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Current Conveyor

1) Advantages of the current conveyor on the operational amplifier:

It introduces more elevated produced band-gain and its behavior is legacy to the single absolute value of a member.


2) CCI:

If it is applied upgrades them to finishes them Y will have an equal one upgrades them to finishes them X, as also immettendo one current in finishes them X will have one equal current in finishes them Y and in Z finishes them that being to high stiffness is behaved like a current generator, it is had that is .

A possible implementation and the representation in terms of nullatori and nullori are following:

It comes used like probe of current to Negative wide band or as Impedance Converter connecting a resistore towards mass to an income clip and applying marks them to the other clip. It has not had much happening in how much demands of the pnp of optimal quality:


3) CCII:

It is distinguished from the CCI in how much does not slide current in finishes them Y that therefore introduces an infinite stiffness of income, the tension to clip X follows that one applied to the Y clip while the current applied to finishes them X is convogliata to the Z clip, the behavior is therefore

The representation in terms of nullatori and nullori is following


The CCII are behaved substantially like an ideal NMOS, pu² therefore to be realized placing a NMOS in the negative feedback of an operational amplifier.