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Analysis circuits without memory

1) Circuits without memory:

Draft of circuits in which members described exclusively from algebriche equations appear themselves and therefore are absent inductances, condensers and coupled inductances, which are described from equations integral-differentials.


2) Variable members of the women's army auxiliary corps:

They are the incognito of the analysis of the circuits.


3) Analysis on base meshes of an only containing circuit resistances and independent generators of tension:

A tree must itself be considered and the relative Co-tree, the equations to the meshes are written characterizing like incognito the currents of the Co-tree and applying the law of Kirchhoff to every mesh that is obtained adding to the tree a new branch of the coalbero.


4) Analysis on base meshes of a containing circuit resistances and independent generators of current:

The independent generator of current comes replaced with an independent generator of tension of value vgi which must be deducted from the circuit, in order to make that need of the equation of the tie is had that expresses the current distributed from the generator of current in function of the currents to the meshes. The system is simplified if it makes so that the current generator is found on a branch of the Co-tree.

5) Analysis on base meshes of a containing circuit resistances, independent generators of tension and current:

It must be tried to make that all the generators of current are found on coppers of the Co-tree, and to introduce tie equations.


6) Analysis on base meshes of a containing circuit generating controls to you:

The generators are considered control to you like independent generators after which they join for everyone of they an equation of the tie, on the base exactly that the control is in current or tension.


7) Analysis on base meshes of a containing circuit nullori:

The nullore in the nullatore, noratore brace is decomposed and a short circuit is replaced to the nullatore while to the noratore a generator of tension of incognito value is replaced, then writes an opportune tie equation for the nullatore that imposes that null current is crossed from one.


8) Analysis on base nodes of an only containing circuit resistances and independent generators of current:

A node is taken as reference and for all the other nodes design the outgoing currents, dopodichè considers the equality between currents entering and outgoing for the single node like product of the conductances for the tensions.

The variable members of the women's army auxiliary corps are the tensions to the nodes ad.eccezione.del reference node.


9) Analysis on base nodes of a containing circuit resistances and independent generators of tension:

It is necessary to consider the generators of tension like current generators and to add of the equations to the tie.


10) Analysis on base nodes of a containing circuit generating controls to you:

The generators are considered control to you like independent generators after which they join for everyone of they an equation of the tie, on the base exactly that the control is in current or tension.


11) Analysis on base nodes of a containing circuit nullori:

The nullore in the nullatore, noratore brace is decomposed and an open circuit is replaced to the nullatore while to the noratore a generator of current of incognito value is replaced. The condition must finally be imposed like tie that the tension applied to the nullatore is zero.