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The answer fidelity

1) canonical Income in its more general shape:

whose transformed è .


2)       Error in the dominion of Laplace to regimen:

Reference to a G(s) process is made controreazionato with an instantaneous block has infatti can be gained imposing that the largeness of error to the comparatore is null in the case of .


3) static Gain and way in order to calculate it:

Draft of the gain of the system when it is passed a advanced time regarding the constants of time of the system, ha otherwise pu² to obtain itself more directly through the relation.


4) Function of transfer of the error :

It is given from the relationship between the function of E(s) error and the U(s) income, is had:


5) System of type n :

Draft of a system that in the function of transfer to open cycle F(s) introduces n poles coinciding in the origin.


6) Error to regimen in the dominion of the time:

To the product in the dominion of Laplace the convoluzione in the dominion of the time corresponds but the number of the poles in the origin and the order of®the income has been interested to the error to regimen that is to the limit for t ¥ of the error therefore remembering the theorem of the value begins them ha being itself h applied. From this relation one according to gains behavior h and i.


7) Gain to open cycle :

Draft of the limit for s®0 of the F(s) multiplied for sh cioè this value is come called:

ConstantK p = of position  : in the case present h = 0 that is 0 poles in the origin

ConstantK v = of velocità  : in the case present h = 1 that is 1 pole in the origin

Kto = Constant of acceleration : in the case present h = 2 that is 2 poles in the origin


8) regarding Considerations the behavior to regimen with dynamics feedback :

The dynamics feedback little is used in how much on the feedback branch usually is posizionato the instrument of measure like a sensor which it is instantaneous, however the analysis can be of aid in those cases in which the compensation is wanted to be inserted directly on the feedback branch.


9) Relation between the stability of a system to feedback and the point in which the income is applied :

The stability of a system is independent from the type of income and from where it is applied, as it can be desumere observing that the denominator of the function of transfer closed cycle is invariant for movement of the point of application of marks them of income.


10) Structure of the disturbance:

The disturbance can be decomposed in two members, one assimilable determinist member to one variation of amplitude and therefore in the case worse a step than amplitude d0 , and a second member of assimilable aleatory type to the noise white man.


11) Effect of a determinist disturbance agent in chain directed between the G blockthe 1 and block G2 :

Supposing that not there are other incomes the error to regimen in correspondence to the disturbance it is worth

where d0 are the amplitude of the step that simulates the determinist member of the disturbance, h1 is the number of poles in the origin of the block 2G 1 andh the number of poles in the origin of the block G2 , is observed that the error to regimen is null that is the not risente system of the disturbance in the case is a pole in the locato originh1 = 1 immediately to ridosso of the comparatore.

In the case in which the system present already a pole in the origin is better not to add any other which in fact it could determine instability.


12) astatic System regarding the point of application of the disturbance :

It is a regulation system which it possesses a pole in the origin to mount of the point in which it is supposed acts the disturbance.


13) static System regarding the point of application of the disturbance :

It is a regulation system which it does not possess a pole in the origin to mount of the point in which it is supposed acts the disturbance, for it the error to regimen will be not null.


14) acting Disturbance on the income :

He turns out indistinguishable from the true income and just, way is not had therefore to eliminate it.


15) acting Disturbance on the escape :

Draft of a disturbance with characteristics similar to the acting disturbance on the directed chain, pu² to eliminate inserting it a pole in the origin in a whichever point of the direct chain.


16) acting Disturbance on the reaction chain :

This type of disturbance pu² to be eliminated independently from the point in which it acts therefore does not render necessary to plan the chain of reaction so that the disturbance is statistically little probable on it.


17) Sensibility of the escape to the variations of parameters on the direct chain :

being Y the escape of the system in which variation of the parameter in direct chain has been one. The variation of the escape in consequence to the variation of a parameter is observed that the relative error comes very attenuated from the feedback, therefore is insufficient less than such variation it has not been of various orders of magnitude.


18) Sensibility of the escape to the variations of parameters on the feedback chain :

it is observed that the relative error does not come attenuated and that therefore alteration of the parameters is necessary to avoid one on feedback branch choosing in accurate way such members.