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Ciclostazionari processes 1) ciclostazionario Process in tight sense: It is a not stationary process for which a real number T 0 >0exists, said period of ciclostazionarietà, such that the density of combined probability verifies the where with xn' it means xn to time t1 T0 . It is had that all the statistical moments of the ciclostazionario process are periodic functions with period T0 .
2) ciclostazionario Process broadly speaking: It is a not stationary process for which the density of probability of the 1° and 2° the order turns out periodic in the time and consequently also valor medium statistical and the function of autocorrelationship that therefore can be develops to you in series of Fourier where is the cyclical frequency.
3) cyclical medium Valor:
4) Function of cyclical autocorrelationship :
5) Spectral density of cyclical power: Considering a single realization it is had
where XT(f,t0) is the transformed one of Fourier of the restriction of the process x(t) to a T duration around to t0 while is the cyclical frequency.
6) First relation of Wiener generalized Khinchine:
7) cicloergodico Process in tight sense: It is a process for which all the temporal averages coincide with the medium correspondents statistics mediated on the period.
8) cicloergodico Process broadly speaking: It is a process for which the temporal averages di1° and 2° order coincide with the medium correspondents statistics mediated on the period, in particular e is had.
9) Function of cyclical intercorrelationship : In the case of two ciclostazionari processes broadly speaking with the same period T0 , ha .
10) Spectral density of intercrossed power cyclical:
11) Second relation of Wiener generalized Khinchine:
12) stationary and ciclostazionari Processes in vhf: The autocorrelationship of the process in vhf x(t) can be expressed in terms of the processes in null band medium base to valor xp(t) in phase and xq(t) in quadrature, is had
famous therefore that independently from i processes xp(t) and xq(t) the process in vhf x(t) turns out to be ciclostazionario broadly speaking with period . The average temporal of the autocorrelationship function is which spectral density of potenza corresponds one . The two following particular cases can be had: to) if the processes in band base are stationary then also x(t) are stationary and e is had therefore the autocorrelationship is reduced to and therefore the spectral density of power is . It is observed that for t = 0 it is obtained for the density of power and for the variances therefore xp and xq they are orthogonal processes and their density of combined probability is the single product of the density of probability, in the case they are Gaussian have and being and co-ordinate a change of with Jacobiano J = r that it gives back , saturating regarding j ottiene that is one can be made density of probability of Rayleigh type while saturating respect to r is found that is a density of probability of uniform type therefore the brace of variable is statistically independent. Moreover the density of probability of the process instantaneous power is exponential . b) if the processes in band base are ciclostazionari and supposing for semplicità xq(t)=0, the function of autocorrelationship are whose medium autocorrelationship is which the spectral density of power therefore to the phantom corresponds of marks them in vhf corresponds also the cyclical phantoms of marks them in band base.
13) Property statistics of the harmonic oscillation in presence of Gaussian noise: The expression of the process in vhf in presence of pure a harmonic oscillation is con , comes moreover defined the autocorrelationship and the function of pseudocorrelation that concurs to write the autocorrelationship of x(t) in the shape that turns out to be periodic with period therefore the process is ciclostazionario broadly speaking as he was expectable for the presence of the harmonic member. The medium autocorrelationship is whose transformed of Fourier it is the spectral density of power and evidences the superimposition between the phantom of the harmonic oscillation and the phantom of the noise in vhf. If the processes in band base are Gaussian, the density of combined probability dove is had, through the change of coordinated , having Jacobiano J = r is reached the shape that, saturated regarding j returns while saturated respect to r it gives with , finally the density of probability of the process instantaneous power is . 14) Phantom of power of marks them in band base:It is assumed marks them of power in band base where tok it is a stationary discreet process broadly speaking with statistics hTo , RTo , s2To while q(t) it is marks them of transformed energy with of Fourier Sq(f) and energy the medium value of x(t) is and is therefore periodic with pure Tperiod s like the autocorrelationship function from which integrating on Ts the cyclical autocorrelationship with v=0 is obtained that with a variable change of filler to the shape (…where andq(t) it is the autocorrelationship of marks them of energy q(t)) that estimated for t= 0 and replacing it supplies the power while the spectral density of power is obtained transforming according to Fourier Rx(t), obtains that is one phantom to lines overlapped to one distributed phantom. It is observed that if the process {tok}è white man or if q(t) is to orthogonal retorts, the power of the ciclostazionario process x(t) is equal to the relationship between the energy of the shape of determinist wave and the T periods that is . 15) It marks them in generalized band base:The shape more general than marks them in band base x(t) is obtained like combination of M shapes of extracted energyx j ciascuna with a priori probability P and with T cadences , is had that is, on it comes defined the medium symbol that in the case marks them comes represents to you in the space of marks them coincides with the barycentre of the constellation of the symbols. The phantom that of it turns out is given from the superimposition of a continuous phantom and of a distributed phantom, this last one can be interpreted like phantom of power of the shape of periodic wave that coincides with the expected value of x(t) that is and that being periodic it can be decomposed in series of Fourier where Sto(f) is the transformed one of Fourier of the medium symbol whose module picture gives back the spectral density of power to lines and therefore famous that the phantom of marks them periodic it is discreet and it possesses entire multiple lines of the symbol frequency. 16) Phantom of two power marks them in band base:It marks them sum of two marks them in band base is which cyclical autocorrelationship with ciclicità v=0 corresponds that estimated in t = 0 gives back the power where the intercrossed correlation is worth quindi . Transforming according to Fourier the cyclical autocorrelationship dove , , is obtained, replacing last the three expressions in the Wz obtains a relation that in the case of processes white men with hTo= 0 e sTo2 = 1 is reduced to the from which integrating the is obtained potenza. 17) geometric Representation of the aleatory processesA medium aleatory process x(t) to valor null can be represented in an ended interval through the development in series where yk(t) is with of n ortonormali functions in the interval while {ck} is a discreet aleatory process to valor medium nulo, if this last one introduces correlation the development is said in series of Karhunen-Loeve. With the aim to find an equation that it concurs to determine ykthe (t) it calculates the intercorrelationship between the processes x(t) and ck , has of the rest for i coefficients ck can be written the relation , replacing it in the calculation of the intercorrelationship has uguagliando the two found expressions obtains a system of equations to the autofunzioni which they must satisfy the autofunzioni of base yk(t). The equality is an equality between processes and must verify the quadratic convergence in average however in the case of development KL has that is demonstrated to be necessary condition and sufficient affinchè the quadratic convergence in average is respected. Through the substitutions , , , , the system of equations comes standardized that is led back to the interval [ - 1, 1 ], is had: where the ck is orthogonal functions in the interval [ - 1.1 ]. The two following examples of application are made: to) Representation of noise white man in an ended interval The function of autocorrelationship of x(t) is with being Nx the spectral density of the bilateral process, replacing obtains the system of equations that it has as solution of the said functions spheroidal crushed. b) Representation of noise white man of infinite duration The function of autocorrelationship of x(t) is with being Nx the spectral density of the bilateral process, but in this case it is made to stretch to infinite the integration interval, replacing in the and taking advantage of the relation N xis obtained q k= and therefore process {ck} turns out stationary broadly speaking, it finds moreover that the relation is verified and therefore the quadratic convergence in average is had. |