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Fiber optics

1)       Speed of the light in the empty one and means:

The speed of the light in the empty one is while in means it is the same uniform for the refractive index n.


2) Relation between the frequency of oscillation in means with refractive index n and the wavelength in the empty one:


3) geometric Optical and optical physics:

When the wavelength of the cancellation is small regarding the physical dimensions of the system pu² to describe the optical propagation in terms of beams that characterize the trajectory continuation from the cancellation.


4) Law of reflection:

It asserts that a beam that it affects with angle to the surface of separation between two means with various refractive indices will come reflected with an angle b = to .

5) Law of Snell:

It asserts that a beam that it affects with angle to the surface of separation between two means with various refractive indices will come rifratto with an angle g for which it is worth the relation.

6) Angle limit:

It is the angle tom of incidence for which the refraction angle is of 90°, its expression is obtained easily from the law of Snell and is .


7) Angle of Brewster:

Draft of the angle for which the reflection is null for polarization TM, it is worth .


8) Riflettanza in the case of normal incidence:


9) Principle of superimposition for ondulatori phenomena:

The electric field associated to the combination of 2 waves is given from the sum of the fields associates to you to ciascuna wave, that can give place to constructive and destructive interferences in the case that the sources are coherent.


10) Diffraction:

In presence of obstacles the light propaga online straight, the phenomenon is analyzable considering that every point of the wave forehead is source of secondary spherical waves.


11) Fiber to index jump:

Is one fiber constituted from a nucleus with covered refractive indexn 1 from a cape with refractive index n2 > n1 .


12) Angle of acceptance of one fiber and numerical opening:

It is the maximum angle that the beam incident can form regarding the axis so that then the beam remains confined in the fiber and total propaghi for reflection, its breast is called Numerical Opening and characterizes the fraction of the light emitted from the source that comes propagata collection and along the fiber, is had .


13) intermodal Dispersion:

It is the phenomenon for which various beams cover various ways to second of the angle of entrance in the fiber and therefore they employ different times that it implies an increase of the impulse sended in transmission.


14) Fiber to profile of graded refractive index:

Fiber draft in which the refractive index it has varied from the axis regarding the periphery to the aim to make that all the beams employ the same time in order to cross the device.


15) Equations of Maxwell for a dielectric lacking in charges:

, , ,


16) Fields in one fiber step-index:

in the nucleus

in the cape


17) Parameter of standardized frequency:


18) N° of ways propaganti in one fiber:


19) Mechanisms of attenuation:

to)       which had Absorption to resonances of constituent atoms the fiber

b)       which had Scattering to submicrometriche variations of the refractive index or to excessive curving of the fiber


20) Characteristics of connectors and joints for fiber optics:

A good joint has inferior attenuations to 0,05dB while a connector has one loss of insertion of 0,2dB.


21) Effect of the dispersion on the trasmissiva ability to one fiber:

The band to disposition of a connection in fiber is determined from the mutual one of the increase of a provoked optical impulse from the dispersion.


22) dispersive Means:

It is means in which the refractive index is function of the wavelength.


23) relative spectral Width of the source:


24) Coefficient of dispersion of the material:


25) Parameter of dispersion of the material:

26) Increase total of the impulse after one distance l:

where t1 has had to the intermodal dispersion and t2 have had to the dispersion of the material.


27) Parameter of standardized propagation:


28) Index of group:


29) Condition for having one monomodale fiber:


30) Methods of fabrication of fibers:

to)       from liquid phase using a double crucible and of the barrette of quartz various drugged

b)       from phase vapor it concurs to realize the barrette of quartz used in the method to liquid phase