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Planning of DSP systems

1) Algorithm of planning :

to)       On the base of the application requirement of the system must be defined

b)       To select the Dsp that better adapted to the situation

c)       To develop and to correct the software in parallel with the development of the hardware and subsequently to integrate them

d)       To test and to correct the system


2) Criteria for the selection of device DSP :

The choice of the DSP mainly is based on the two following requirements:

to)       Respecting the tempistica of the plan

b)       To realize the more effective solution from the point of view of the cost

it is decided to make to prevail an aspect regarding the other to second of the n° of exemplary that is necessary to realize, in any case the selected DSP must be equipped of documentation and instruments of development.


3) Chosen of the programming language :

It can be chosen between a language to high level which the C that offers to a greater comprensibilitĂ  and facility of development, or a language to low level which the assembler, which more express is less comprehensible but. The adopted solution more previews uses it of the assembler for the parts of the program mainly used that in kind it does not exceed 5% and the rest comes realized in C.


4) Test of the software :

A simulator can be used software that imitates the behavior of the DSP or a platform hardware that can be is a module of appraisal characterized from insufficient quality that true and a just emulatore one that concurs a effective test of the system. Through the platform it is necessary periodically to realize in the course of the development of the software its verification so as to to increase the probability that the integrated system functions correctly.


5) Plan hardware:

The detailed lists on the speed of the processore, memory, I/O, come examined in the phase begin them of the plan.


6) Typology of DSP:

General Purpose draft of usable DSP for applications generates them which are develop to you and improves to you from the manufacturers periodically.

Special Purpose is specific DSP for determined applications and therefore when correctly it uses you they are faster regarding the General Purpose.

Bit-Slice Components is of the base blocks which come connected between of they in order realizing a specific application, therefore they represent one intermediate solution between the previous ones.