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Structure of the atom

1) Describe the atomic model of Thompson (1910):

The atom is a sphere, in it loads positive is distributed uniform while the electrons are found dispersed to the inside of the sphere like seeds in a water-melon, loads with the atom is totally neutral.


2) Describe the experiment, the atomic model of Rutherford (1911) and its defects:

Experiment: bomb dropping gear a thin sheet of gold with Ionian the famous and that all the Ionian ones do not come is turned aside to you in the same way as it would have to be if the atom were the cucuzza of Thompson, instead atoms comes turns aside to you various like if the mass, were all concentrated in a small volume.

Model: is a nucleus loaded positively containing nearly the entire mass with the atom encircled from electrons that move on circular orbits, in such a way balances electrostatic force and force centrifuge.

Difetto: to) an electron that moves on orbit sluice must emit energy under shape of electromagnetic cancellation, that for the Dand = Dm * c it involves one diminuizione of mass and therefore progressively increases to the gravitational attraction of the nucleus sicchè the electron goes to falling in the nucleus.

b) the spectroscope evidences that the atoms cannot emit having photons very energy whichever but single having photons energies defined and separated between they, therefore in an atom determined solos orbits is concurred.


3) What is the test to the flame and to what it serves:

If a substance to a heat source is exposed, it will look at that the flame will be colored various to second of the substance, as an example for the K has a flame viola, for the sodio yellow and blue green copper /, not all the atoms but they emit in the phantom of the visible one, therefore the use of the spectroscope becomes necessary.


4) the light is a wave or one particle:

The light as whichever entity possesses is a wavelength that an energy and therefore has is the characteristics of a wave that of a particle, an aspect prevails on the other to second of the situation.


5) Describe the law of relative Planck to the light:

And = h v

Therefore the energy of an electromagnetic cancellation is proporziona them to its frequency through the constant of Planck, through the spectroscope we observes the various frequencies but we know that to they are directly proporziona them the energies in game.


6) What is one spectroscope:

It is an instrument in which it is made to enter the light through a thin hole, it is dispersed on a prisma and if of it they observe the spectral lines through recording on a slab fotografica.ogni various line represents a various level of energy.

Scaldandola substance can be made to emit photons to one electrically or exciting it.


7) Describe the atomic model of Bohr:

To the aim to explain why the electrons do not fall on the Bohr nucleus it asserted that between all the possible orbits ve of were some said stationary on which electrons move without emission of electromagnetic cancellation. The condition of Bohr which it must satisfy the orbit stationary is that the angular moment of the electron must be a multiple of the given minimal value from the constant of Plank, in formulas:

The order of the multiple n, comes called main quantico number in how much an electron that passes from one of these orbits to one more external emits a photon characterized from one equal energy to the energetic difference between the 2 orbits.


8) Modifications to the model of Bohr:

a) can is to you also of the elliptic orbits the whose degree of ellitticità is characterized from the secondary quantico number, this explains photonic emissions with said similar various energies but much doppietti and tripletti.

b) magnetic a quantico number explains the sdoppiamento of some lines of the phantom of emission to continuation of the approach of one magnetic source.


9) Enounce the principle of indetermination of Heisenberg and its relationship with the model of Bohr:

It is impossible to determine exactly, to a data moment, the position of a having particle mass of the order of magnitude of an electron and its speed, this in how much the relation that alloy the uncertainties on the position and the speed to mass m of the particle è constant with h = of planck = 6,6252 * 10-27 erg/sec. the model of Bohr instead applied the classic mechanics to the electron like if little ball from tennis in motion were be a matter of one.


10) Enounce the result of De Broglie on the ondulatoria nature of the electron:

To every particle of mass m in motion to speed v a wave is associated.

l = h/mv

11) Which it is the importance of turns out you of Heisenberg and De Broglie:

They sanction that the method with which until then had been studied the atom was unsuitable, and open therefore the road to the ondulatoria mechanics.


12) Fare an example of standing wave:

The rope of violino pizzicata is stationary, in fact ventri and nodes always remain in the same position, that that varies in the time is the distance of every point from its position of rest.


13) Which sluice is the main characteristic of a standing wave:

The perimeter of the wave is a multiple of the wavelength.


14) Describe the quantistico model of the hydrogen atom:

The electron follows one circular orbit describing a standing wave


15) What is the equation of Schroedinger based on the ondulatoria mechanics:

It is a mathematical function whose squared it indicates the probability that the electron has to find itself in a determined unitary volume of the space. It must answer to 3 following requirement:

normalizzazione ž the probability total (extended to all the space) to find an electron is maximum 100%.

univocità ž in every point of the space is reasonable a single value of the wave function.

limitatezza ž in some point the probability density can be infinite.


16) How many solutions have the equation of Schroedinger:

If also narrow it from requirement of normalization, univocity and continuity, has infinite solutions and therefore the wave function depends on the mechanical energy of the electron and on 4 numbers:

n quantico number principale 0...., ¥ indicates the shell K, L, M, N,

l quantico number angolare 0...., n - 1 indicates the shape

m quantico number magnetico 0, ±1, ±2, ± 3 indicates the preferential aces

s quantico number of spin ½ or -½ indicates the back of distance of the orbital one.

the principle of Pauli then will establish that the electrons of an atom cannot have the same quantici numbers.


17) fundamental Difference between the hypothesis of Bohr and that one of Schroedinger:

Schroedinger asserts that the energy of a determined level is tied not only to main the quantico number n that is to the distance from the nucleus but also to the shape of the orbital one, is this to determine as an example that the orbital ones 3d have advanced energy regarding the orbital ones 4s that therefore they will come filled up for first.


18) Thing represents the n° quantico n:

It identifies a distance from the nucleus dictates beam of Bohr for which a stationary orbit exists where the energy of the electron assumes a determined value. For n = the 1 energy it is minimal negative and it is the state to which all the electrons stretch being stablest. For n = ¥ the energy is maximum and equal to 0 in how much the electron is found infinite at a distance from the nucleus.


19) What is an orbital one:

It is a wave function that respects the 3 restrictions and to which they have been assigns reasonable values to you for the 4 quantici numbers.


20) What is the meaning for shape of the orbital one:

It is a surface that encloses a volume to the inside of which one is had probability of 90% to find the electron.


21) What is a shell:

It is with of orbital having the same main quantico number. It has importance in the theory of orbital molecular ones where, they come considers you for the tie only relative atoms you to the not complete shell.


22) To what the probability is tied to find an electron in the hydrogen atom for the orbital one s (l=0):

It is due to the interaction of two characteristic tendencies of the spherical shape:

to) the orbital one s it has spherical shape and therefore the probability to find an electron must be the same one in every direction, ci² implies that the probability to find an electron long one determined direction decreases with the distance from the nucleus.

b) the same spherical shape increases its surface with the distance and therefore it increases the probability to find the electron.


23) Describe orbital p (l = the 1):

They are 3 " shell and they are not admitted in the K shell (n=1) have 8 shape to and the quantico number magnetic stà to indicate the axis that trafigge the 8.


24) Describe orbital d (l = the 2):

They are 5 " shell and they are admitted from shell M (n=3) in then, have the shape of 8 connected to an other 8 or one 0.


25) Which it is the main difference between the orbital ones of the hydrogen atom and those of other polielettronici atoms:

In the hydrogen atom there is a single electron and all the orbital ones have the same energetic level, in polielettronici atoms instead every risente electron beyond that of the electrostatic attraction of the nucleus also of the electrostatic repulsion of all the other electrons, the reason is this for which a same shell can enclose orbital with a various energetic level.


26) Which orbital principles regulate the filling of the atomic ones:

to) the principle of exclusion of Pauli according to which the electrons of an atom cannot be it characterizes you from the same quantici numbers, therefore every orbital it can receive to the maximum 2 electrons with spin antiparallels.

b) the principle of the maximum variety of Hund according to which the electrons stretch to place themselves with spin parallels in the maximum of orbital available rather than disporsi to 2 to 2 in the minimal number of orbital, the reason has had to the electrostatic repulsion that renders 1ª the feasible configuration with smaller energy. This naturally has sense laddove is in presence of orbital degenerate that is with the same energetic level.


27) As the lines of the periodic table are called:

Periods, to indicate that some property of the substances that of it make part vary gradually from left to right, as an example the atomic volume decreases along a period, this why the electrons are placed always to the same distance but comes mainly attracted from the nucleus in how much present in greater number and therefore the volume of the atom stretches to diminish along a period.


28) As the columns of the periodic table are called:

Groups, to wanting to remember that the elements that of it make part have characteristics in common mostly dictated to the possession the same one n° of electrons on the more external layer.


29) Which it is the meant one of notation 1s2 2s2 2p2 :

It means that we have 2 electrons in the K shell (n=1), 4 electrons in the shell L (n = 2) of which 2 in the sottoguscio 2s and 2 in the sottoguscio 2p, having to respect the principle of the maximum variety, these last ones will be on 2 various orbital ones of type 2p with spin parallels.


30) Which it is the criterion of filling of the periodic table:

The atomic number grows from up to sx low back dx, it indicates the proton number and therefore also the electron number. The criterion is to fill up the layer to energetic level more bottom before the others, is this the reason for which the 21 electron in Scandium instead that the previewed level 4p goes to fill up the having capienza for 10 electrons and having level 3d inferior energetic level, this series is said of transition.

Analogous consideration for the levels 4d, 5d, 6d, for the series of lantanidi 4f and the series of having actinides 5f capienza of 14 electrons.


31) As the series of transition in the periodic table are explained:

They are explained observing that the property chemistries do not change in how much electrons on the more external level remain 2 but the electrons that you must be in more in order compensating it loads positive with the nucleus go to disporsi on orbital d to an energetic level the more bottom.


32) As the series of the lantanidi is explained and the series of actinides in the periodic table:

With the same criterion of the transition series, stavolta but they come filled up the orbital ones f and the characteristics very do not change regarding capostipide that is the Lantanio or Actinium.


33) Like varied the atomic beam for the elements of the periodic table:

Along the periods the beam diminishes going towards the elements of 7° the group in how much increasing loads that it must be found on a determined level, the nucleus attracts it with greater force.

Along the groups the effect of the probability zone prevails that increases of dimensions, therefore the beam increases in one same group passing from 1° the period 7° to the period.


34) What is upgrades them of ionization:

An isolated atom is the minimal energy necessary in order to remove an electron and to carry it at a distance infinite. It upgrades them of ionization aumenta if the atomic beam diminishes in fact the nucleus in such case attracts its electrons of the more external layer with greater force therefore is difficult sottraglierli. It is observed moreover that to embezzle an electron of a not external shell the door demands much energy chè to assert that in the reactions chemistries the electrons of the more external layer are only been involved.


35) What is the affinity for electron:

It is the freed energy when the atom acquires an electron transforming itself in ione negative, is also tied it to the atomic beam in fact is easier to acquire an electron for elements that have a small atomic beam in how much the nucleus are in a position to attracting an eventual external electron with greater force.


36) That relationship is between the affinity for electron and the elettronegatività:

They are 2 equal concepts but they change the objects which they are applies to you, in fact the affinity for electron describes the capture of an electron from part of an isolated atom while the elettronegatività refers to the capture of an electron from part of a making element part of a compound.