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Questionnaire of physics 1) How much is worth the projection of a characterized payer on the straight one from a payer:
To V A' = To * costo Wanting instead to project the carrier along an orthogonal payer to v the projection is To * sento.
2) To x ( B x C ) = B ( To * C ) - C ( To * B )
3) ( To x B ) x C = B ( To * C ) - To ( B * C )
4) In order which reason the carriers in physics are used: The vectorial relations are independent from the particular chosen system of coordinates, and therefore it they are also the expressed physical laws vectorially.
5) How many ways are in order to describe the position of a point in the space: a) gaining of the coordinates which projections on the carriers of the ortonormale base b) If the point is bound to remain on a plan, the polar coordinates can also be used. c) If the point is bound to remain on a curve can be used the curvilinear abscissa that is the distance oriented respect to a point of the taken curve as origin.
6) What is the trajectory of a point: It is the geometric place of the positions occupied from the point to varying of the time.
7) What is the associated hour law to the motion of a point: It is the equation that alloy the time to the position of the point on the trajectory
8) Define the n° of degrees of freedom of a motion: It is the n° of independent coordinates that characterize the position of the point p. Therefore if as an example a point of the space is bound to belong to a plan the n° of the coordinates necessary in order to describe of univocamente the trajectory is 2 and therefore also the n° of freedom degrees it is 2.
9) Define the carrier D movementr: Draft of the carrier that combines the position to the time t to the position to time (t Dt).
10) Define the carrier medium linear speed vm : Draft of the relationship between the carrier movement and the interval in which it is calculated.
11) Define the carrier instantaneous linear speed v(t): It is the limit for Dt ® 0 of the carrier medium linear speed. Since for an infinitesimal interval it can be confused the carrier movement with the curve arc follows that draft of a having always tangent direction to the trajectory to curve in the point occupied to the moment t and having carrier coinciding module with the temporal derivative of the curvilinear abscissa.
12) Describe the carrier medium linear acceleration tom : Draft of the relationship between the carrier variation of speed in the interval of D timet and the interval in which it is calculated.
13) Define the carrier instantaneous linear acceleration a(t): It is the limit for Dt ® 0 of the carrier medium linear acceleration. The direction of this carrier is characterized which sum of one normal member and one tangential member: Acceleration tangenziale For a uniform circular motion it is null. Acceleration normale
14) When a motion is said they centers: When it is carried out on a plan and the tangential acceleration is null.
15) What is and when the speed is defined to areolare: It is a speed defined for the motions only centers them
and therefore plans, it identifies itself in an orthogonal carrier to
the plan on which the motion happens and passing for the center of the
16) Describe the uniform rectilinear motion: Draft of a motion that happens to constant linear speed and therefore with null acceleration.
17) Describe the uniform accelerated rectilinear motion: Draft of a motion that happens to constant linear acceleration having the single tangential member.
18) Define a serious one: Draft of a whichever body that moves along vertical towards the center of the earth with constant acceleration the due to the interaction of the body with the earth, g = 9,81 m/s2.
19) Describe the harmonic motion: Draft of a periodic motion that happens along one single dimension second harmonic a hour law (sento or costo). Its equation differentiates them is
finally the period
20) Describe the carrier elementary angular movement dq: It is an orthogonal carrier to the plan on which the spin happens and whose module is equal to the entity of the angle swept from the beam carrier in the time unit.
21) Describe the carrier angular velocity w : It is a carrier with the same direction and towards of dq and equal module to the
variation in the time of dq
22) Describe the uniform circular motion: Draft of a motion that happens to linear speed constant
23) Describe the not uniform circular motion: Draft of a motion that happens to linear speed not
24) Define the derivative of a ruotante payer second the
formulas of Poisson:
Such result mainly serves in the relative motions you in order to carry out the derivatives of the system of rototraslante reference.
25) Enounce and to in motion describe the value of the absolute speed reported to the reference system:
26) Enounce and to in motion describe the value of the absolute acceleration reported to the reference system:
27) Describe one characteristic general of the carriers associates you to the largenesses angle irons: They are carriers does not apply to you which if the motion is flat turn out orthogonal to the plan on which the motion is carried out. Dynamics of the point28) That what is inertia: It is the tendency of a body not to abandon its state of quiet or uniform rectilinear motion.
29) When a reference system is nertial or galileiano: When it does not supply some action to a loyal body to it.
30) Enounce 1° the principle of dynamics or inertia: In a system of nertial reference a body, not subordinate to some action, continues in its state of quiet or uniform rectilinear motion
31) What is a force: It is the physical cause that modification the state of quiet of a body.
32) What is the nertial mass: It is the measure of inertia of a body to vary its vectorial speed under the action of a constant force. It only varies with the speed for next speeds to those of the light.
33) That what ¨ the momentum: It indicates the difference between the being invested from Moscow or a 10 truck that goes both to Km/h.
34) Enounce 2° the principle of dynamics: In a system of nertial reference the force applied to a
body is equal to the infinitesimal variation in the time of its
35) That what ¨ the impulse of a force and how much is worth:
36) Enounce 3° the principle of dynamics: It is the principle of the action and reaction according
to which if two B and bodies interact then They that is have same module and direction but opposite back.
37) Define and to estimate the force weight: It is an attraction force that the earth exercises on a whichever endowed body of mass is constant directed P = mg and towards the center of the planet, is worth 9.81N.
38) Define and to estimate the elastic force: It expresses the ability that has some bodies like the
motivating force to answer to the force to applied it with a
deformation, when the body does not act more the external force then
stretches to return in the conditions begins them estrinsecando a
force proporziona them to its
39) How much is worth the elastic constant of 2 motivatings force in series:
40) How much is worth the elastic constant of 2 motivatings force in parallel:
41) That what ¨ the force of resistance to the advance: The fluid is a force in which the body moves opposes to
the same motion, it is function of the geometric characteristics of
the body in motion to = shape factor r = volumica mass of the
fluid S = area of the projection of the body on an orthogonal plan to v f(v) = the resistance is therefore also function of the speed.
42) Thing distinguishes the resistance to the viscous advance from the resistance to the hydraulic advance: The viscous one is worth for inferior speeds to the 2 m/s
and is worth
43) Define a force centers them isotropa: A force is centers them if it always turns out directed
towards a fixed point said center, its module only depends therefore
on the position of the point in motion regarding this center
44) What is a tie onolomo: A tie is a limitation to the freedom to move of a body, the tie is onolomo when it acts on the position while it is anolonomo when it acts on the speed of the body.
45) Describe the reaction force: Draft of the characteristic of impenetrability of the solid ones that consists in a force that opposes to the force weight of the body preventing to the same one to catch up the center of the earth. Such force to second of the inclination of the plan can introduce 2 members, one orthogonal to the plan (normal reaction RN ) and one parallel to the direct plan so as to opporsi to the motion (Force of friction).
46) Describe the normal reaction: Draft of the member second the normal school to the plan of the reaction force.
47) Describe the friction: Draft of the member parallel to the plan of the reaction force. It is function of the atomic characteristics of the bodies to contact that comes expressed through following the 2 coefficients: ms = coefficient of static friction, it indicates that the body will begin to move single if will come impressa to the body a force RTo = RN * ms. md = coefficient of dynamic friction, it indicates which force is necessary to continue to supply once that the body is in motion in order to maintain it in rectilinear motion uniforme RA' = RN * md is observed that md is < ms .
48) As to define a thread: It is an able inestendibile deformable system of esplicare a reaction to bind only dictates tension along its length.
49) Describe what ¨ and that motion describes a dampened oscillator: Draft of a unidimensionale oscillator subordinate to one
resistance of advance as an example of viscous type. the motion
obtains from if b = 0 free harmonic oscillating if b is small dampened not periodic oscillating motion. if b = bcritical is a motion dampened with return to the position of equilibrium in minor the possible time. if b it is grande it is a motion dampened with return to the position of equilibrium without some oscillation.
50) Describe what ¨ and that motion describes a forced oscillator: Draft of a unidimensionale oscillator subordinate to a
resistance of advance as an example of viscous type to which moreover
a variable force in the time in periodic way is applied. The
motion obtains from
51) What is the moment of a F force respect to a pole Or: The force is
52) What is the axial moment of a force: It is the projection of the
53) What is the angular moment respect to a pole Or: It is orthogonal
54) Which it is the relation that alloy the moment of the force at the angular moment:
55) That what ¨ the impulse of a moment and how much is worth:
56) Describe the motion of a point in a field of forces centers them: The
57) What is the elementary job of a force: Draft of a |