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Advantages and problems of the international commerce

1) Law of the advantages compares to you :

The countries are specialized in the production of those assets that they can produce regarding the other countries to an inferior relative cost.


2) Free commerce:

Not there are tariff barriers neither neither of other type.


3) Factors on which the cost of the production for a country depends :

to)     technology available.

b)    wage levels.

c)     level of the understood one them.


4) relative Salary of equilibrium :

It is that salary that allows to the full occupation of the job in both the countries. If the relative salary is to its level of equilibrium, every country produces at least a good.


5) Advantages of the commerce:

to)     the importing country it pays the assets less than how much they would cost to it if it had to produce them.

b)    the producer does not draw neither advantage neither obvious economic disadvantage.


6) intraindustriale Commerce:

It is the case in which a country it imports and at the same time it exports assets produced in the same field.


7) Motivations of the intraindustriale commerce:

to)     the consumer it loves the variety and therefore question for one immense range of assets is created.

b)    there are economies of scale.

c)     Shipping charges.


8) Business policy them :

It is politics of the government who influences the international commerce through taxes, subsidies and restrictions directed on imports and exports.


9) Custom office :

It is a tax on the imports that the importer of a good imposes to pay to the state one percentage of the foreign price.


10) Effects of the custom office :

to)     It benefits the national producers.

b)    For the consumers the prices are raised and therefore the question is reduced.

c)     is true and just a waste that does not benefit of it the consumers of the producers


11) foreign Subsidy :

Draft of sovvenzionamenti the offers from the foreign governments to the aim to concur with the producers of assets to export to inferior prices to costo. the draft of a temporary provision.


12) Dumping goods in foreign market :

Dumping goods in foreign market is had when the producers in order to avoid a recession sell below cost to the foreign country.


13) Rationing:

The country decides to import from the foreign country only a determined number of unit of a data well.


14) not tariff Barriers:

Draft of administrative rules that discriminate the foreign assets to favor of the national assets.