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Transformation of the circuits and equivalences

1) Property of the symmetrical attice:

to)       a bipole place in parallel it is to the longitudinal coppers that cross-sectional of a symmetrical attice pu² to be brought back in parallel to the income or the escape of the attice.

b)       a bipole place in series is to the longitudinal coppers that cross-sectional of a symmetrical attice pu² to be brought back in series to the income or the escape of the attice.


2) bisezionabile Net:

It is a net that can be decomposed in two equal semicircuits which are connected between of they for means of conductors, which can be interlaces to you or not.


3) Theorem of Bartlett:

It is always possible to decompose an not interlaced bisezionabile net in a net to symmetrical attice in which the longitudinal stiffnesses Zl are equal to the stiffness seen from the income of the seminet when its escapes are cortocircuitate, while the cross-sectional stiffnesses Zt are equal to the stiffness seen from the income of the seminet when its escapes are opened.

It is demonstrated applying the substitution theorem and therefore closing the net as an example on deu generating of tension Vg1 and Vg2 that does not have necessarily to be equal because it can applying to the superimposition of the effects us it can lead back to study the case in which the net it is sluice on two generators who realize an equal feeding, and the case in which the net it is sluice on two generators that realize one uneven feeding. The demonstration is carried out in two is made:

to)       Calculation of the matrix [ Z ] of one bisezionabile net:

Applying an equal feeding in the conductors who connect the two seminets current does not slide, therefore the two seminets can be separated, fromreplacing but the two equations they say the same thing inasmuch as the bisezionabile net is symmetrical and therefore 11Z = 22Z and 12Z = Z21 therefore is had .

Applying instead an uneven feeding one obtains that every brace of the conductors who connect the 2 seminets, is found to the same one upgrades them therefore these can be considers you in short circuit. The 2 seminets can be separated, from replacing but the two equations they say the same thing inasmuch as the bisezionabile net is symmetrical and therefore 11Z = 22Z and 12Z = Z21 therefore has

Adding and embezzling the two it turns out can be obtained 11 Zto you and 22Z and therefore the entire matrix [ Z ] of one bisezionabile net.

b)       I find the value of and for the symmetrical attice:

Applying to the attice an equal feeding, we find while applying an uneven feeding we find therefore confronting with the result found for the net bisezionabilesi has e .


4) Scope of the transformation star-triangle:

To reduce of an unit the number of the nodes, iterando such passage in conjunction with the parallels and the series of stiffnesses, can be reduced in consisting way the circuits pass to you.


5) Value of the admittances YAB , YBC and YAC of the triangle in function of the admittances of the star:

Where YAC is the longitudinal stiffness of the net to triangle while Zc is the stiffness trasversa of the net to star.

The relations are obtained inverting the matrix of the stiffnessesof the net to star that is equivalent to a net to T , obtaining in such a way the matrix of the admittances for the net to star and uguagliando it to the matrix of the admittances of the net to triangle that is equivalent to a net to p and for which is had well-known.