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Analysis of Fourier 1) Series of Fourier associated to one periodic function :
essendo e such series is convergent > the periodic function integranda is limited
2) exponential Shape of the series of Fourier : con
3) Theorem of Parseval : For the energy of it marks them periodic in a T period, that is for its medium power it is worth the equality
4) Write the function envelope of the coefficients of Fourier of a pulse train :
5) Meant of the transformed one of Fourier : It concurs to write the series of Fourier also for functions that are not periodic considering the limit for the T period that stretches to ¥ .
6) It marks them of energy : Draft of marks them x(t) such that
7) Convoluzione and its property: A convoluzione is the function turning out from the product of 2 functions g(t) = f(t)*h(t) to) f(t)*h(t) = h(t)*f(t) b) [ f(t)*h(t)]*k(t) = f(t)*[h(t)*k(t) ]
8) Property of the integral of Fourier : to) Translation b) Convoluzione c) Symmetry d) Linearity and) Dualità f) Scalatura g) Coniugio h) Derivation i) Integration
9) characteristic Function: The characteristic function j(w) of one variable aleatory X whose density of probability is fX(x), is defined like
alternatively like the variable expected value of aleatory andjwXthe , it assumes the its equal maximum value to 1 in the origin.
10) Function generatrix of moments of one variable aleatory X:
11) Second characteristic function of one variable aleatory X:
12) Second function generatrix of moments of one variable aleatory X:
13) Cumulante ln of one variable aleatory X: Draft of the derivative n_esima of the second function generatrix of the moments estimated in point s = 0. |