Etantonio Varie
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 Vacanze di Natale 2006 - Attrezzatura
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 Posted - 12/24/2006 :  10:45:50  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
The easiest and fastest way to pay is via credit card. So if you send me your cc- details, like number and expiry dates i will immediatly send you the Voucher back.
best regards,

Originariamente inviato da etantonio - 12/22/2006 :  11:36:29

Nemmeno io ho ben chiara questa ennesima modalità di pagamento,
in ogni caso abbiamo inviato le info alle 19:30 quando presumibilmente l'ufficio era già chiuso, quel che è certo è che il Voucher non è tornato back, almeno per ora.

Ma tu sai come funziona Serfer ?? A me sinora sembrava che tutte le disposizioni di trasferimento fondi dovessero partire dal titolare della carta di credito. Bah, apriamo una sezione

 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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 Posted - 12/24/2006 :  11:08:49  Show Profile  Add SerFer to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Noi l'abbiamo usata più volte: loro con i dati che ti hanno chiesto possono effettuare il pagamento autonomamente (è così che avvengono le frodi, no?).

Face your fears.
Live your dreams.

Sarebbe ora di fare un bel po' di sano windsurf!

 Panettone Oro 2010

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 Posted - 12/24/2006 :  11:18:25  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
E va bene,
allora il 27 mattina prima di partire vedo se arriva la mail di conferma della prenotazione ed al più invio un solletico

 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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 Posted - 12/24/2006 :  16:07:35  Show Profile  Add Jeckle to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Forse, se siamo fortunati, il 26 non è festa nel paese di Angela, Spagna o Tedeschia?

Considerato che al centro noi andremo il 28 e che sicuro Angela il 27 avrà risposto e preso il suo compenso , dovremmo essere coperti per la prenotazione.

"Todo el Mundo Water Start" - Tarifa 2006

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Lo Zar
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 Posted - 12/24/2006 :  16:15:22  Show Profile  Click to see Lo Zar's MSN Messenger address  Add Lo Zar to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Che volete che vi dica meglio non avere la prenotaizone dell'attrezzatura che non avere quella della casa!!!

Lo Zar

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 3° StecClassifica (Mutanda) 2009

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 Posted - 01/04/2007 :  11:02:13  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Io ci provo ...

Good Morning,
from 27.12.2006 to 02.01.2007 we rent from you these boards :

Mistral Board Syncro 90
Mistral Board Syncro 103
Mistral Board Syncro 115
Mistral Board Syncro 115
and for this we pay € 640 , but we were really unlucky and so there was wind in Tarifa just 31/12/2006 and 02/12/2006 ,

for other reason 3 of us could use the equipment just for one day during all the week,

so I'm asking to you if you have some kind of bonus to cover situation like this. For example when this happens to us in Garda Lake at Segnana Club they offer to us an open bonus of one year to be used in their structures when there is wind.

I'm sure we could not ask to you the money back but according to customer satisfaction could be really interesting to have some kind of bonus for the 5 days that we have no wind in Tarifa to be used in any Mistral Center for at least one year, this could be an occasion to visit other your structure and to be happy to use your services.

Please let me know if something similar it's possible.

Many thanks

 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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 Posted - 01/04/2007 :  11:09:45  Show Profile  Add giampyero to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
non a caso sei l'admin, bravoooo provarci sempre!


 Panettone Oro 2008 & 3° StecClassifica 2008

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 Posted - 01/05/2007 :  17:56:22  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Hello Antonio,

thank you very much for your message. Sorry that you haven’t had enough wind during your stay in Tarifa.

In fact, concerning the wind statistic, December is not the best month for windsurfing as sometimes there is not enough wind.

So, as it is truly out of the season we offer special prices. In this price the risk is included, that you probably have some days with no wind.

I spoke to the center manager and they confirmed, there was not much wind but it was possible to go out for windsurfing. They also have

Big boards and sails and you can always change to it.

They remembered that three of you didn’t show up at the center even if there was some wind. They were waiting for you every day and in the end they were

wondering if some of you already left home. Perhaps they had some personal reasons not to come for windsurfing, so please understand that we cannot credit the board rental.

In the low season we offer special rates and especially in Tarifa in the winter times we cannot trust to have much wind.

Next time we would like to offer you every day with much wind, so perhaps you come back again in the high season, we would appreciate to welcome you in the summer time.

In any case I could offer to you my body, Manuela

 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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 Posted - 01/05/2007 :  18:03:23  Show Profile  Add SerFer to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
mmmhhhh, anche in questo caso la chiusura non mi sembra autentica.. non so: sesto senso?

Visto che l'hanno messa sulla polemica, a parte il fatto che non si sono presentate 2 persone su 4 e non 3 come dice, ci sarebbe anche da dire che 2 delle 4 tavole che avevamo prenotato, loro quel giorno le hanno comunque fatte usare ad altri... tant'è che io e Lo Zar abbiamo dovuto usare le 115lt con le 5.3 e ci siamo trovati male, mentre avremmo dovuto avere le 90 e 103 rispettivamente che ci spettavano....

Face your fears.
Live your dreams.

Sarebbe ora di fare un bel po' di sano windsurf!

 Panettone Oro 2010

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Lo Zar
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 Posted - 01/05/2007 :  21:06:06  Show Profile  Click to see Lo Zar's MSN Messenger address  Add Lo Zar to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Dici bene SerFer!!! E poi c'é da rimarcare il fatto che la cara Dayne era peggio di un seccavento, infatti ogni volta che andavamo al centro ci dissuadeva dall'uscire in base a delle sue personalissime sensazioni in base alle quali poteva prevedere la mancanza di vento con il solo SCOPO di chiudere prima... perché c'aveva da fare con la frusta nera!!!

Vabbè quest'ultima parte la ometterei [Oops!]

Lo Zar

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 3° StecClassifica (Mutanda) 2009

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 Posted - 01/05/2007 :  21:11:54  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Insomma che dite,
proclamo Guerra ??
Rispondo ???

 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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Lo Zar
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 Posted - 01/05/2007 :  23:33:38  Show Profile  Click to see Lo Zar's MSN Messenger address  Add Lo Zar to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
E che guerra sia!!!

Lo Zar

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 Posted - 01/08/2007 :  09:31:17  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Dear Manuela,
I just can remember to you and Mistral that the situation is not exactly as you prospected,
at about 20 meters from the beach at the Hurricane Center of Tarifa there is always a big wave of maybe about 2 meters,
in fact at the center they rent also surf board, maybe you know that without wind choose to exit with a windsurf in similar conditions
probably means to break off the equipment.

So the reason why we weren't at the center for 5 days is just that there was no reason to be there when the forecasts spoke clear.

"They remembered that three of you didn’t show up at the center even if there was some wind"
Just 2 of 4 weren't on the spot on 02/01/2007 , the wind wake up at 15 in the afternoon so we choose to visit Malaga,
but this is not the problem, I already told you that we had 2 days of wind , 31/12/2006 and 02/01/2007
and naturally for these two days we don't ask nothing,
even if we may say for sure that the boards reserved for the two boys gone to Malaga have been rented to other.

I hope you could do something more regarding customer satisfaction, you know we organize this holiday on a forum

and many in Italy look at these thread to organize similar windsurf travels in Tarifa

Many thanks


 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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Lo Zar
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 Posted - 01/09/2007 :  02:53:45  Show Profile  Click to see Lo Zar's MSN Messenger address  Add Lo Zar to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Bravo!!! Tagliente al punto giusto!!!

Lo Zar

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 3° StecClassifica (Mutanda) 2009

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 Posted - 09/07/2007 :  15:40:27  Show Profile  Add etantonio to Buddylist  Reply with Quote
Natualmente non abbiamo risolto nulla,
se non ridicole promozioni tipo questa che è arrivata ieri

"For every journey booked with Club Mistral Travel People GmbH until 31st of October 2007 for any travel starting 1st of November 2007 until 30th of April 2008 you will get a 10% discount on boardrental. For travel arrangements please contact or tel: + 49 881 909601 0"

ma se a qualcuno interessa la inoltro

 CapoStecca 2008 & 2010 & Mutanda 2014

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