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Splices between material semiconductors

1) Relation of Einstein:


2) Equation of Poisson:


3) It upgrades them of Built-In:

Putting to contact a p_doped with a n_doped a travaso is had of loads for spread, such process comes stopped rebelling of upgrades them of Built-In where nn0 it is the electron concentration in the region n to the equilibrium while pp0 is the gap concentration in the region p to the equilibrium.


4) Amplitude of the emptied regions:

Making the approximation of complete emptying and applying the equation of Poisson and in the fattispecie ha e is obtained


5) Pin Diode valve:

Between the region p and the region n it comes inserted a layer of weakly drugged intrinsic semiconductor or that for whichever applied polarization it completely turns out to be emptied.


6) Typology of alignments for eterostrutture:

Alignment of 1° type ž has a tightened material to gap that form a hole of upgrades them place to contact with a material to gap wide that forms the barriers is for the conduction band that for the valence band.

Alignment of 2° type ž with an opportune one chosen of the seemiconduttori materials one of they can act as from hole of upgrades them for electrons and from barrier for gaps.


7) Model of Anderson and Frensley-Kroemer:

In a eterostruttura they come placed to contact semiconductors with gap various, the model of Anderson previews that this variation of gap determines one variation of the energy of the band of equal conduction to the difference of the electronic affinities . Draft of a model that account of the dipole presence does not hold that is formed because of the interface, that instead it is previewed in the model of Frensley-Kroemer for which the discontinuity of the valence band is given from the .


8) realizzative Epitaxy and techniques:

The epitaxy consists in realizing a thin crystalline layer of material semiconductor whose property are determined from the below substrate. The possible techniques are following:

LEC similar to the Czochralsky method

LPE the crystalline layer grows a liquid solution beginning from saturates diluted on a crystalline substrate

VPE the increase process is fed from a vapor and therefore it demands high temperatures

MOCVD is based on the pyrolysis of metallorganici elements in presence of idruri

MBE of makes us molecular comes deposits to you on a heated crystalline substrate


9) Nearly levels of Firm:

In conditions equilibrium does not have an only level of Firm bensi 2 that come to coincide when the equilibrium is caught up, have cioè e


10) Density of current in the Schockley diode valve:

wherethe s1 it is the saturation current that crosses the splice in the case of inverse polarization.


11) Efficiency of injection electronic: