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Kinetic chemistry 1) What is kinetic chemistry: It is a branch of the chemistry that is taken care to study the speed with which the reactions have place chemistries.
2) What is the meaning for speed of reaction of a chemical transformation and how much is worth: Draft of the speed with which the concentration of one of reagents decreases in the time, it is given from where K is characteristic the kinetic constant of the determined reaction and employee from the temperature. The fact to be tied to the concentrations second the theory of the collisions derives from the fact that increasing the concentrations, they consequently increase also the n° of hits, and therefore the reaction increases the probability to carry a.termine.
3) What is the kinetic order: It is the sum of the exponents which the voncentrazioni in the formula of the reaction speeds are elevated.
4) Describe one reaction of order 0: Draft of a reaction whose speed is independent from the concentrations but is depended on the single K that in its turn is tied to the temperature.
5) Describe one reaction of order 1: Draft of a reaction in which the concentration negative
given has a course exponential type from
6) Describe one reaction of order 2: Draft of a reaction in which the speed it has a linear
course given from
7) What is the molecolarità of one reaction: It is the molecule number reagents that take part to the slower stage of the reaction, which therefore it determines the maximum speed of the same reaction.
8) In that way the speed of a reaction is tied to the temperature and like it is explained from the theory of the collisions: The reaction speed grows with the increase of the
temperature, that why in such a way it increases to the speed of
particles and consequently the n° of hits that they are the causes of
the reaction of 2 elements. Fixed Arrhenius this tie through
9) Which are the conditions affinchè a collision between molecules of the reagents give to place to one reaction to you: Affinchè happens a reaction must be verified both following: to) the kinetic energy of the molecules that are hit it must be advanced to the minimal value and* said kinetic energy of activation. b) the guideline of the molecules that are hit must satisfy some specific conditions.
10) What is a catalyst: It is a substance to whose presence a chemical reaction happens more fastly.
11) Which characteristics introduce all the catalysts: to) To the term of the reaction they appear unchanged is like characteristic chemistries that like amount. b) small amount Is sufficient one in order to catalyze large quantitative you of reagents. c) the n° of particles in a position to giving place alterà the final states of equilibrium but does not only lower the value of the activation energy increasing in such a way to hits that they generate the reaction.
12) What is the temperature of compromise: It is the temperature in which in some equilibriums, the yield of the reaction given from the law of action of mass is optimized and the reaction speeds that to times can have contrasting tendencies. |