, investers and. In the case desires to come true a pass-band, the blocks to simulate are of type RLC or LC therefore can be realize with one whichever to you of the circuits that realize functions of 2° the order, the most adapted are the Tow-Thomas in how much the escape pass-band are available are inverting that not. In any case they are obtained of the sensibility next to those of the passive circuit of departure.
7) Filters to commutata ability: In the integrated circuits the resistances of high value occupy space very, they can be realized in much little space and with more precision using one ability commutata according to the following outline For which with j1 2 high andj bottom is had
A resistore can be obtained negative using one various configuration of is made of the clock is had The realized resistances therefore can be used in order to realize inverting integrators, not inverting and with losses let alone filters Tow-Thomas and Leapfrog, a frequency of clock at least double must in any case be used regarding the maximum frequency present in marks them of income, in ottemperanza to the criterion of Nyquist, in practical it is at least 100 times greater. I use of the 4 MOSFET moreover concurs to diminish the effect of the parasitic abilities to the same ones when condensers of the order of the pF are wanted to be used with the aim to save space in the integrated circuit. |