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Theory of the functions of one variable complex 1) convergent Succession : The succession {zn} is said convergent to the limit z if " and > 0 $ a N(indexand) to leave from which all the elements zn of the succession satisfy the inequality |z - zn| < and for n > N(and).
2) necessary and sufficient Condition so that {zn} converges is that they converge simultaneously {ton} and {bn}:
3) limited Succession : A succession is limited if $ one such positive number M that " element zn ? {zn} it is worth the inequality |zn| < M
4) From every limited succession one can be extracted convergent subsuccession : If {zn} it is limited then they are also SKing zn e SIm zn therefore choosing an opportune one nk is had that King znk Im znk converges.
5) Criterion of Cauchy : The succession {zn} is convergent > " and > 0 a N(index can be foundand) such that |zn - zm| < and for n,m ³N(and) If zn it is convergent, for 2) the real successions to n must converge also and bn and therefore $ N 1 can on they be applied the criterion of Cauchy and be said that " and >0(and) such that " n,m > N1(and) is had that |ton - tom| < and / 2 and that " and > 0 $ N2(and) such that " n,m > N2(and) are had that |bn - bm| < and / 2. Choosing N(and) = max(N1(and), N2(and)) it is had that for the n, m greater of N(and) is had |zn - zm| < and . ? It can be observed that the module |zn - zm| is sure greater of the module of the difference of the real parts or the module of the difference of the imaginary parts, therefore ha |ton - tom| < and e |bn - bm| < and and therefore {ton} and {tom} is convergent successions and therefore also {zn}.
6) indefinitely increasing Succession : A succession {zn} says indefinitely increasing if " positive number R exists a N index to leave from which the terms of the succession satisfy the condition |zn| > R for n ³ N.
7) Point to the infinite : It is the point which every increasing succession converges indefinitely.
8) Definition of point to the infinite by means of the stereographic projection: Images that the complex plan corresponds with the plan xy of R3 and considers circumference of beam unitary centered in origin, well transformation T associates to every point of plan complex point of sphere that turns out from the intersection of the same sphere with combining of the point with the North Pole, such intersection turns out in North Pole if point is external to sphere while South Pole is in if point is inner to sphere, well if we have a succession of points that on the sphere stretches to the North Pole, then the inverse transformation T-1 stretches to the point to the infinite.
9) inner Point : A point z says inner point of together and if its completely contained in together exists around and
10) With opened : It is a constituted entirety alone inner points.
11) With connected : It is with in which taken 2 whichever pertaining points to it, they can be joined by means of one poligonale whose points are contained in with same.
12) Dominion : Open and connected draft of with.
13) Point of frontier : A point z says point of frontier for and if in every its around there are it is stung of together and that of its complementary one.
14) closed Dominion : Draft of the union of a dominion with its is aimed of frontier.
15) limited Dominion : Draft of a dominion situated completely to the inside of one circumference of ended beam.
16) Limit of one complex function: Number w0 says value limit of the function f(z) in point z0 if " and > 0 a d can be found > 0 such that for all the points z that they satisfy condition 0 < | z - z0 | < d it is worth the disuguaglianza |f(z) - w0| < and .
17) Continuity of one complex function: The function f(z) is continuous in point z0 if " and > 0 a d can be found > 0 such that for all the points z that they satisfy the condizione | z - z0 | < d it is worth the disuguaglianza |f(z) - f(z0)| < and .
18) Derivative of function of one variable complex : If this limit exists then ended the limit it says derived of the function f(z) regarding the variable complex z in point z0 .
19) geometric Interpretation of the complex derivative : Also in the complex case the derivative is seen like relationship between the variation in the D imagew and the variation in the D dominionz, to the limit for this last one that stretches to 0, not curing to us of the fact that is the dominion that the image is bidimensional, has therefore that is draft of a complex number whose argument to is given from the difference between the argument of the numerator and the argument of the denominator but these arguments when Dz®0 is equal to the tangents to the respective curves in the image and the dominion and that is is par to the included angle between the real axis and the carrier Dz or Dw this difference is same for the every one other point passing for z0 . This property is said of conservation of the angles. The property of the linear expansion, is obtained instead making the module of the from which it finds that and therefore k characterizes the coefficient of scale of the similitudine.
20) Definition of differentiable function in complex sense: f(z) he is differentiable in z0 if it respects the following equation:
being e . 21) f it is analytics in z0 > f is differentiable in z0 and it is had : Deriva directly from the function definition analytics ? Enough to take the differenziabilità definition to carry f(z0) to the first member and to divide then for (z-z0) taking advantage of that is had the derivabilità definition which is only had in the case that f is analytics.
22)Se the function f(z) = u(x, y) the v(x, y) is derivabile in point z0 = x0 iy0 then in point (x0 , y0) exists the partial derivatives of the functions u(x, y) and v(x, y) regarding variable x and y and the sussiste the relation of Cauchy - Riemann a) ux = vy b) uy = - vx For definition a function is analytics if he is differentiable and but of the rest is had that therefore and analogous replacing in the previous one the conditions of Cauchy-Riemann are obtained just.
23) Function analytics or olomorfa or to regulate: The function f(z) says analytics, olomorfa or to regulate if he is derivabile in all the points of the dominion and its derivative is continuous.
24) f it is analytics > the partial derivatives of the functions u(x, y) and v(x, y) they exist, they are continuous and for they they are worth the conditions of Cauchy - Riemann: 25) Theorem of Gouisal: If f it is opened analytics on with then f ? There
26) entire Function : Draft of one olomorfa function in all C.
27) consistent Application : Draft of the transformation of around of point z0 in around of point w0 carried out from the function analytics w = f(z), having in the point zthe 0 property of conservation of the angles and costanza of the linear expansion.
28) Shape differentiates to delineate them : w = A(x, y)dx B(x, y) dy B, complex continuous on W .
29) Theorem of Gauss - Green : It is open W (limited) and ¶at times such regular W that w ? There (W) ? C(W)
30) Shape differentiates them sluice : A shape differentiates them w says sluice if he is exact and derivabile, for a shape differentiates them sluice is had Toy = Bx .
31) If W is a simply connected dominion, w it is chiusa > w is exact If w it is sluice then Rot F = 0 that is Toy = Bx therefore applying the theorem of Gauss Green to the contrary has and this last one is one of the definitions of w exact that is that its integral along a closed distance is null. ? If w it is exact then it admits a function upgrades them such U that To = Ux and B=Uy deriving before the respect to y and the second respect to x and taking advantage of the theorem of Schwarz on the equality of the mixed derivatives, is had Toy = Uxy = Uyx = Bx and therefore is had that w it is sluice.
32) Formula of Green in the complex case :
Being it is had that con A=f e B = if therefore is had to leave from the valid result in the real field
33) closed Contour : Draft of one curve regular sluice at times deprives of car intersections.
34) Theorem of Cauchy : In a simply connected dominion the extended integral of f(z) is defined a function analytics f(z) to every closed contour G, completely contained in the G dominion, is equal to 0. having applied the conditions of Cauchy Riemann since f it is analytics.
35) Second formulation of the theorem of Cauchy : If the function f(z) is analytics in a simply connected dominion limited a regular contour at times C and is continuous in the closed dominion G the integral of the extended function f(z) to the frontier of the G dominion he is equal to zero.
36) Integrals of Fresnel : Integrating on a closed circuit, the 2 real integrals are obtained
37) integral Formula of Cauchy : If f(z) it is long analytics within and frontier C of one region simply connected R You notice yourself in fact that f(z) it is analytics ovunque except that in z = to, therefore the integral is independent from the closed circuit that encloses to, that is the integral along C is equal to the integral carried out along a beam circumference and centered in to that is , a parametrizzazione for G è z = to and and q and therefore dz = and and the q replacing are obtained and passing to the limit for and ® 0 and isolating f(a) obtains the thesis.
38) Theorem of the valor medium : The value of f is f olomorfa in the dominion To in a point of To is equal to the average of the values of f on one any circumference centered in that contained point and, with to its inside, in A : It is demonstrated to leave from the formula of Cauchy where admitting that z = to king the q is a parametrizzazione of circle C ha dz = ire qthe and replacing in the integral it is obtained .
39) Principle of the maximum module: It is f(z) analytics within and long one simple line sluice C the maximum of |f(z)| it is found less along C than f(z) it is not one constant. The function is continuous on a compact one therefore admits a maximum, supposes for absurdity that such maximum is assumed in a point to inside to the dominion, applying the theorem of the average on a circle centered in to will have therefore the value of the f(a) is just M and is equal to the valor medium, but for the points of the circumference it is had to have itself |f(a)| > |f(a re the q)| then medium value M cannot be caught up and this implies that it was an absurdity and that therefore the maximum comes assumed on the edge of the circle. Evidently therefore if the maximum is inner to the dominion, the function cannot that to be constant to the inside of the same one, if therefore is not then the function assumes the maximum on the edge of together. We have in such a way demonstrated that the function is constant to the inside of the circle of center to, in order to extend the result to all the dominion, takes a whichever point and it is combined with a line to to, dopodichè a point is taken on this line that is next to the edge of the first circle and it is assumed like center of the new circle on which repeating the previous considerations.
40) Corollario of the Principle of the maximum : It is To olomorfa a limited dominion and f in To, it continues in To , and not costante the function z® |f(z)| it assumes the maximum on the frontier of To.
41) Theorem of the minimal module: It is f(z) analytics within and along the simple line sluice C and is f(z) ¹ 0 within C |f(z)| it assumes its long minimum C. f(z) it is analytics within C and since it does not have zeroes in such dominion it follows specularly that also is analytics within C therefore being in the conditions of validity of the theorem of the maximum such module function can only admit the maximum on frontier C and therefore |f(z)| it can only assume the minimum on frontier C.
42) Appraisal of the derivative of an integral employee from a parameter: The derivative of the integral is equal to the integral of the derived function integranda regarding the parameter.
43) Lemma of derivation under the sign of integral : It is To a dominion and G an arc of oriented curve, and j a defined function and continues on G the largeness defines in To \ G a olomorfa function, and its derivative has the expression
moreover f it possesses derived of every order and is had. Part from the integral of Cauchy , the function integranda is analytics regarding z and its partial derivative is therefore remembering that the integral of Cauchy is an integral employee from the parameter z, is had that its derivative is equal to the integral of the derivative regarding the parameter of the function integranda.
44) Theorem of Taylor : It is f is analytics to the inside of circle C with center in to the series of Taylor of f in the point to : converges to f(z). It is z an inner point to C and one circle C 1is constructed which it encloses z but it is contained in C and both the circles are center to you in to. The value of f(z) therefore is given from the integral formula of Cauchy but of the rest it is had on condition that it is the smaller relationship of 1 ossia |z-a| < |w-a| therefore to the inside of circle C1 . To this point it is multiplied for f(w)/2pi, integral one on C1 obtaining therefore to the first member the f(z) while to the 2° membro
45) Oneness of the development in series of powers : It is f olomorfa in the dominion To z0 ? To,e it is had, in around of z0
46) Inequality of Cauchy : If f(z) it is long analytics within and the beam circle C r and center in z = to, being M : |f(z)| < M Part from the integral formula of the derivative of Cauchy from which taking to the module and maggiorando the curvilinear integral with the length of circumference 2pr multiplied for maximum M task from the function on the circumference is obtained.
47) Theorem of Liouville : If for all the points of entire the slowly complex one, f(z) it is analytics and limited f(z) he is constant. It is obtained from the inequality of Cauchy taking n = 1 ha and being the null derivative before " z it follows that the function must be constant.
48) fundamental Theorem of algebra : Every polynomial of degree n ³ 1 it possesses at least one zero in the complex plan. We admit for absurdity that polynomial the P(z) does not have zeroes , therefore it is analytics for whichever z and it turns out also to be limited in module per z® ¥ therefore for the theorem of Liouville the function must be constant, but a polynomial it cannot be constant being of degree n ³1 and therefore the polynomial is fallen in contradiction, consequently must admit a zero at least, will be demonstrated then that the n° of the zeroes it is exactly n.
49) Theorem of Laurent : If f(z) it is analytics within and long 2 circles concentrate of beam respective R 1and 2 Rand center to us in to con DEMONSTRATION OF THE EXISTENCE We characterize 2 circumferences of beam R1 and contained2 R <R a 1 to the inside of the circular crown and inner point z to the 2 circumferences, then the value of the function in this point z is given from the formula of Cauchy, for 1° the term is reasoned therefore as for the series of Taylor characterizing the sum of a convergent series therefore has with . Collecting analogous for 2° the member is obtained con . Since to the inside of the circular crown the function is analytics, the theorem of Cauchy can be applied and therefore the integral is independent from the particular distance, follows some that the 2 solutions can be grouped in with . DEMONSTRATION OF THE UNICITA' It is assumed of having 2 series that differ for a single coefficient, multiplies both for (z-z0)- m-1 and if of ago the integral along a circumference comprised in the having ring of olomorfia and center in z0 , replacing to this point z = Kingthe q finds a 0 integral that it is worth if n¹m while it is worth 2pif n=m, after all in every development there is a single not null term and is equal for the two series that therefore coincides.
50) dismissable Singolarità : If a function to sol a value is not defined in z = to, but it exists says that z = to dismissable singolarità is one.
51) If f(z) it is limited analytics and in a dominion that excludes z0 , then point z0 is a dismissable singular point : Affinchè z0 is a dismissable point singular, the coefficients of the main part of the series of laurent must be all null ones, that it is demonstrated writing cn in terms of the integral and carrying out the customary maggiorazioni holding account that the function is limited that is!f(z)| < M, replacing then (z â " z0) = kingthe q and making the limit for r®0 obtains 0 like intentional.
52) Pole : If a function to sol a value has a pole in z = to, and the number of present terms in the main part of the series of Laurent corresponds to the order of the pole. 53) If point z0 is a pole of the function analytics f(z) for z®z0 the module of the function f(z) grows infinitely, independently from the way in which the point z it stretches to point z0 : Enough to write the development of Laurent to leave exactly from the term â?"m supposing a pole of order m, collecting in main part (z-z0)- m have limited where j the (z) is analytics and in around of z0 and therefore term (z-z0)- m it commands and it pushes towards infinite the f(z) for z®z0 . 54) If a function f(z), analytics in around of a its singular point isolated z0 grows infinitely in module independently from the way in which the point z point z 0 stretches to point z 0 it is a pole of the function f(z) : The function is considered which stretches to 0 for z®z0 therefore is limited and therefore for it z0 are a dismissable singolarità and can therefore be written where j(z) is a function such analytics that j(z0) ¹0 has therefore that that is the definition of pole of order m.
55) essential Singolarità : If f(z) every singolarità is a function to sol a value that is not of a pole of a zero is an essential singolarità, in particular if z = to the main part of the development of Laurent is an essential singolarità then has a number infinitely of terms.
56) meromorfa Function : A function says meromorfa if it is analytics in all the plan with the exception of an ended number of poles.
57) Theorem di Casorati - Weierstrass : For every and> 0 in whichever around of essential a singular point z0 of the function f(z) a point z 1 in which the value of the function exists at least f(z) it differs less from a complex number arbitrarily assigned B in order than and. We suppose for absurdity that exists around ofz 0 in which it is taken place that , then the function is limited and therefore point z0 is a dismissable singular point of y che therefore for the previous theorem, can be written come and gaining f(z) from the is obtained but if m=0 this development characterizes a regular point for f(z) otherwise characterizes a pole of order m and not one essential singolarità as the theorem demanded. |