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Yield and expense 1) Aggregate demand : It is the entirety total of the assets you ask to you in the economic system, meaning the will to acquire. TO = C G NX
2) Production of equilibrium: The equilibrium production is had when the production of goods and services is equal to the demand for goods and services.
3) Investment not programmato: Draft of the increase of the supplyes had to the fact that leave of the production is remained invenduta. IU = Y - TO
4) Level of equilibrium of the yield : It is that income bracket in correspondence of which the programmed expense is equal to the effective production.
5) marginal Propensione to the consumption : It is the increment of the question of consumer goodses that verification as a result of a unitary increment of the level of the yield.
6) Function of the consumption: C = C Y C > 0 , 0 < c < 1.
7) marginal Propensione to the saving s : s = 1 - > 0
8) Level of equilibrium of the yield and the production not considering the public sector: It is the yield for which the aggregate demand equals the
9) Which it is the characteristic of the level of equilibrium : The saving is equal to the investment.
10) Multiplier to : The value of the multiplier obtains which sum of one
geometric series of reason the multiplying one says us of how much must be multiplied one given variation of the independent expense in order to obtain the correspondent variation of the aggregate demand and the yield of equilibrium.
11) Fiscal policy : Draft of the concerning decisions the level of the public expense in goods and services, the level of the transfers and the structure of the taxes. In a simplified economy is assumed: to) G = G b) TR = TR c) TA = tY
12) Like varied the curve of the aggregate demand in presence of the public sector : It increases intercepts it but the fiscal share diminishes the inclination in how much is present t
13) Level of equilibrium of the yield and the production considering the public sector :
14) Like modification the curve of the aggregate demand to continuation of the following itself variations of the fiscal policy : to) increase translation acquires field pubblico increases the expense independent therefore is one towards the high b) lessening sets up on reddito the the straight one more is tilted c) increase of trasferimenti the increases the expense independent therefore is one translation towards the high
15) Stabilizer automatic rifle : Draft of a mechanism that reduces the variation of the yield determined from a variation of the independent members of the question, examples of stabilizers are : to) tax proporziona they to the yield b) unemployment ndemnity.
16) Remainder budgetary : It is the difference between the entrances of the state, that is the taxes, and its expenses (expenses of management and transfers). BS = TA - G - TR
17) Effect of the increase of the purchases of the public sector on the remainder budgetary : The remainder budgetary is reduced but in excessive way in how much not increasing the yield, they increase also the entrances under shape of taxes.
18) Effect of the increase of the share of tax on the remainder budgetary : It increases the remainder budgetary.
19) Remainder of full occupation BS * : Draft of the obtained remainder budgetary considering the yield of full occupation or product upgrades them. Currency the infuence of the fiscal policy on the yield.
20) Multiplier of the budget in balancing : The multiplier of the budget in balancing describes the effects of an increase of the accompanied public expense from an increase of the taxes such that, in the new equilibrium, the remainder budgetary is exactly equal to that one of the equilibrium begins them. The value of such multiplier is 1, eccone the demonstration : DTO = DG c(DY0 - DTA) of the rest the variation of the production must be equal to the variation of the aggregate demand otherwise is not in equilibrium, has DY0 = DG c(DY0 - DTA) = DG = DTA in fact one of the hypotheses was that the variation of the public expense exactly it was compensated from the variation of the fiscal entrances DG = DTA. |