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Lines of transmission 1) Connection to unifilare : It comes used a single conductor while for the return the earth is used.
2) Circuit to distributed constants : It is spoken about circuit to distributed constants when the relationship between the length of the line and the speed of the light is approximately of the same order of magnitude of the meaningful considered temporal variations. If instead the temporal variations they are much more disc of a valve, is sufficient the analysis through the circuit to concentrated constants.
3) Equations generate them of the lines : Assembling the longitudinal stiffnesses in an only
stiffness to length unit
4) Solution of the equations generates them of the lines : Deriving respect from x
5) Constant of propagation of the line :
6) characteristic Stiffness :
7) adapted Line: Draft of a line sluice on an equal stiffness to its
characteristic stiffness, the condition of closing on the cargo is
8) Stiffness in the case of adapted line: When the line is adapted the stiffness that is looked at
towards the cargo in a whichever point of the same line is always
equal to the characteristic stiffness. It is demonstrated
observing that in the case of progressive wave the
9) Solution of the equations of the lines in the case of maladjusted line: Possible the more generic case sees the line sluice to the
income on a having generatorV g
inner stiffness Zg ¹ Zor and sluice
in escape on one stiffness Zu ¹ Z0 . The condition on the cargo is therefore Ordinary lines in transitory regimen 10) Line LC: It is a line for which it is supposed are null the
longitudinal losses cross-sectional (r) and (g) with this
simplification obtains
11) not distorting Line and condition of Heaviside: Collecting L and C in the propagation constant
12) Pupinizzazione and its problems: In practical the G conductance it is much lowland, then
13) Line RC: A line RC is a line for which G and L are supposed
negligible, it is obtained
14) Approximation of one generic line: One whichever line can be thought like one series of one line LC and one line RC.
15) Stiffness standardized on the generator and the cargo:
16) Coefficient of reflection on the generator and the cargo:
17) Behavior of one line adapted on the generator and maladjusted on the cargo: The general relation found for the maladjusted lines
is applied
18) Behavior of one line maladjusted on the generator and maladjusted on the cargo: The general relation found for the maladjusted lines
is applied With analogous considerations to the previous ones the value of v(t is obtained, x) in the point centers them of the line that turns out to be sum of the continuous reflections that are are on the cargo that on the generator. We have seen 3 cases: to) line sluice on the cargo on a double stiffness of Z0 , sluice in having income on a impulsive generator equal stiffness to the half of Z0 , obtains one series of impulses. b) line sluice on the cargo on a double stiffness of Z0 , sluice in income on a generator to having step equal stiffness to the half of Z0, obtains a series of steps of more and more small amplitude and that it converges to an ended value. c) line opened on the cargo, sluice in income on a generator to step lacking in inner resistance, obtains one series of impulses. d) line opened on the cargo, sluice in income on a impulsive generator lacking in inner resistance, is had that in answer to a step a shape of periodic wave is obtained. Lines in permanent regimen 19) Constant of propagation in permanent regimen: K =to(w) jb(w) With to = constant of attenuation of the line e constant b = of phase.
20) characteristic Stiffness in permanent regimen: Z = R0(w) jX0(w)
21) Equation of the lines in permanent regimen: The fasori in the equations can be replaced that we had found in the dominion of Laplace
The expression in the time of v(t, x) obtains remembering that it is equivalent to the real part of the rotary fasore that is
famous therefore the presence of a progressive
wave and a regressive wave, imposing that the argument of the cosine
is constant (…uguagliando to 0 differentiates them) finds
the speed of phase
22) Value of the coefficient of reflection to abscissa x of the linea:
23) Paper of Smith: It concurs to determine the stiffness standardized in one
point x of the line, in fact through
24) Meant of the circumferences of the paper of Smith: The circumferences that have the center on positive the
imaginary axis are those that they have The circumferences that have the center on the imaginary
axis negative are those that they have The circumferences that have the center on the real axis
are those that they have
25) salienti Points of the paper of Smith: (-2,0) it
corresponds to (-1,0) it
corresponds to (0,0) it
corresponds to 26) Course of the coefficient of reflection in function of the distance from the cargo for one line LC and one line RC: Line LC:
for a line LC ha k = to jb = jb = Line RC:
for a line RC ha k = to
27) Standing wave ratio r : The tension along the line is In particular it is had that if the line is adapted ROS=1 while if is maladjusted ROS =¥ and this like consequence of the fact that the coefficient of reflection on the cargo can assume only values comprised between 0 and 1 being the relationship between the wave incident and the reflected wave.
28) Matrix of the stiffnesses for the line log: The line log is a pezzetto of line which it is assimilable
to symmetrical and mutual a net 2 doors, therefore of its matrix of
the stiffnesses he is sufficient to calculate 2 terms on 4.
Remembering notes equations We calculate 11Z and 21Z placing2 = 0 that
is leaving opened the log of line and putting its income a generator
of value current impressothe 1 and applying the relations of the lines. Taking
advantage of the conditions of closing on the generator and the cargo
coefficients V andV - of the equations
of the lines are gained i. |