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12 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2005 : 09:14:59
Good Morning, for my thesis I've to design a transfer switch operating between 8 and 14 Ghz, I would want to ask you where I could found a little bit of tutorials on this theme in a way to avoid many stupid questions for you. I've already searched on google but I've found just commercial information while I'm interested to schematics and designs consideration on this topic.
Many Thanks for your help
"Why to speak when it can be in Hush or to the maximum to write." |
3 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2005 : 09:16:18
Why not go back to google for microwave transfer switch, find a manuafturer who sells them and then glean the manufacturers important specs like return loss, isolation, insertion loss. Basiccally you are designing something like a plumbing valve with rectangular passages. You have four possible routes A-B and C-D and then switched A-C and B-D. Think ahead as to how you will test this beast once it is built. You will need some microwave test gear like a network analyser, and terminating load(s). Bye
Cioun Ciao
3 Posts |
Posted - 13/09/2005 : 09:20:00
And also we need much more information in order to help you. For example, will your switch be solid state or electro-mechanical? If solid state, will it be PIN Diode, GaAs, or??? Power handling, connector/waveguide type ?
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