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Electrostatics in dielectric presence

1) Difference between conductors and dielectrics :

The atoms of the conductors have everyone 1 or 2 free electrons to go away already to ambient temperature, this gives place to an elevated number of bearers, while in dielectrics the electrons are strongly legacies to respect nuclei to you.


2) relative and absolute dielectric Constant :

It means to describe the phenomenon according to which the ability to a condenser increases if constant relative dielectric comes frapposto a dielectric La andr it is such that andrand0 = and, is characteristic of means, in empty and = and0 therefore andr = 1.


3) Polarization for deformation:

The polarization for deformation or atomic polarization is in practical due allo loss of balance della atom, therefore in presence of an electric field, than memory it goes give loads it positive alla it loads negative, it sees cloud electronic to become deformed itself and to push towards the positive charges sources del field while the positive nucleus is rejected some.


4) Polarizzabilità electronic :

It is the coefficient of proportionality toD between the local field andL and the dipole moment induced in the dielectric .


5) local Field and macrocospic field :

The local field is the field which had to the external charges and to all dipoles constituted from adjacent molecules, the macrocospic field instead includes also the field generated from the molecule in examination. For substances to low density as the gases the two fields coincide.


6) Polarization for guideline :

Polarization for guideline is had if the material is constituted from molecules with not null dipole moment, these in electric field absence has turning out moment null, while in presence of an external field they stretch to orient the dipole moments in Concorde way, the outcome is therefore a weakening of the field. The local field turns out to be proporziona them not at the moment of dipole but to medium its valor


7) Carrier polarization P electrical worker :

The P carrier represents il moment dipole to unit of volume .


8) Relation between the density of loads with polarization and the carrier polarization electrical worker :

9) Suscettività electrical worker c :

c = andr -1 is a factor of proportionality between the electric field and the carrier polarization.


10) Carrier movement fundamental electrical worker and equations electrostatic in dielectric presence :

The equations of electrostatics become e .


11) perfect Dielectric :

The elements of the tensore of polarization are constant.


12) Dielectric isotropo :

Its characteristics are independent from the position.


13) Carrier movement electrical worker in a perfect dielectric and isotropo :

It is had .


14) Theorem of Gauss for D :

The flow of D through a surface sluice any S is equal to the sum of the loaded presents to the inside with the surface 


15) Theorem of Coulomb for D :


16) Law of refraction of the lines of force of the electric field :

where q1 and q2 is the angles forms you from the electric field with the normal school to the separation surface.


17) dielectric Rigidity :

It is the maximum tension that pu² to be applied to a condenser without that the dielectric is perforated.


18) Density of energy of the electrostatic field in dielectric presence :