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Techniques of plan of numerical filters

1) Algorithm for the plan of the numerical filters :

to)       Specific of the property demanded for the system

b)       Approximation of the detailed lists for means of a system to discreet time

c)       Realization of the system using the Arithmetic to ended precision


2) Method for the planning of filters IIR :

An analogic filter is transformed in specific a satisfactory numerical filter determined this because the methods of plan of analogic filters are much valid and use formulas in simple shape sluice and.


3) Invarianza to the impulse :

In short other is not made that to capture a sure number of champions from the answer to the impulse of the analogic filter, the relation is had . It is observed that the imaginary axis in the plan s map on the unitary circumference while the left half of every present strip in s map on the inner part of the unitary circumference while the skillful half map on the external part of the same one. Being based on the sampling this method it can introduce aliasing and therefore its I use is focused on the systems limits to you in band.

It is observed that if the poles in s are stable that is to negative real part the poles of the numerical filter are contained to the inside of the unitary circle in Z therefore also the numerical filter turn out to be stable.


4) bilinear Transformation :

The transformed Z of the answer to the impulse of the numerical filter can be obtained simply replacing in the T.d.L. of the answer to the impulse of the analogic filter. The bilinear transformation is therefore and map the imaginary axis of the plan s on the unitary circumference, sends the left semiplan in s to the inside of the unitary circle and sends the left semiplan to the outside of the same one. With this transformation a numerical filter is obtained beginning from stable stable an analogic filter, moreover is not had aliasing but phase distortion is had.


5) numerical Filters Butterworth:

A filter of Butterworth is characterized from an answer in flat amplitude in passing band, where N is the order of the filter and how much the more is large the much more answer of the filter is approached the answer of the ideal filter while Wc is the analogic pulsation of cut for which the module is reduced to 0,707 of the its maximum value.

It is observed that are 2N poles equidistanziati on a circumference of beam Wc in the plan s and are arranged symmetricalally regarding the imaginary axis of these poles are stable only those that fall in the left semiplan.

If a numerical filter is planned to leave from the analogic filter of Butterworth it obtains a circumference centered in the origin while the circumference of Butterworth it is not, moreover the poles more are not equispaziati in short ci² that it makes is to determine the stable poles of the filter of Butterworth and mapparli through the bilinear transformation on the unitary circle.


6) numerical Filters Chebyshev :

Draft of having filters uniform oscillation in the band passing and monotonous in the dark band or monotonous in dark band and uniform oscillation in passing band, has where is the polynomial of Chebyshev for which the formula of recurrence is defined while and is admitted function of the ripple in passing band and Wc is the wished pulsation of cut. The poles of this filter are disposed on one ellipse in the flat S.


7)       elliptic Filters:

Draft of filters that concur of having a uniform attenuation is in the passing band that in the dark band, it is had

being UN(W) one elliptic function of Jacobi. In order to realize this type of filters they are necessary is poles that zeroes and these last ones are disposed on the axis JW of the flat S.


8) Realization of filters pass-high, pass-band and eliminate-band :

Before a pass-low filter to frequency standardized with one is planned of the previous methods and then by means of algebriche transformations the wished characteristic is obtained, in particular is associated variable z to the function of pass-low transfer and the variable Z to the wished function of transfer, between they vige the transformation from which for opportune values of N and tok the wished transformation is obtained.


9) Plan of numerical filters IIR assisted to the calculating :

Since analytical procedures do not exist us for the plan of analogic or numerical filters that satisfy detailed lists arbitrary, they have been asserted technical of solvable planning to general character but only to the calculating.

to)       Minimizzazone of the medium quadratic error

The answer in wished frequency must be assigned for a n° discreet of frequencies, in correspondence di.le which is defined the quadratic error medium , admitting for the filter a function of transfer is necessary to determine the values of the coefficients that diminish the medium quadratic error that it is possible resolving the system of equations that is obtained uguagliando to zero the partial derivatives respect to everyone of the coefficients.

b)       Minimizzazione of the order error p

One only differs from the previous method because it comes diminished not the medium quadratic error but one medium weighed of its p-esima power or it is worked on the group delay.


10) Plan of filters FIR with the use of windows :

In kind the wished function of transfer Hd(andjw) for a selective filter is constant at times that it implies that the answer to corresponding the unitary championhd (n) is an infinite sequence, in order to render it ended and motive can be cut, is obtained therefore h(n) = hd(n)w(n) where w(n) it is the window that can be rectangular, triangular or of Bartlett, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman. Being the relation draft of periodic a continuous convoluzione therefore the how much the more transformed one of Fourier of the window is grip, the much less phantom will be dulled regarding the wished phantom, in particular it is had that the rectangular window is that one that has the main lobe more strait but the secondary lobes are a lot elevate to you, in order to lower them is necessary to dull the window to the ends that is possible with the other types of windows which but introduce a main lobe more wide one and therefore greater smussamento. The width of the main lobe is moreover inversamnte proporziona them to N.


11) Plan of filters FIR assisted from the calculating :

They are taken of the champions on a period of the answer in wished frequency after which it is proceeded for interpolation, a greater attenuation in dark band can one or two but be obtained taking champions in transition band. With this method they are obtained of the filters with excellent characteristics but to expenses of a greater complexity of plan regarding the filters it realizes to you with I use it of the windows.