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Organic chemistry 1) What studies organic chemistry: It studies compounds of carbon, the importance of this element is tied to its position centers them in the periodic table, which concurs it to create apolari ties with many elements and to impaccarsi in long chains.
2) What is the hydrocarbons and like they are subdivided: Compound draft constituted exclusively from hydrogen and carbon, they subdivide in aromatic compounds us (constituted from the benzene ring) and in aliphatic compounds us.
3) In how many categories the aliphatic compounds are subdivided us: They are subdivided in the 3 following categories: hydrocarbons saturate to) only containing Paraffins or paraffins simple ties and whose formula is therefore, CNH2N 2 , the names finish in - ano. hydrocarbons insaturi to which it is possible that is to tie other atoms of H2 b) only containing Alkenes or olefine double ties and whose formula is therefore, CNH2N, the names finish in - ene. c) only containing Alkynes triple ties and whose formula is therefore, CNH2N - 2 , the names finish in - ino. d) Cicloalcani, which contain chains cyclical sluices.
4) Which possible geometric configurations are possible for paraffins: n normal, to linear chain. iso, neo to ramificata chain, for these the nomenclature indicates a carbon atom skeleton which gives the name to the paraffin, preceded from suffisso indicating a ramificato radical, preceded from prefixed indicating a on which carbon there is the ramification.
5) Which are the more common radicals use which you fixed for the nomenclature of organic chemistry: 3CH- methyl CH32CH- ethyl CH3CH22CH- propile CH33CHCH isopropile C6H11- cicloesile C6H5- fenile
6) Which possible geometric configurations are possible for alkenes and alkynes: Same the possible ones for paraffins but since the double tie renders the spin around to it impossible, are come to create also other types of said isomers geometric, it characterizes to you from the same one n° of you respect atoms to you and from the same ties but with one different geometric configuration. They divide themselves in: isomer cis : if the identical ramifications are from the same side. isomer trans: if the identical ramifications are from the opposite side.
7) Which reactions can interest paraffins: Dehydronation hydrogen atom removal in order to form composed insaturi. Cracking breach of one long molecule in smaller fragments. Alogenazioe substitution of hydrogens with Cl or Br Combustion
8) Which reactions can interest alkenes: Hydrogenation hydrogen atom addition Alogenazioe substitution of hydrogens with Cl or Br Idratazione added of water Acid addition alogenidrici HCl Polimerizzazione alkene union to form long chains (plastic).
9) Enounce the rule of regarding Markovnikov the addition of one substance to a double tie: When a substance HX to a double tie is added, the H will always join to the carbon atom that possesses already the greater one n° of atoms of H
10) Which are the more famous organic compound classes in function of the groups work them: Alcool comes classifies to you in head physicians, secondary and terziari to second of the n° of carbon atoms which is legacy the carbon connected to group OH, they have the desinenza - olo. the phenols are aromatic alcools us. Aldeide and chetone is obtained for oxidation of alcools, the name is same but with the desinenza - the wings Acid carbossilico soaps are obtained for ulterior oxidation of the aldehyde (). Etere is the condensation of 2 alcool molecules embezzling one water molecule Estere an alcool is obtained beginning from for dehydration and from an acid, they are perfumes to you. Amine obtains for reaction of alkylic chlorides with the ammonia, replacing one or more protons of the ammonia with as many hydrocarbon groups. Aminoacidi Contengono an aminic group to one extremity of the molecule and a group acid to the other extremity. |