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Callbacks on the transmission lines

1) Categories of guiding structures:

to)       structures constituted from two conductors parallels separates, they come described to you with the theory of the transmission lines

b)       structures that do not introduce conductors parallels separate to you, being definable tension and current the trattazione do not leave from the electric field concepts and magnetic field.


2) Equations of the lines:

being the constant of propagation and the characteristic stiffness. From the fasori it can be gone back to the expressions in the time with the relations e .


3) Coefficient of reflection in tension:



4) Stiffness of standardized income:


5) Coefficient of reflection in current:



6) Admittance of standardized income:


7) Power yielded from the line to the cargo:


8) Standing wave ratio:


9) Paper of Smith:

It is a diagram on whose aces are represent the real part and the imaginary part to you of the coefficient of reflection (…GV for the paper of the stiffnesses and G for the paper of the admittances). All the points find to the inside of the circumference of unitary beam in how much the module of the reflection coefficient are always smaller of 1 moreover on it are rappresentabile the standardized stiffness of income, whose points to constant real part are found on of the circumferences passing for point (1,0) while the points to constant imaginary part are found are found on of the circumferences that do not intersect the axis of the abscissas. Moving itself from the cargo to the generator the paper of Smith in hour sense is covered.


10) Relation between the variation of phase and the movement on the line in the Paper of Smith:


11) Adaptation with one stub:

The point is characterized on the paper of Smith correspondent to the cargo, moving itself from the cargo towards the generator corresponds to ruotare in hour sense on the paper of Smith, us firm when the having circumference is intersected |B| = 1, it will have been ruotato of Dq1 which a movement corresponds on the line of to such distance becomes part a stub of such lengthd 2 that and obtains therefore the Y adaptationin= 1.