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Linear antennas and to opening Linear antennas 1) Expression of the magnetic field in the case of one thin antenna:
2) Width of lobe: It is the included angle between the two directions to which the diagram of cancellation in field it is reduced to 0.707 of the maximum value.
3) short Antenna: It is had that the current is almost constant along the
antenna, the H field it is reduced to 4) Resistance of cancellation: Draft of the hypothetical resistance in a position to
dissipating the irradiated power, it is worth
5) Expression of the current for one thin antenna:
6) Antenna to half wave: The irradiated magnetic field to great
7) Antenna to entire wave: The irradiated magnetic field to great
8) practical Realization of dipole antenna: From a constructive point of view the antenna is much difficult one to break in two maintaining the property of mechanical resistance, therefore only average antenna is used and remaining is like if there were to pact to insert on the surface a metallic plan that therefore complys with the condition to the second contour which the electric field must be null in correspondence of the discontinuity surface.
Antennas to opening 9) Typology of antennas to opening:
10) irradiated Electric field to great distance from an antenna to opening: where Jms and Js are the superficial currents equivalents that we can introduce on the single mouth of the antenna in virtue of the equivalence theorem.
11) rectangular mouth Antenna: It is the case of a bugle antenna or an antenna radar, in
which the long irradiation is wanted to be privileged one direction
that rather the long irradiation an other direction. The
produced field to great distance from the sun running magnetic is
12) main Lobe of the cancellation diagram: Draft of the angular region comprised between the first
two zeroes of the function cancellation diagram, for the horizontal plan
of a rectangular mouth antenna has
13) circular mouth Antenna: A lot for the connections between fixed points is a used
antenna, the magnetic field to great due distance for semplicità to
the sun running magnetic equivalents è
14) elliptic mouth Antenna: It is observed that when the mouth of an antenna comes extended (uniform contracts) nel relationship s:1 in a particular direction, the cancellation diagram is contracted (extends) the same direction second nel relationship 1:s. |