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Electrostatics in the empty one 1) Effects of the strofinio : If I scour an object with a cloth, the object can be loaded positively or negatively to second with the material of which it is constituted. 2 equal objects if it scours to you reject while 2 various objects arrange to you to ok can attrarsi.
2) Constituent elementary of the matter: The matter is constituted of atoms, in which a massive nucleus with protons and neutrons is present and a cloud electronic, the electron number is equal to the proton number
3) Nucleoni : They are the protons and the neutrons.
4) quantizzata Carica : Equal note loads is quantizzata in how much of it exists an elementary unit to loads with the electron -1.6*10-19 C.
5) atomic Number : The atomic number is the number of protons or present electrons in an atom.
6) Number of mass : The atomic number is the sum of protons and neutrons (nucleoni) present in an atom.
7) Isotopes : 2 atoms are of isotopes of the same element if they have the same atomic number but various number of mass.
8) Elettrizzazione for contact : If a loaded body positively comes put to contact with a body conductor drainage, the electrons of this are attracted to the loaded body and if there is the contact happens the transfer, to this point separating the two bodies, the conductor is remained loaded positively.
9) electrostatic Induction : The phenomenon of the electrostatic induction consists in the fact that a body can totally remain drainage, but the distribution of the charges can not be uniform for which there are of the zones in which there is a distribution of loads positive and other zones where instead there is a distribution of loads negative, all like consequence of the approach of an opportunely loaded body.
10) Like realizing a loaded body negatively : A loaded body can be realized negatively avvicinandogli a loaded body positively, the positive charges will be attracted while those negatives, will try to go away most possible for which if a temporary connection to earth is come true, the body negatively remains loaded.
11) Electroscope to leaves : It is based on the fact that 2 charges of the same sign are rejected in relation to the value of load, have therefore 2 foglioline in a glass ampoule, connected to the same knob that it comes put to contact with loads, the deflection regarding the vertical one is tied to the value of loads.
12) Subdivision of loads : If I have 2 equal bodies of which a cargo, if puttinges to contact load will be subdivided fairly between the two.
13) Law of conservation of loads electrical worker : The algebrica sum of the charges maintains constant in the time.
14) Coulomb's law : If 2 punctiform charges, q1 and q2 are disposed in empty at a distance r the force F21 that q2 it endures to work of q1 it is worth :
15) Definition of Coulomb : Draft of is loaded that it crosses in a second a conductor covered from the current of 1 Ampere.
16) dielectric Constant in the empty one :
17) Electric field : It is the force endured from the unit of loads, measure in V/m
18) Principle of superimposition of the effects : The present electric field in a P point is the vectorial sum of all the fields generates to you in P from the single charges.
19) Dipole electrical worker : A dipole electrical worker is a system constituted from 2
equal charges situated at a distance d between of they, upgrades them
from they generated in a point is estimated with the dipole
20) dipole Moment electrical worker: The dipole moment electrical worker is
21) Electric field generated from one uniform layer slowly :
22) elementary Flow :
23) Theorem of Gauss : The flow of electrostatic field and0 through a surface sluice any S is equal to the sum
of the loaded presents to the inside with the surface uniform for and0
24) solid Angle : It is dS a surface element and we combine all the points
of the contour of dS with the origin Or coming in such a way to form a
cone. The intersection betweena center sphere is hour d W Or and beam r and the
previous cone the solid
angle dw is characterized from
the relationship between this area and the square of the distance from
the origin
25) Line of force: Draft of a line that has in every point the direction of the field like tangent.
26) Streamtube : If a line is considered sluice, in every its point a line of force of the field passes, with of such lines forms a tubular surface said streamtube.
27) Electric field produced from one spherically symmetrical distribution of charges: At a distance r from the center the distribution produces to the same electric field who would be produced from loads punctiform q(r) disposed in the center and par to loads contained total to the inside with the beam sphere r.
28) Value of the electric field in an inner point to a loaded spherical shell : The field to the inside is worth 0 and the system therefore is said to be an electrostatic shell
29) Electric field in a condensatore:
30) Theorem of the divergence : It asserts that the flow of a carrier and through a surface S sluice is equal to the integral of the divergence of and calculated on the volume enclosed from the S surface.
31) First equation of Maxwell : It is the equivalent differentiates them of the theorem of Gauss is obtained for comparison between this last and theorem of the divergence
32) It upgrades them electrostatic and its unit of measure : A distance upgrades them electrostatic is equal to the
integral of line of the long electric field whichever that combine 2
points To and B. It is a lot important to hold always present that draft of one to escalate itself.
33) It upgrades generated them from loads punctiform q disposed in the empty one :
34) It upgrades them to the inside of a condenser : Present must itself be held the relation and = - `V for which the laddove field it is 0, upgrade them are constant and laddove the field is constant, upgrades them grows linearly.
35) Problems connected to the calculation of distributions of charges that extend to the infinite : It cannot be more assumed that it upgrades them to the infinite is 0, can but to assume that it upgrades them is 0 in an other point.
36) It upgrades generated them from a dipole at a distance r > > d :
37) Energy upgrades them of a dipole of moment p dipped in the external electric field and0 :
38) Turning out and turning out moment of the forces exercised from the field on the dipole :
39) Circuitazione of the electrostatic field : The field and is conservativo therefore the long circuitazione one whichever line sluice from as turned out 0.
40) Div Rot V: 0
41) Rot Grad V: 0
42) Theorem of Stokes : The flow of the rotor of a carrier through an open surface S is equal to the circuitazione of the long carrier the positive edge of the S surface. |