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National accounting

1) added Value :

In the calculation of the P.I.L. account of every good produced in how much cannot be held is of the assets composed to you and theirs members therefore would risk to being calculate 2 times to you, consider therefore the added value of every member therefore the real value of the final good are given from the sum of all the added values of the intermediate assets.


2) Parameters for the calculation of the P.I.L.:

to)    they come considers only the final assets you.

b)    they do not come considers the preesistenti assets you

c)    comes considers the market prices you of the comprehensive assets that is of the taxes.


3) P.N.L. :

The value of the production of the members of a data is the Gross National Product that is arranges economic, that is as an example the production of the Italian enterprises to the foreign country is considered also.


4) P.I.N. :

The P.I.L. is the Net Domestic Product that is depurato from the billetings of understood them necessary in order to maintain to the productive machine to the same efficiency (amortization).


5) running Liras:

They are the Liras considered for the nominal P.I.L.


6)    constant Liras:

They are the Liras considered for the real P.I.L.

7) Problems of measure of the P.I.L.  :

to)    there are productions (the public sector) that they do not come exchanged on the market and therefore not if of it knows well the value, in kind but the wages are considered pay you to be them.

b)    it must be able to also hold account also of the improved quality of the assets if their prices diminish.

c)    the underground economy is not quantifiable.

d)    as to hold account of the price paid in terms of pollution and degradation it acclimatizes them.


8) Deflatore of the P.I.L.  :

It is an index of the inflation, it is equal to the relationship between the nominal P.I.L. of a data year and real correspondent P.I.L..


9) I.P.C  :

Consumer price index, is like the deflatore an index of the inflation and consists in the valorization of a basket of assets constituted from that more consumes to you from the medium consumer.


10) I.P.P. :

Price index to the production, is a pointer in a position to signaling preventively increases inflatti to you, esendo estimated the value of the assets produced of a characteristic basket, before the commercialization.


11) Members of the aggregate demand of goods and services :

to)    spold for consumptions of famiglie. the C

b)    spold pubblica. G

c)    Investments understandings like increase of the physical stock of capitale. I

d)    clean exports (difference between exports and imports). NX


12) economic Conto of the resources and of employs :

P.I.L. imports = private consumptions and publics investments exports.


13) Disposable income of the families :

It is the yield that the families have really to disposition for the consumption and for the saving that is it is the depurato yield of the taxes.

YD = P.N.L. clean Transfers from the enterprises and AP - amortizations - taxes


14) P.N.N.:

The difference between the Gross National Product and the amortizations is the Net National Product that is.


15) Amortization  :

It is the amount of understood them that it must be set aside in how much destined one to maintain the productive ability to the system unchanged.


16) Transfers :

S' means the payments carries out to you from AP that do not constitute compensation for some carried out activity.


17) Allocation of the yield:

The yield only can be used for the consumption and the saving.


18) Hypothesis of one simplified economy :

to) the amortizations they are null

b) the gross investment = net investment

c) direct taxes = 0

d) transfers = 0

g) yields from foreign country = 0


19) fundamental Laws of the simplified economy :

Y = C I members of the question

Y = C S allocation of the yield


20) Hypothesis of a more complex economy :

Regarding the simplified economy it comes added to the foreign trade and the public sector.


21) fundamental macroeconomic Identity :

C G NX º Y º YD (TA - TR) = C S (TA - TR)