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Marginal analysis 1) optimal Level of activity: The level of an activity must, if possible, to expand itself until that its marginal result clearly (held account is of the benefits, is of the costs) assumes a positive value ; it would have therefore to be protratta until the point in which the marginal result clearly he is equal to zero. This is a condition of 1° the order, however it is necessary to consider also the derivative 2ª and the possibility that the maximum is found to an end.
2) relative Levels you of activity : In order to obtain he turns out to you optimal, the activities would have to be capacities to such levels to give to all equal marginal revenues, for unit of supported burden (cost). To such point the redistribution of the resources between the various activities will only be possible.
3) marginal Value : Draft of the amount that joins to the total for every test adds them. Graphically the marginal value coincides with the slope of the straight tangent to the curve of the value total.
4) medium Value : It is the sum of all the values uniform for their numerosity. Graphically the medium value coincides with the slope of the straight one that joins the point on the curve of the value total and the origin.
5) Relation between medium value and marginal value : The medium value grows if the marginal value is greater of the valor medium same, decreases if the marginal value is smaller and finally it is constant if the marginal value is equal to the valor medium.
6) Like gaining the curve of the value total from the curve of the valor medium : The value total in a data point is given from the product of the projections of the point pertaining to the curve of the valor medium on the aces.
7) Like gaining the value total from the curve of the marginal value : The value total is equal to the below area the curve of the marginal value.
8) Like gaining the curve of the marginal value from the curve of the valor medium: One supposes that the curve of the valor medium is in truth one straight and having trace one straight origin in the point in which the curve of the medium values it cuts the axis of the formers and passing for the medium point of one whichever lead horizontal line to the medium curve.
9) Fixed costs: Draft of the costs the whose not dumb largeness to varying of the level of the production, at least within sure limits.
10) marginal Fixed costs : They are not null if the amount to produce is 0 while the marginal fixed costs are null whichever are the number of unit to produce various from 0.
11) arranged Cost total: Arranged cost total = Variable cost total Fixed cost total |