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Tor Vergata

Course of

Foundations of Computer science II

prof. Giovanni Cantone

The Grafi Orients To You

1)   Introduction

2)   Definitions

3)   Representation of the abstract data Graph

to)    Location objects base

                                                             i.            ARC_NODE

                                                          II.            ARC_LIST

                                                       III.            VERTEX_NODE

                                                        iv.            GRAPH (Vertex_List)

b)    Description and implementation of the polimorfismo

                                                             i.            ELEMENT

                                                          II.            INT_OBJ

                                                       III.            CHAR_OBJ

                                                        iv.            FLOAT_OBJ

c)    applicativo Development based on class GRAPH

1) Introduction

The first testimony of employment of the grafi laughed them to 1736 when Leonhard Euler used them in order to resolve the classic problem of the bridges of Koenigsberg where the Pregal river slides around the island of Kneiphof. There are four firm lands identified from letters To, B, C, D in Figure 1, that they have this river to their borders. Seven bridges identify to you from letters act, connect four firm lands. The problem of the bridge of Koenigsberg is following: leaving from a firm earth, it is possible to return to the position iniziale after to have crossed every bridge one single time?

A possible way is following:

·        To leave from the firm earth B

·        To cross the bridge to in order catching up the island To

·        To use the bridge and in order to catch up the D area

·        To use the bridge g in order to catch up area C

·        To use the bridge d in order to catch up the area To

·        To use the bridge b in order to catch up the B area

·        To use the bridge f in order to catch up the D area

This distance does not cross all the bridges neither leads to the position of B. departure Euler discovered that people of Koenigsberg cannot cross every bridge one single time and return to the departure position. Euler resolved the problem using graph (a multigraph in effects) in which firm lands they were you concern ( or nodes to us ) and the bridges were the sides ( arch ). Its solution is not only elegant but it applies to all the grafi.

Euler defined the degree of an apex like the number of sides incidents on it, demonstrated also that a distance exists that leave from an apex whichever, crosses a single time every side and finishes in the apex only begins them, if and if the degree of every apex is equal. A similar distance will be called covered of Euler. This distance does not exist for the bridges of Koenigsberg, in how much all concerns is of uneven degree.

From this first application, the grafi has been uses in one immense range you of applications, like the analysis of the circuits electrical workers, the planning of the plans, the identification of chemical compounds or the determination of the shorter roads.


2) Definitions

A graph it is a collection that comprises two sets , one of you concern to us and one of arches, while with of it arches can it are empty, with of concerns to us, if the graph it exists, pu² not to turn out empty. An apex also is called node and constitutes the structural element base of the graph . An arc is the logon between two concerns to us, if it arches it of the graph are orients to you, then is spoken about graph oriented otherwise is spoken about graph not oriented.

To every apex and arc they can be associated of the labels, if that happens is spoken about graph labeled in concerns to us or in it arches, the two labels arches, not necessarily must be various, is possible to have two arches with the same attribute. In the case in which the labels they are constituted from entire numbers or decimates them and the elements of the graph they are labeled in ordered way, then is spoken about graph weighed.

To the oriented inside of a graph , way is defined a sequence of concerns to us such that exists an arc between every apex and that successive one. The length of the equal way e' to the number of arches that they connect you concern to us. A single apex will constitute a way of length zero. The way says simple if, to the inside of the way, they do not exist you concern to us that they appear more than once, in contrary case is said not simple. In a graph oriented, a cycle e' a way of greater or equal length to that it begins and it finishes on the same apex. A graph it is defined cyclical if in it there are or more cycles, in contrary case, we will say that the graph it is acyclic. In the oriented case of graph , one says that the Vj node is adjacent to the node You if an arc exists who leave from and you reach to You in Vj, such arc comes said incident to the nodes Vi and Vj. In the case in which it is had to that making with a graph not oriented, it does not have sense to speak about you concern to us adjacent in how much such definition closely is tied to the arc concept orientato (arc in the which e' important order of its extreme points).

From every apex pu² to dipartirsi a imprecisato number of it arches which can finish in one whichever of concern us of the graph , it can happen that from a dipartano apex two it is arched that both in the same apex finish, various from that one of departure, in this case you concern us of departure and of arrival for every arc they are equal, such arches come sayings parallels, a graph that does not contain arches parallels is said simple.

For an apex the degree is defined as the number of arches relati you to it, more just, is spoken about income degree, in order to indicate the number of arches that they finish in the considered apex e degree of escape in order to indicate the number of arches that dipartono from the considered apex. An apex that has a null degree is said isolated and represents an apex from which dipartono neither they are not reached arches. A graph it is said connected if there is a distance between every brace of nodes pertaining to the graph same, obviously, a graph that it contains nodes isolates to you is not connected.

A graph one closely says connected if for every apex exists a direct distance every towards other apex. The figures that follow, illustrate a graph labeled oriented (on the left) and the not oriented labeled correspondent graph (to right).

After to have supplied some general idea on the type of abstract data GRAFO, we take care hour to define of hour the representation .

3) Representation of the abstract data Graph

A way to represent the abstract data Graph is known with the name of matrix of the adjacency, in such case, a graph is represented from a square matrix of N order where N is the number of concerns us pertaining to the graph , they are in correspondence biunivoca with the values of the indices of line and column of the square matrix. The elements of the matrix are of booleano type and their value comes established from the following rule:

the element in the line and the column j is worth True if in the graph an arc from the apex to the apex exists j, otherwise is worth False.

A "loop" will be represented from the True value place in the case characterized from (i , i).

Advantages : Such representation is much simple one and less concurs the directed access with the relative information to the existence or than an arc that connects two you concern to us

Disadvantages : a graph constituted from N you concern to us, demands one matrice NxN, this is a problem when the numero of you concern cresce poiché increases the memory to us remarkablly occupied. An other disadvantage of this representation consists nel made that we cannot increase the number of you concern us of the graph moreover cannot be represented grafi in which they appear arches parallels.

According to type of representation a graph consists in representing through a list of sottoliste, such representation is famous with the name of list of the adjacency, all concerns to us of the graph is inserted in a list and every apex has, associated to if, an ulterior list that will contain all arches it that they are originated from such apex.

Advantages : the memory requirement comes to only depend on the effective number of concerns to us and arches that they constitute the graph , moreover, the representation is dynamics

Disadvantages : the access to an element of the graph is not directed, but it needs the scansion of the list

In our case, in order to realize the graph , we will take in consideration the representation by means of list of the adjacency, of the graph we will consider a representation limited from the single availability of memory of the system that implements it (Unbounded Form), moreover, the representation from we taken in consideration will manage the memory space that is created for eventual cancellations.

The complexity of the algorithm that implements the grafi orients to you has carried see again the approach to the problem in terms of sottoproblemi of inferior complexity that has been optimizes to you singularly and subsequently it coordinates to you. This same logical distance will be followed in the trattazione that therefore turns out articulated in the following points:

to) Location of the objects base in which decomposing the problem

b) Description and implementation of the polimorfismo

c) Development of a applicativo based on class GRAPH

to) Location objects base

One of the possible computer science rappresentazioni of the grafi is that one of the adjacency lists that, like previously exposed, are based on a containing list all concern making part to us of the graph from everyone of which originate the list of arch outgoing from the same apex.

In this optical it turns out enough intuitivo to characterize which primitivo object that is not using other objects the ARC_NODE, subsequently characterizes object ARC_LIST that is the list that re-unites all the ARC_NODE, continuing in the logical development the dipana VERTEX_NODE from which the ARC_LIST is had and finally the VERTEX_LIST is had that gives a logical point of view coincides with object GRAFO.

We pass hour to the analysis of the single objects in the overexposed order:


//Arc_Node.h: interface for the Arc_Node class.


# if!defined(AFX_ARC_NODE_H__4D70C386_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_ARC_NODE_H__4D70C386_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Element.h"

class Arc_Node


friend class Arc_List;


Gen_Data_Ptr Arc_Destination;

Gen_Data_Ptr Arc_Attribute ;

Arc_Node * Next_Arc ;


void Display_An_Arc();

Arc_Node(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination);

virtual ~Arc_Node();


# endif / /!defined(AFX_ARC_NODE_H__4D70C386_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

As the Arc_List is looked at is declared friend that therefore will be able to approach the data described in the private part that is 2 gunlayers of Gen_Data_Ptr type which in class ELEMENT comes defined like a gunlayer to an object of type ELEMENT. These 2 gunlayers concur therefore not to bind the type neither of the attribute of the arc of of the attribute of the destination apex. A gunlayer to the successive node in the list is had then of arches inherent a data apex.

The operations defined on every object of type ARC_NODE are its creation and contemporary initialization, the destruction and the following visualization second declaration:

//Arc_Node.cpp: implementation of the Arc_Node class.



# it includes "Arc_Node.h"

# it includes < iostream.h >




Arc_Node::Arc_Node(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination)


Arc_Attribute = The_Attribute ;

Arc_Destination = The_Destination;






// Display


void Arc_Node::Display_An_Arc()



cout < < "-->" ;


cout < < "\t";


The Display_An_Arc does not make other that to apply the Display method defined for class ELEMENT and its derived classes to Arc_Attribute and Arc_Destination that are gunlayers to this class, obtaining therefore the visualization of the attribute of the arc and the apex of destination.


//Arc_List.h: interface for the Arc_List class.



# if!defined(AFX_ARC_LIST_H__4D70C384_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_ARC_LIST_H__4D70C384_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Arc_Node.h"

class Arc_List



Arc_Node * Arc_List_Head ;


Arc_Node * Is_Member_Of(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Arc, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination);

void Clear();

int Number_Of_Arcs_In();

bool Remove(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Arc, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination);

void Display_Arcs();

void Insert(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination);


virtual ~Arc_List();


# endif / /!defined(AFX_ARC_LIST_H__4D70C384_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

The only protected data of this class is a gunlayer to a ARC_NODE which it will be the first one of the list of arches outgoing from the data apex for which the class it comes istanziata. In the Public part there is the definition of the operations eseguibili standards on a list, their declaration is following:

//Arc_List.cpp: implementation of the Arc_List class.



# it includes < iostream.h >

# it includes "Arc_List.h"






Arc_List_Head = 0;






//Inserzione of an element in head to the list of arches, memories that in the representation from we introduced it does not have

//alcun sense to preview a tidy insertion of arches exactly for the heterogenous nature of the data deals to you.


void Arc_List::Insert(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination)


Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

//Vertex_Node_Ptr tip to a new Vertex_Node

Arc_Node_Ptr = new Arc_Node(The_Attribute, The_Destination);

//places in head to the list the new apex

if(Arc_List_Head == 0)


Arc_List_Head = Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr->Next_Arc = 0;




Arc_Node_Ptr->Next_Arc = Arc_List_Head;

Arc_List_Head = Arc_Node_Ptr;




//visualization of all arches it pertaining to the list


void Arc_List::Display_Arcs()


if(Arc_List_Head == 0)


cout < < "\tNo Arcs leave from this Vertex" < < endl;




Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_List_Head;

while(Arc_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{// the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL


Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_Node_Ptr->Next_Arc;





//Elimination of an arc from the list


bool Arc_List::Remove(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Arc, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Destination)


// Point a gunlayer to the head of the list

Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr_1;

Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr_2;

Arc_Node_Ptr_1 = Arc_List_Head ;

Arc_Node_Ptr_2 = Arc_List_Head ;

//search of the node to remove

while((Arc_Node_Ptr_1! = 0) &&

((!(The_Arc->Is_Equal(Arc_Node_Ptr_1->Arc_Attribute))) ||



Arc_Node_Ptr_2 = Arc_Node_Ptr_1;

Arc_Node_Ptr_1 = Arc_Node_Ptr_1->Next_Arc;


if(Arc_Node_Ptr_1! = 0)


if(Arc_Node_Ptr_1! = Arc_List_Head)

Arc_Node_Ptr_2->Next_Arc = Arc_Node_Ptr_1->Next_Arc;

else// the ARC TO REMOVE Is The FIRST One Of the LIST

Arc_List_Head = Arc_List_Head->Next_Arc;

//elimination of the arc

delete Arc_Node_Ptr_1;

return true;




return false;




//it gives back the number of arches outgoing from an apex


int Arc_List::Number_Of_Arcs_In()


int N_Arcs = 0;

Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_List_Head;

while(Arc_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{// the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL

N_Arcs ;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_Node_Ptr->Next_Arc;


return N_Arcs;



//This member function is taken care to cancel all arches to it present in the list


void Arc_List::Clear()


Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_List_Head;

while(Arc_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{// the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL

Remove(Arc_Node_Ptr->Arc_Attribute, Arc_Node_Ptr->Arc_Destination);

Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_List_Head;




//Questa function is taken care to establish if a data arc makes already part of the list puts into effect them and in the case the arc comes

//individuato some it gives back a gunlayer to it otherwise comes given back the gunlayer of fine list that is 0/

Arc_Node * Arc_List::Is_Member_Of(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Arc, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Dest)


Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_List_Head;

while((Arc_Node_Ptr! = 0) &&

(!(The_Arc->Is_Equal(Arc_Node_Ptr->Arc_Attribute))) &&



Arc_Node_Ptr = Arc_Node_Ptr->Next_Arc;


return Arc_Node_Ptr;


You notice yourself in the REMOVE and in the IS_MEMBER_OF I use it of method IS_EQUAL defined on type ELEMENT and derives to you, which it concurs to establish the equality of the data aims from 2 gunlayers previa conversion to you by means of Type_Casting from gunlayer to an object ELEMENT to gunlayer to FLOAT_OBJ or CHAR_OBJ or INT_OBJ.


//Vertex_Node.h: interface for the Vertex_Node class.


# if!defined(AFX_VERTEX_NODE_H__4D70C387_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_VERTEX_NODE_H__4D70C387_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Graph.h"

# it includes "Arc_List.h"

class Vertex_Node


friend class Graph;


Gen_Data_Ptr Vertex_Attribute ;

unsigned int Reference_Count ;

Arc_List * Arc_List_Ptr ;

Vertex_Node * Next_Vertex ;


void Display_Vertex_And_Arcs();

void Display_Vertex();

Vertex_Node(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute);

virtual ~Vertex_Node();


# endif / /!defined(AFX_VERTEX_NODE_H__4D70C387_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

Also in this case it comes defined like friend class GRAPH (that we remember equivalent to the VERTEX_LIST) in how much must have free access to the fields of the single Vertex_Node of which is made up. In the segment protected the information appear of which every Vertex_Node is made up that is an attribute whose type a priori does not come bound second how much already described for the Vertex_Node, entire positive indicating a number of arches entering in the apex, information of primary importance allorchè will have to be decided if the apex is dismissable or less, is then a gunlayer to a type ARC_LIST therefore every apex knows where it begins the list of its arches outgoing. Finally there is a gunlayer to the next VERTEX_NODE in the VERTEX_LIST.

We pass hour to the declaration of the member function:

//Vertex_Node.cpp: implementation of the Vertex_Node class.



# it includes < iostream.h >

# it includes "Vertex_Node.h"




Vertex_Node::Vertex_Node(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute)


Arc_List_Ptr = new Arc_List ;

Next_Vertex = 0 ;

Reference_Count = 0 ;

Vertex_Attribute = The_Attribute ;






// Visualization of the single name of the apex


void Vertex_Node::Display_Vertex()



if(Next_Vertex! = 0)

cout < < ",";


cout < < endl;



//Visualizzazione of the name of the apex of arches from it outgoing and of theirs you concern us of destination


void Vertex_Node::Display_Vertex_And_Arcs()


"\nVertice" cout < <;


cout < < "\n\tArchi entering: "< < Reference_Count;

cout < < "\n\tArchi uscenti: ";



As far as the constructor you notice yourself that second how much demanded from the VISUAL C the 5,0 gunlayers comes directly inizializzati to 0 and not to NULL as happens in other languages or previous versions. Moreover the initialization of field ARC_LIST_PTR happens directly demanding to the operating system memory for an object of type ARC_LIST that exactly will be aimed from ARC_LIST_PTR.

There are two various functions of visualization defined on a VERTEX_NODE, before the Display method of class ELEMENT visualizes alone the apex recalling and its derivatives while the second one visualizes also arch it outgoing using the Display_Arcs method defined on type ARC_LIST.

GRAPH (Vertex_List)

//Graph.h: interface for the Graph class.



# if!defined(AFX_Graph_H__4D70C385_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_Graph_H__4D70C385_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Arc_List.h"

# it includes "Arc_Node.h"

class Graph //class that implements the list of you concern to us


friend class Vertex_Node;


Vertex_Node * Head ; //tip always to the head of the list


int Number_Of_Arcs_In();

void Clear();

bool Remove_Arc(Gen_Data_Ptr Source_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr Dest_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Arc);

void Display_Graph();

bool Create_An_Arc(Gen_Data_Ptr Source_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr Dest_Vertex,

Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute);

Vertex_Node * Is_Member_Of(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute);

int Number_Of_Vertices_In();

bool Remove_Vertex(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Source);

void Display_Only_Vertex();

void Insert(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute);


virtual ~Graph();


# endif / /!defined(AFX_Graph_H__4D70C385_7844_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

Also in this case therefore as it had happened for the ARC_LIST the only private data is the gunlayer to the first VERTEX_NODE pertaining to the list and in the Public part the operations appear eseguibili standards on one list.

//Graph.cpp: implementation of the Graph class.



# it includes < iostream.h >

# it includes "Graph.h"

# it includes "Vertex_Node.h"






Head = 0;






//Inserisce an apex in head to the list of you concern to us controlling that it is not already present in the which case does not happen duplication.


void Graph::Insert(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute)




cerr < < "the apex is already present in the graph ." < < endl;



Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

//Vertex_Node_Ptr tip to a new Vertex_Node

Vertex_Node_Ptr = new Vertex_Node(The_Attribute);

//places in head to the list the new apex



Head = Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex = 0;




Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex = Head;

Head = Vertex_Node_Ptr;




// Visualizza the single attributes of you concern to us.


void Graph::Display_Only_Vertex()


if(Head == 0)


cout < < "Not Vertex in this Graph" < < endl;




Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

while(Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0)


// the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL


Vertex_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex;





//Rimozione of a single apex and its arches from graph previo a control that the apex is not destination of some arc.


bool Graph::Remove_Vertex(Gen_Data_Ptr Vertex_To_Remove)

{ // Point a gunlayer to the head of the list

Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr_1;

Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr_2;

Vertex_Node_Ptr_1 = Head ;

Vertex_Node_Ptr_2 = Head ;

//search of the node to remove

while((Vertex_Node_Ptr_1! = 0) &&



Vertex_Node_Ptr_2 = Vertex_Node_Ptr_1;

Vertex_Node_Ptr_1 = Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Next_Vertex;


// control that the apex exists and that it is not headed from some arc

if((Vertex_Node_Ptr_1! = 0)&&

((Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Reference_Count == 0) ||

((Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Reference_Count!=0) &&



// gate all arches to it outgoing from the apex

Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Arc_List_Ptr->Arc_List_Head;

while(Arc_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{// the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL

Remove_Arc(Vertex_To_Remove, Arc_Node_Ptr->Arc_Destination,


Arc_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Arc_List_Ptr->Arc_List_Head;



if(Vertex_Node_Ptr_1! = Head)

Vertex_Node_Ptr_2->Next_Vertex = Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Next_Vertex;

else //the ARC TO REMOVE Is The FIRST One Of the LIST

Head = Head->Next_Vertex;

//I eliminate vertice the

delete Vertex_Node_Ptr_1;

return true;


if(Vertex_Node_Ptr_1 == 0)


cerr < < "the apex to eliminate has not been found" < < endl;




cerr < < "the apex is not dismissable in how much destination of";

cerr < < Vertex_Node_Ptr_1->Reference_Count < < "Arches." < < endl;


return false;



//determination of the number of you concern us of which the graph is made up.


int Graph::Number_Of_Vertices_In()


int N_Vertex = 0;

Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

while(Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{ //the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL

N_Vertex ;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex;


return N_Vertex;



//Determination if the apex belongs or less to the graph with restitution of the gunlayer to the same apex in the case

//it comes characterized, otherwise it comes given back the gunlayer that closes list 0 that is and therefore the function gives back

//FALSE if the apex does not come characterized.


Vertex_Node * Graph::Is_Member_Of(Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute)


Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

while((Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0) &&



Vertex_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex;


return Vertex_Node_Ptr;



//Questa member function executes the creation of an arc previo control of the existence of the apex source and destination


bool Graph::Create_An_Arc(Gen_Data_Ptr Source_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr Dest_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Attribute)


Vertex_Node * Source_Vertex_Ptr;

Source_Vertex_Ptr = Is_Member_Of(Source_Vertex);

if(Source_Vertex_Ptr == 0)


cerr < < "the apex source is inesistente\n";

return false;


Vertex_Node * Dest_Vertex_Ptr;

Dest_Vertex_Ptr = Is_Member_Of(Dest_Vertex);

if(Dest_Vertex_Ptr == 0)


cerr < < "the destination apex is inesistente\n";

return false;


//Increment the reference count of the destination arc

Dest_Vertex_Ptr->Reference_Count ;

//Creation of the arc

Source_Vertex_Ptr->Arc_List_Ptr->Insert(The_Attribute, Dest_Vertex);

return true;



//Visualizzazione of all the nodes and all arches it pertaining to the graph .


void Graph::Display_Graph()


if(Head == 0)


cout < < "Not Vertex in this Graph" < < endl < < endl;




Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

while(Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{ //the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL


Vertex_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex;





//Rimozione of a data arc previo control of the existence of the same one. The function executes also

//the decrement of the REFERENCE_COUNT of the apex of destination of the arc.


bool Graph::Remove_Arc(Gen_Data_Ptr Source_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr Dest_Vertex, Gen_Data_Ptr The_Arc)


//control that the apex source exists

Vertex_Node * Source_Vertex_Ptr;

Source_Vertex_Ptr = Is_Member_Of(Source_Vertex);

if(Source_Vertex_Ptr == 0)


cerr < < "\nIl apex source is nonexistent";

//monster the list of you concern to us


return false;


Vertex_Node * Dest_Vertex_Ptr;

Dest_Vertex_Ptr = Is_Member_Of(Dest_Vertex);

if(Dest_Vertex_Ptr == 0)


cerr < < "\nIl destination apex is nonexistent";


return false;


Arc_Node * Arc_Node_Ptr;

Arc_Node_Ptr = Source_Vertex_Ptr->Arc_List_Ptr->Is_Member_Of(The_Arc, Dest_Vertex);

if(Arc_Node_Ptr == 0)


cerr < < "\nL' arc to eliminate is nonexistent";


return false;




Source_Vertex_Ptr->Arc_List_Ptr->Remove(The_Arc, Dest_Vertex);

Dest_Vertex_Ptr->Reference_Count --;

return true;




//Eliminazione of all arches to it and of all you concern us pertaining to the graph , this for compatibility with the control of

//Reference_Count it happens eliminating before from every apex arches to it outgoing and then eliminating all you concern to us.


void Graph::Clear()


Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

//Removal of arches from all concerns to us

while(Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{ //the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL


Vertex_Node_Ptr->Reference_Count = 0;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex;


//Removal of you concern to us

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

while(Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{ //the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL


Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;




//Calculation of the number of arches present in the graph obtained applying to every apex the omonima

//function defined for the ARC_LIST.


int Graph::Number_Of_Arcs_In()


int N_Arcs = 0;

Vertex_Node * Vertex_Node_Ptr;

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Head;

while(Vertex_Node_Ptr! = 0)

{ //the cycle is repeated sin when it is not NULL

N_Arcs = N_Arcs (Vertex_Node_Ptr->Arc_List_Ptr->Number_Of_Arcs_In());

Vertex_Node_Ptr = Vertex_Node_Ptr->Next_Vertex;


return N_Arcs;


b) Description and implementation of the polimorfismo

With the term polimorfismo we mean the ability to a class base to define of the functions which come redefined from the derived classes, and the possibility of the compiler to execute late binding that you recall the method for the just class derived by means of a control on the recalling object the function. Perhaps in such context the more meaningful application is just this from we implemented that is the possibility to avoid to write for every function others n functions in order to implement n possible types of data.

The solution consists in setting up an abstract class ELEMENT from which real classes to n various types of data derive n relative, in our case have been implemented FLOAT_OBJ, INT_OBJ and CHAR_OBJ, ognuna di.le which redefine the constructor, the Display function and function IS_EQUAL subsequently described.


//Element.h: interface for the Element class.


# if!defined(AFX_ELEMENT_H__25FF6141_7852_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_ELEMENT_H__25FF6141_7852_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

typedef char Class_Name[20 ];

# it includes < string.h >

class Element



virtual bool Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr);

virtual void Display();

char * Get_Class();


virtual ~Element();


Class_Name My_Class;


typedef Element * Gen_Data_Ptr; //defines a gunlayer to the Element class

# endif / /!defined(AFX_ELEMENT_H__25FF6141_7852_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

This class has like only data protected and therefore ereditabile from the derived classes the name of the class, information that will be useful laddove of a data object will have to determine which derived class belongs and if it is aimed from a gunlayer to the class mother ELEMENT.

It comes moreover defined a gunlayer to this class that then will be used in all the functions that will import ELEMENT.H in order to characterize a gunlayer to a type of generic data.

The declaration of the functions public is following:

//Element.cpp: implementation of the Element class.



# it includes "Element.h"






strcpy(My_Class, "Element");






//Returns the name of the class


char * Element::Get_Class()


return My_Class;



//Questa function is redefined from the derived classes.


void Element::Display()




//Questa function is virtual and therefore redefined from the derived classes, it takes care itself to establish the equality of the data

//della class which it comes applied the method with the class aimed from the gunlayer that is received in income.


bool Element::Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr)


return false;


We see hour as the derived classes redefine the functions virtual of class ELEMENT:


//Int_Obj.h: interface for the Int_Obj class.


# if!defined(AFX_INT_OBJ_H__25FF6142_7852_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_INT_OBJ_H__25FF6142_7852_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Element.h"

class Int_Obj: public Element



void Display();

bool Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr);

int Get_Val();


Int_Obj(int Int_Data);

virtual ~Int_Obj();


int Value;


# endif / /!defined(AFX_INT_OBJ_H__25FF6142_7852_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

In this case the only data protected is Value which it is accessible solo from the Int_Obj class and they do not give to the class mother that it imposes that even if the code of the Display is equal for all and the 3 derived classes, such code is not implementabile in the class base.

The correspondent declaration is following:

//Int_Obj.cpp: implementation of the Int_Obj class.


# it includes < iostream.h >

# it includes "Int_Obj.h"






strcpy(My_Class, "Int_Obj");






// inizializzatore Constructor


Int_Obj::Int_Obj(int Int_Data)


strcpy(My_Class, "Int_Obj");

Value = Int_Data;



// Get_Val




return Value;



// Display


void Int_Obj::Display()


cout < < Value;




//Questa function concurs to verify if the Value of the object for which it is recalled is equal to the Value

//della object of type ELEMENT that it receives in income. Ci² happens previa conversion of the gunlayer to

//ELEMENT in a gunlayer to INT_OBJ.


bool Int_Obj::Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr)


//the strcmp gives back 0 if the 2 stringhe they are equal

if(strcmp(Element_Ptr->Get_Class(), "Int_Obj"))

return false;



// I convert the generic gunlayer in a gunlayer to entire

Int_Obj * Int_Obj_Ptr = (Int_Obj *)Element_Ptr;

//comparison the data heads to you from the 2 gunlayers





//Char_Obj.h: interface for the Char_Obj class.


# if!defined(AFX_HAR_OBJ_H__882EFA81_7A44_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_HAR_OBJ_H__882EFA81_7A44_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Element.h"

class Char_Obj: public Element



char Value;



Char_Obj(char Char_Data);

virtual ~Char_Obj();

void Display();

bool Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr);

char Get_Val();


# endif / /!defined(AFX_HAR_OBJ_H__882EFA81_7A44_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

The correspondent declaration is following:

//Char_Obj.cpp: implementation of the Char_Obj class.



# it includes "har_Obj.h"

# it includes < iostream.h >






strcpy(My_Class, "Char_Obj");



// inizializzatore Constructor


Char_Obj::Char_Obj(char Char_Data)


strcpy(My_Class, "Char_Obj");

Value = Char_Data;








char Char_Obj::Get_Val()


return Value;


bool Char_Obj::Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr)


//the strcmp gives back 0 if the 2 stringhe they are equal

if(strcmp(Element_Ptr->Get_Class(), "Char_Obj"))

return false;



// I convert the generic gunlayer in a gunlayer

//to entire

Char_Obj * Char_Obj_Ptr = (Char_Obj *)Element_Ptr;

//comparison the data heads to you from the 2 gunlayers





// Display


void Char_Obj::Display()


cout < < Value;



//Float_Obj.h: interface for the Float_Obj class.


# if!defined(AFX_FLOAT_OBJ_H__882EFA82_7A44_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

# define AFX_FLOAT_OBJ_H__882EFA82_7A44_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _

# if _ MSC_VER > = 1000

# pragma ounces

# endif //_ MSC_VER > = 1000

# it includes "Element.h"

class Float_Obj: public Element




Float_Obj(float Float_Data);

virtual ~Float_Obj();

void Display();

bool Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr);

float Get_Val();


float Value;


# endif / /!defined(AFX_FLOAT_OBJ_H__882EFA82_7A44_11D1_BECF_444553540000__INCLUDED _)

The declaration of class FLOAT_OBJ is following:

//Float_Obj.cpp: implementation of the Float_Obj class.



# it includes < iostream.h >

# it includes "Float_Obj.h"






strcpy(My_Class, "Float_Obj");






// inizializzatore Constructor


Float_Obj::Float_Obj(float Float_Data)


strcpy(My_Class, "Float_Obj");

Value = Float_Data;





float Float_Obj::Get_Val()


return Value;





bool Float_Obj::Is_Equal(Element * Element_Ptr)


//the strcmp gives back 0 if the 2 stringhe they are equal

if(strcmp(Element_Ptr->Get_Class(), "Float_Obj"))

return false;



//I convert the generic gunlayer in a gunlayer to Float_Obj

Float_Obj * Float_Obj_Ptr = (Float_Obj *)Element_Ptr;

//comparison the data heads to you from the 2 gunlayers







void Float_Obj::Display()


cout < < Value;


As these classes can be used in order to implement a graph with arch and concern having attributes to us of whichever kind between this hour defined are illustrated in the following paragraph.

c) applicativo Development based on class GRAPH

Applicativo following is born from the requirement to see to work the member function defined for the Graph class therefore is limited to set up a menu of the eseguibili operations on the same one, to ognuna di.le which a function is associated that, laddove necessary, supplies to demand to the customer of the income data which to eempio the attributes for the arc or the apex of destination or the apex source. The Type_Selection function is moreover present that for everyone of the cases over points out to you concurs with the customer to insert the tipologia of since it agrees to insert, such function will not make other that to go to istanziare the just object between FLOAT_OBJ, CHAR_OBJ and INT_OBJ and making to aim it from one of the gunlayers to having class ELEMENT general visibility ossia Source_Name_Ptr, Dest_Name_Ptr ed Arc_Name_Ptr.

# it includes "Graph.h"

# it includes "Arc_List.h"

# it includes "Element.h"

# it includes "Int_Obj.h"

# it includes "har_Obj.h"

# it includes "Float_Obj.h"

# it includes < ctype.h >

# it includes < string.h >

# it includes < iostream.h>

# it includes < conio.h >


void Insert();

void Create();

void Display();

void Number_Of_Vertices_In();

void Number_Of_Arcs_In();

void Right y_Arc();

void Right y_Vertex();

void Right y_Graph();


char Type_Selection();

void Set_Arc_Name();

void Set_Source_Vertex_Name();

void Set_Dest_Vertex_Name();

Element * Source_Name_Ptr, * Dest_Name_Ptr, * Arc_Name_Ptr ;

Graph * My_Graph ;

void main()



cout<<" ____________________________________________________________ \n";

cout<<" | |\n ";


cout<<" |____________________________________________________________ |\n ";

cout<<" | * Version 1.0 * |\n ";

cout<<" | **************** |\n ";

cout<<" | |\n ";

cout<<" | Programmers: |\n ";

cout<<" | ------------ |\n ";

cout<<" | |\n ";

cout<<" | |\n ";

cout<<" | |\n ";

cout<<" | |\n ";

cout<<" | |\n ";


cout<<" | |\n ";

cout<<" |__________________________________________________________ __|\n ";

char response ;

cin > > response ;

cout < < "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ;

bool again ;

My_Graph = new Graph ;

I give



cout < < " ************************************************************ \n";

cout < < " * Prego to select one of the following options: * \n";

cout < < " * 1) Insertion of vertice a * \n";

cout < < " * 2) Insertion of arco a * \n";

cout < < " * 3) Visualizzazione * \n";

cout < < " * 4) Determination of the number of vertici * \n";

cout < < " * 5) Determination of the number of archi * \n";

cout < < " * 6) Elimination of arco a * \n";

cout < < " * 7) Elimination of vertice a * \n";

cout < < " * 8) Elimination of graph a * \n";

cout < < " * 0) Fine * \n ";

cout < < " ************************************************************* \n";

cin > > response;




houses ' 1 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Insertion of vertice a * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";

Insert() ;

again = true;

continue ;

houses ' 2 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Insertion of arco a * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";


again = true;

continue ;

houses ' 3 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Visualization of the Graph * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";

Display() ;

again = true;

continue ;

houses ' 4 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Determination of the n of vertici * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";


again = true;

continue ;

houses ' 5 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Determination of the n of arches * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";


again = true;

continue ;

houses ' 6 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Elimination of arco a * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";

Right y_Arc();

again = true ;

continue ;

houses ' 7 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Elimination of vertice a * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";

Right y_Vertex();

again = true;


houses ' 8 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* Elimination of graph the * \n";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";

Right y_Graph();

again = true;


houses ' 0 ':

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n";

cout < < "\t\t\t* See You...... * \n ";

cout < < "\t\t\t**********************************\n\n";

again = false;



again = true;


fine }// of the switch

Fine } //of I give




//Inserzione of an apex in the graph


void Insert()






//Creazione of an arc


void Create()





My_Graph->Create_An_Arc(Source_Name_Ptr, Dest_Name_Ptr, Arc_Name_Ptr);



//Visualizzazione of the graph


void Display()





//Visualizzazione of the number of you concern to us present in the graph


void Number_Of_Vertices_In()


cout < < "In the Graph is present";

cout < < My_Graph->Number_Of_Vertices_In();

cout < < "you concern to us." < < endl;



//Visualizzazione of the number of arches present in the graph


void Number_Of_Arcs_In()


cout < < "In the Graph is present";

cout < < My_Graph->Number_Of_Arcs_In();

cout < < "arches." < < endl;



//Eliminazione of an arc from the graph


void Right y_Arc()





My_Graph->Remove_Arc(Source_Name_Ptr, Dest_Name_Ptr, Arc_Name_Ptr);



//Eliminazione of an apex from the graph


void Right y_Vertex()






//Eliminazione of the graph


void Right y_Graph()





//Visualizzazione of the shielded one of selection of the type of data


char Type_Selection()


char Data_Type;

cout < < "\t***************************************************************\n";

cout < < "\t* C) Char -128 to 127 * \n ";

cout < < "\t* F) Float 3.4*(10**-38) to 3.4*(10** 38) * \n";

cout < < "\t* I) Int -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 * \n";

cout < < "\t***************************************************************\n";

cin > > Data_Type;

return (toupper(Data_Type));



//Questa procedure aims Source_Name_Ptr to the address of the object that istanzia employee itself

//this last one from the type of selected data


void Set_Source_Vertex_Name()


bool again;

cout < < "To select the type of data for the apex sorgente:\n\n";

I give




houses ' There:

char Char_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Char): ";

cin > > Char_Data;

Source_Name_Ptr = new Char_Obj(Char_Data);

again = false;


houses ' I':

int Int_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Long Int): ";

cin > > Int_Data;

Source_Name_Ptr = new Int_Obj(Int_Data);

again = false;


houses ' F':

float Float_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Float): ";

cin > > Float_Data;

Source_Name_Ptr = new Float_Obj(Float_Data);

again = false;



again = true;

cout < < "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";



}while(again == true);

cout < < "\n\n\n\n\n\n";



//Questa procedure aims Dest_Name_Ptr to the address of the object that istanzia employee itself

//this last one from the type of selected data


void Set_Dest_Vertex_Name()


bool again;

cout < < "To select the type of data for the apex of destinazione:\n\n";

I give




houses ' There:

char Char_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Char): ";

cin > > Char_Data;

Dest_Name_Ptr = new Char_Obj(Char_Data);

again = false;


houses ' I':

int Int_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Long Int): ";

cin > > Int_Data;

Dest_Name_Ptr = new Int_Obj(Int_Data);

again = false;


houses ' F':

float Float_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Float): ";

cin > > Float_Data;

Dest_Name_Ptr = new Float_Obj(Float_Data);

again = false;



again = true;



}while(again == true);

cout < < "\n\n\n\n\n\n";



//Questa procedure aims Arc_Name_Ptr to the address of the object that istanzia employee itself

//this last one from the type of selected data


void Set_Arc_Name()


bool again;

cout < < "To select the type of data for the arc:\n\n";

I give




houses ' There:

char Char_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Char): ";

cin > > Char_Data;

Arc_Name_Ptr = new Char_Obj(Char_Data);

again = false;


houses ' I':

int Int_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Long Int): ";

cin > > Int_Data;

Arc_Name_Ptr = new Int_Obj(Int_Data);

again = false;


houses ' F':

float Float_Data;

cout < < "Immettere the attribute (Float): ";

cin > > Float_Data;

Arc_Name_Ptr = new Float_Obj(Float_Data);

again = false;



again = true;



}while(again == true);

cout < < "\n\n\n\n\n\n";
