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Elements of imperfect transmission 1) imperfect Logon : C$r-with regard to the logon directed between a generator and a utilizzatore the following cases can be introduced: Ideal source with connected constant R resistance to a utilizzatore with resistance Zu(f) ¹ R e ru(f) ¹ 0 It is had that it marks directed them is faithful and not risente of the idealità of the utilizzatore that instead is all represented from does not mark reflected them. Connected not ideal source to an ideal utilizzatore The transfer is imperfect sin from the origin and characterized from the reflection coefficient on the generator Source and utilizzatore both not ideal It marks directed them he is not faithful and it is function of rg(f) and of ru(f) moreover rebelling is had also of marks reflected them.
2) unexpected Effect additive in escape :
where r(t) it is marks them that base is obtained in escape from a real channel in band adapted to the 0 ends when comes applied to it it marks them x(t) whilex(t) are the answer of a idealizzato channel represented with quadripolo having a function of transfer. The unexpected effect is little meaningful in how much can also contain a faithful addend.
3) Disturbance :
where is marks them faithful, in it tu it is chosen so that is maximum while gu it is determined so that , in practical per² both the correlations are not notes while it is famous , the value of tu obtain then imposing are maximum , the value comes then used in order to calculate Sotto such conditions obtains that the received power is equal to the sum of the useful power and the disturbing power. In a generalized manner the disturbance is sum of one member dd employee from marks them entering and of one member d from independent it, has that is.
4) Representation equivalent of an imperfect channel : The outline is constituted from quadripolo an ideal Qu to which it is applied it marks them x(t) and it supplies in escape marks them useful xu(t), such it marks them comes sended to a sommatore is directly that through quadripolo distorting a QD that supplies the member dD(t). To the sommatore the (t) of the independent disturbance comesalsoapplied the member d from marks them of income and in escape it is had marks received them r(t).
5) Transmission in a linear channel varying time : Time varying when the impulsive answer of the same one varies in the time in aleatory way and independent from it marks them entering, for semplicità is had a linear channel supposes of having a linear channel in which the single attenuation he is variable and with an evolution much slow one, the correspondent transfer function can be decomposed in two terms where Hc(f) can be thought equal to the waited for function of transfer 0H(f) for f < fM being fM the maximum contained frequency in the stationary process entering x(t), antitransforming H(f, t) the impulsive answer is obtained that convoluita with it marks them x(t) supplies marks them of escape from the channel . From considerations on the correlation one finds that it marks them useful xu received coincides with r(t) therefore marks them of escape is not affection from disturbs but the channel is not stationary in particular is obtained the relation between the powers therefore pu² to be represented with an only having block trasmettenza H0(f)gs(t) and characterized from an attenuation dove is the attenuation attended in absence of variability of the attenuation while is the additional attenuation due exactly to the fact that the channel introduces variable attenuation. If it marks them of income has opportune characteristics can be gained from marks them of escape r(t) the instantaneous value of the additional attenuation Tos(t), this operation is carried out from a circuit AGC that goes to act on the amplification of a variable amplifier so that it supplies in escape marks them ideal x0(t).
6) Transmission in an ideal channel invariant time : A channel that is rappresentabile with quadripolo a having LTI function of transfer but that it does not satisfy the conditions for the ideal transfer in all the band of frequencies interested from marks them of income, gives to place to linear distortion invariant time which substantially is divided in the two species: Distortion for cut of band: Supponiamo that the channel is behaved as a rectangular filter low-pass filter, its function of transfer will be of the type which a impulsive answer corresponds that introduces a time of climb of the not null impulse of escape and moreover the answer is not null for t<0 therefore the filter is unattainable antimotive and therefore physically, low-pass filter real instead introduces a impulsive answer with the same time of climb but duration limited in (0, 2t0) therefore motive, its answer to a generic one marks them x(t) from place to smussamento of the shape of temporal wave in escape and elongazione in the time. Linear distortion in band: This kind of distortion from place to a variation of the function of transfer of the H(f) channel regarding the function of ideal transfer H0(f), such relative scostamento is , estrinsecando H(f) and antitrasformandola obtains the impulsive answer h(t) that convoluita with x(t) it gives back marks received them r(t) that evidences the presence, beyond to marks attended them x0(t), of an unexpected effect due exactly to not the linearity of the channel, therefore a linear channel invariant time can be represented with quadripolo ideal having a characteristic H0(f) whose it marks them of escape x0(t) endures the distortion of the quadripolo distorting with H characteristicand(f) which it produces in escape marks them unexpected and(t) that 0 sum tox(t) giving itself place to r(t). It is observed that in the case of small distortion of amplitude and phase in band base that is if has and the relative scostamento of the function of transfer can carry out in the an approximation of the exponential by means of Mac Laurin obtaining from which taking advantage of the linearity of the antitransformed one of Fourier the two effects inattesi e are had directly The distortions introduced from the channel can be eliminated by means of it use of a having equalizzatore function of transfer for fm < |f| < fM, which it can be inserted in whichever point of the system and must be characterized from enough large a delay to render antimotive the equalizzatore.
7) Transmission in presence not static linearity : It marks them that she obtains in escape from a quadripolo not linear is where is the answer to the small marks them that it is supplied from a quadripolo ideal when the unexpected effect è that assumes more and more great proportions how much the more marks them of income is such to go to interest the part not linear of the characteristic of the device, that for it marks them in traslata band makes that the information associated to the envelope comes considerable distorted while the information associated to the instantaneous phase substantially remains immutata. Carrying out a decomposition in series of Mac Laurin of the unexpected effect additive has deduces that the number of terms to take in consideration is function of the entering power in particular the how much the more entering power is high, many more terms is necessary to consider, in kind if they consider 5. The greater problem of the distortion not linear statics is that they come produced of the frequencies that go to interest the channels adjacent. The methods in order to reduce the effects of the static linearity are not following: to) back-off the power in income comes reduced so as to to interest the region linear of the characteristic, however it is had that also the escape power consequently is reduced that goes to discapito of the segnale/rumore relationship. b) filtering becomes part to goes them of the quadripolo not to delineate a filter with optimal selettività which it eliminates the products generates the not linear device to you. c) the binoculars come use you of the identical quadripoli everyone of which have in income a power that is inferior of 3dB regarding that it would have if it were alone, the gain total is equal to the gain of everyone of the two component quadripoli, but having carried out a back-off of 3dB it obtains that the unexpected effects of 2° the order are reduced of 3dB while those of 3° the order are reduced of 6dB and therefore via, if then a logon of Push-Pull type is carried out obtains the cancellation of the unexpected effects of equal order. d) predistortion is put to goes them of the quadripolo not to delineate a quadripolo with complementary characteristic .
8) Effect of the thermal noise on a resistore to absolute temperature T closed on an adapted bipole: The thermal noise from place to a having process spectral density of constant power with K=1,38*10-23J/K.
9) Disturbi independent agents on a linear channel: Draft of orthogonal processes regarding that profit, having itself physical causes of nature is intrinsic that extrinsic to care of others the quadripoli that concatenando constitute the considered channel. They are observable to the escape of the quadripolo therefore in a general schematizzazione only have a having sommatore as incomes the trasmissivo means and a generator of disturbs independent dT(t) while the escape is sended to the quadripolo receiving. The disturbance total is dT(t) = dTo(t) nQ(t) where: dTo(t) = nTo(t) nAe(t) d(t) dp(t) is disturbs inherent trasmissivo means, in particular: nTothe (t) it is the intrinsic Gaussian noise of which had trasmissivo means to thermal, quantico noise and of scintillation nAe(t) is extrinsic the Gaussian noise of which had trasmissivo means to disturbs atmospheric and crafts them dI(t) is the which had disturbance to interferences with marks them pertaining to other trasmissivi channels dp(t) is a impulsive disturbance which had to isolated causes nQ(t) is instead the Gaussian noise receiving equivalent of the quadripolo.
10) Gaussian Noise system additive: It disturbs impulsive demand a detailed study in function of the tipologia of the trasmissivo channel while for the noise to Gaussian nature a study to general character is possible, in particular the Gaussian noise ns of the system turns out to be the sum of the Gaussian noise of trasmissivo means nTo(t) = nTo(t) nAe(t) having spectral density NTo(f) (…than in the case trasmissivo means it is found in thermal equilibrium to the temperature of 290K and is finished in income on an adapted resistore distributes to the door of receiving escape a spectral density of constant power ) and the noise equivalent which had to quadripolo nthe Q(t) which if connected in conditions of adaptation to both the doors and in absence of mark them useful or of it disturbs to its income produces in escape a spectral density of power Nint(f), however the not noisy Q can be thought quadripolo receiving adding to its income one additiva source of Gaussian noise with spectral density of power .
11) synthetic Largenesses that express the Gaussian noise in invariant linear quadripoli time: Admitted that the adaptation conditions are satisfied the generated Gaussian noise from trasmissivo means to its escape it can be simulated finishing the door of income of quadripolo receiving the Q on a resistore characterized from a temperature dictates to temperature equivalent of noise of trasmissivo means. Analogous the noise produced from Q brought back in income can be simulated connecting in income a having resistore temperature . The spectral density of N noiseu in receiving escape from quadripolo the Q can be obtained multiplying the G(f) gain for the spectral density of noise in income to the same where TS is the temperature of noise of the system. A largeness that has preceded the temperature of noise in the description of subject systems to disturbs independent is the figure of noise given exactly from the relationship between the effective spectral density of the noise in escape and the spectral density of power that the all in the case system would be had in escape in absence of inner noisinesses to quadripolo the LTI is to the temperature TTo = T0 = 290K. Replacing is obtained that become simpler it gives back to the relation between the temperature of noise and the figure of noise, moreover is possible to obtain the figure of present total noise simply integrating the density in the definition of the figure of noise. An ulterior characterization of quadripolo by means of the band the equivalent of noise is moreover possible where Gor is the maximum gain of the quadripolo that usually band is had to center whose importance resides in the fact that the quadripolo considered can be replaced with a quadripolo passes band with function of rectangular transfer .
12) Noise of quadripoli in cascade: A chain of quadripoli you mail in cascade introduces to the door of income of first a spectral density of noise that is the sum of the spectral density that they are obtained bringing back in income the spectral density that everyone of the constituent quadripoli has to its income that is to the income of quadripolo the equivalent, has being , it is characterized therefore from a temperature of noise and a figure of noise .
13) Techniques of reduction of the effects of disturb independent: For it marks them in band base puts a filter passes band for disturbs independent to Gaussian character and a limiter for disturbs impulsive which from place to distortion and therefore it needs of a filter to its escape. In the case of it marks them in traslata band instead the realization of the filter with good selettività is much complex and therefore it is rerun to the technical superheterodyne in order to carry marks them to an intermediate frequency more lowland for which the filtering is simpler. In the case that marks them useful is to constant envelope, to the aim to maintain this characteristic, comes practiced the limitation also in traslata band, it is had that the value Tos of the limitation threshold must respect the inequality where todp is the value of peak of the disturbance of relative amplitude. |