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1) Speed of phase and group of a nearly monochromatic field:

Considering present single dominant term and0(s) in the development of Luneburg-Kline and supposing that he is real, is had that the expression of the field in function of the time and s is the j is in this case ignota therefore is approximated to 1° the order by means of Taylor and replacing also is had where the 1° exponential is relative to a periodic largeness with pulsation w0 that propaga with speed of phasewhile the 2° exponential it modulates in the space and the time the 1° exponential , and envelope is said, to it corresponds one group velocity .

2) Condition of equality between group and phase speed:

_ uguagliando speed of phase and group velocity di gruppo and carry the denominator to the numerator of the member opposite, obtain which be verify se , replace in it and simplify ottiene and quindi which be verify alone if the refractive index di rifrazione not depend from w.


3) Propagation of a not monochromatic field:

Carrying to frequency w 0 modulatedin having amplitude from a Gaussian impulse is considered duration begins them therefore the expression del field , writing the cosine in exponential shape gains transformed of Fourier nel the point begins them cpstituita from two Gaussian bands of amplitude 4s centered on -w0 and w0 . The value of the transformed one of Fourier in the point s is gained multiplying for , antitrasformandola obtains it contains the eiconale function which is incognito, however for the 1° integral pu² to be replaced with a development in series arrested to 2° the order obtaining in which carrying out the substitution and subsequently e it is obtained, always for the 1° integral Analogous it is proceeded for the 2° integral where stavolta for coherence with the previous positions for the eiconale function the development is had where less present on the derivative before it determines the definition of largenesses conjugated regarding the previous ones and therefore obtains, for the 2° integral . Replacing the two it turns out to you finds to you and remembering that has .


4) Factor of amplitude:

therefore with increasing of the covered distance the amplitude of the field diminishes.


5) Factor of transport:

to it the shape of the impulse is tied that is still Gaussian but it changes its amplitude that is greater after the propagation. Factor of transport in how much in it is called is present is the time that the space and therefore the speed of the Gaussian impulse can be gained that is found is equal to the group velocity.


6) Duration of the impulse:

therefore with increasing of the covered distance increases the duration of the impulse.


7) Difference between dissipative means and dispersive means:

It is had that the dissipative means transform electromagnetic energy in heat for Joule effect while dispersive means do not transform electromagnetic energy in an other shape of energy but simply it redistributes it in the space, therefore if we send to an impulse in dispersive means it it increases and it diminishes the amplitude of the field.