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Systems of conductors and electrostatic field 1) inner Electric field to a conductor and upgrades them: In electrostatics the inner electric field to a conductor must otherwise be null the charges muoverebbero, it upgrades them of the rest being legacy to the field from and = - grad V cannot that to be constant.
2) electrostatic Field in proximity of a conductor : Taking advantage of the conservatività of and applied to a closed circuit one finds that the tangent member of and conserve, for which if the field and inside to the conductor must be 0, it she will be also the tangent member of and externally to the conductor therefore and turns out to be orthogonal to the surface of the conductor.
3) Job of extraction : Draft of the job necessary in order to carry itself loads with test from one inner position to one external but next position to the conductor.
4) Theorem of Coulomb : In a next point to a conductor the electric field has
equal module to
5) Describe the phenomenon of the complete induction : The inner electric field to a conductor is 0, therefore for Gauss the flow must is the 0 therefore inner charges to a line sluice must totally be 0 but if the conductor is cable and in the cavity there is loads, then in order to maintain to the inner neutrality the conductor it will have to exhibit to the cavity loads opposite.
6) To be able of the tips : The density of loads is greater laddove the curving beam is smaller, in virtue of the theorem of Coulomb this happens also for the electric field.
7) Ability to a conductor and unit of measure : It is the relationship between loads that it comes supplied the conductor and the potential difference them that consequently it comes to assume. Measure in Farad.
8) Relations between tensions, ability and coefficients of upgrade them in the case of 2 conductors :
9) electrostatic Condenser and its ability : An electrostatic condenser is a system constituted from
two metallic slabs pointed out so that on they the complete induction
is taken place
10) Ability to the spherical, cylindrical and flat condenser :
11) electrostatic Energy of a continuous distribution of loads : The electrostatic energy is upgrades them to unit of loads
12) electrostatic Energy of a loaded condenser :
13) Density of electrostatic energy :
14) Equation of Poisson :
15) general Problem of electrostatics : The problem of the determination agrees of upgrades
resolving them
16) Problem of Dirichlet : They are famous upgrades them on the superficial ones of
the conductors and it upgrades them to infinite = 0, moreover not
loaded are localized, the equation
17) Equation of Laplace :