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Range, Beta, functions of Bessel Functions of Euler 1) Range di Euler:
2) Formula of recurrence:
It is obtained calculating the integral for parts, is
3) Formula of the factorial one:
It is obtained from the formula of recurrence
4) Extension of the G(z) also to values denied you of z: In gaining
5) Which relation alloy the G to the integral of Gauss :
It is obtained before replacing t=s2 in the definition of the G(z) and after ½ is placed z
= and it is remembered to us of the value of the integral of Gauss
6) Beta of Eulero:
7) Relation between the Beta and the Range di Euler : One replaces t=u2 in the G(p) and t=s2 in the G(q) dopodichè are multiplied between of they
collecting the common factors, are obtained
8) Formula of the complements : It is obtained writing the b in terms of the G therefore carrying out the Functions of Bessel 9) Function generatrix of the functions of Bessel:
It is a olomorfa function to which a series of Laurent
with infinites is associated finishes to exponent negative and
infinites you finish to positive exponent, is had
10) Value of the coefficients Jn(z): They are obtained to leave from the function generatrix I can multiply in how much the two series
converge absolutely is had
11) Demonstrate formula the J- n (z) = (-1)n Jn(z):
12) Equation differentiates them of Bessel of order n: It is an equation differentiates them in the Jn - 1 - Jn 1 = 2 J'n.
Deriving regarding w instead has Adding the 2 obtained relations
13) Development of the trigonometrical functions in series of functions of Bessel: It is obtained placing in the function generatrix Estrinsecando is had From which equaling the real terms and the imaginary terms and placing j = p/2 the 2 following developments are obtained:
14) Application of the equation differentiates them of Bessel: One its application is in the equation of the motion of one circular membrane.
15) integral Representation of the functions of Bessel : Considering of being able to associate to the function a series of Laurent, i coefficients cn are estimated as an example with the curvilinear, typical integral of the residual one, calculating this integral obtain following :
One obtains remembering that the Jn(z) is not other that the coefficients of a series
of laurent and these are given from the integral |