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Diffraction of crystals and mutual reticulum

1)    Condition of Bragg:

It is the condition for imposing to the wavelength of a cancellation incident with an angle q regarding axis x so that it can give place to constructive interference if sended against of the reticular plans separates from the distance d. the condizione to you

it is obtained characterizing immediately below the reticular plan, designing the beam that reflects on it and estimating the optical length in more regarding the reflection on the overhanging plan. Affinchè the two beams are in phase are necessary that such difference of distance is a multiple n of the wavelength l.


2) Calcolo di Laue for the amplitude of the diffuse wave:

Draft of a calculation that comes introduced in order to limit the error of base of the calculation of Bragg, that is considering the reticular plans like of the perfectly reflecting mirrors and therefore.

One of the points of the reticulum like origin is considered Or, a point situated at a distance r from it comes invested from a flat wave that we will always consider to time t = 0. In r is had but this point becomes source of secondary spherical waves for which the amplitude of the cancellation on the detector place at a distance r from r and R from the origin it is where kr they are the modules because in a spherical wave the two carriers are always parallels.

We write r in function of the others grandezze and therefore ha where r< < R in how much the crystal has infinitesimal dimensions, then developing in series of Taylor has that replaced in the exponential gives to the term andikR can be neglected in how much constant on all the volume while being the carrier in the having direction that the origin with the detector combines and as module k has where Dk it is the carrier of scattering.

Naturally the detector the contributions of the other points of the reticulum reach also.

If as an example in the reticulum there are M atoms and we consider the first only summary one is had: where I have collected the exponential with the half of the exponent.

It comes but found the module picture of this largeness the maximum of which it is obtained cancelling the denominator that is for and therefore the where q it is an entire one.

Analogous for the summary others 2 trovano .

This calculation is but still imperfect in how much it does not hold account of the scattering multiple.


3) Conditions of Laue for the maximum diffraction:

They are gained from the previous calculation of Laue:

where q, r, s is of the entire numbers.


4) Carriers of translation of the mutual reticulum:

where the denominator represents the volume of the cell of the crystalline reticulum.

Their expression has been constructed so that one whichever they linear combination satisfies the equations of Laue for the maximum diffraction.


5) Condition of diffraction:

Diffraction is had according to Laue when the carrier of scattering turns out to be equal to one whichever of the G carriers of the mutual reticulum that is , does not have to be demonstrated null in how much the carriers of translation of the mutual reticulum , has been constructed just so as to to satisfy the equations of Laue. This law can also be expressed in various shape in fact allora , elevating to the square is had but be a matter itself of scattering elastic it is had k'= k and therefore the equation assumes the shape that is satisfied if k it finishes on a normal plan to in the means point of .


6) Relation between mutual reticulum and crystalline reticulum:

Every carrier of the mutual reticulum is orthogonal to a plan of the crystalline reticulum.

We consider the plan that intersects the aces of the crystalline reticulum in the points , , to it belong the carriers e . It is demonstrated that their vectorial product with a generic carrier is worth 0, obtain 3 equations that they are satisfied for , , in which looks at that the coefficients of G correspond to the indices of Miller of the crystalline reticulum.


7) Distance between two reticular plans:

It is given from the relation where h, k, l they are the indices of Miller of the plan to which G he is orthogonal. From this relation one deduces that to every point of the mutual reticulum possible reflection of the crystalline reticulum corresponds one.


8) Relations between the laws of Bragg and that one of Laue:

The two laws are equivalents in fact and therefore is had that is just the condition of Bragg.


9) First zone of Brillouin:

Draft of the cell of Wigner Seitz constructed on the mutual reticulum.

 10) Sphere of Ewald:

Being allora therefore designing to a carrier k that you finish in to a whichever point of the mutual reticulum and imagining to make it to ruotare so as to to create a circle or a sphere, if this last one a diffratto beam intersects an other point of the mutual reticulum, you form yourself, the found carrier is orthogonal to the plan of the crystalline reticulum regarding which there is reflection.


11) Factor of geometric structure:

The theory of Laue is corrected in the every case reticular point is formed from a single atom but if the atoms are more than one, a factor of geometric structure will have to be considered that account of the position of these atoms to the inside of the unitary cell holds this factor of correction is worth where fj it is the shape factor and it is a measure of the power of scattering of the atom j-esimo in the unitary cell.