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Stationary magnetic phenomena in the empty one

1) magnetic Force on a current element :

also is said 2ª the law of Laplace and derives from considerations experiences them


2) Field magnetic induction B and its unit of measure:

B measure in Tesla and is a measure of the magnetic induction, means to in motion describe a system of forces generated from charges and that it acts in motion on charges.


3) Force of Lorentz :

It means to describe the force which it is subject loads punctiform q in motion in a field of magnetic induction B. Draft of an always orthogonal force to the speed of the particle and therefore cannot any be altered the module but the single direction. It is gained from 2ª the law of Laplace writing


4) Theorem of equivalence of Ampere :

A coil covered from current is subduable to a magnetic dipole of moment as it is obtained from considerations on the mechanical moment which a dipped square coil in a B field is subordinate and confronting it with the mechanical moment which a dipole dipped in a magnetic field is subordinate.


5) Energy upgrades them mechanical of a coil dipped in a field of magnetic induction :

From it remembering the F = - grad U can be gained the force which a coil dipped in a B field is subordinate.


6) magnetic Permeability of the empty one :

m0 constant characteristic of the means is one that are worth


7) Law of Biot and Savart :

Also the law of Ampere is said 1ª, it means to describe the field generated from an infinitesimal element of thread covered from current I, has : , valid law in the case of circuits to infinitesimal section, otherwise is necessary to replace with the flow of J.


8) Law of Biot and Savart for rectilinear thread of current:

Generated the B field has circular lines of force situated on an orthogonal plan to the thread is worth .


9) magnetic Field to the inside of an infinite solenoid :

being N the coil number and l the length of the solenoid


10) 2ª equation of Maxwell :

B is a solenoidale field that is to divergence 0 that it implies that all the streamlines are lines chiuse.

It is obtained applying the divergence to the law of Biot and Savart and taking advantage of some turns out you of the vectorial analysis. From this applying the theorem of the divergence one finds that the flow of B through one any surface sluice is 0.


11) 4ª equation of Maxwell in the stationary case in the empty one :

The B field is not conservativo that is its rotor is not null but equal to sources of the campo


12) Currents concatenate to the circuit l :

Draft delle currents that intersect a S surface that has one any line l like contour.


13) Theorem of the circuitazione of B0 in the empty one and stationary conditions :

It is the integral shape of the and from it it is obtained then calculating the flow and applying the theorem of Stokes to 1° the member.


14) operating Definition of Ampere :

1 Ampere is the current that slides in 2 conductors places places side by side you to the distance of 1 meter and that the Newtons attract themselves with an equal force to .


15) It upgrades them carrier :


16) Transformation of Gauge :

Draft of a transformation that characterizes all upgrades them carriers that satisfy . Ha where f any function is one to climb that it admits derived partial second. In short once characterized a generic one upgrades them carrier that has not null divergence chooses the function f so that the transformation of Gauge gives back upgrades them carrier with null divergence.


17) general Equation of upgrades them static carrier :

It is obtained replacing the nella .